
Cthulhu Universalis

This work is for the complete "Mythos" addict, and that still more blighted specimen, the "Mythos" scholar. Ultimately it aims to become a complete source of articles about the characters, places, Gods, books, et al, in stories by the first generation of "Cthulhu Mythos" writers, including H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Robert Bloch, Frank Belknap Long, August Derleth, Henry Kuttner, and more.

Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. Most of the entries present only an index of the references to a given topic. Selected topics have been expanded into true, encyclopedia-style articles, and links are included below to take you directly to these expanded articles.



A: Abdul Alhazred, Abhoth, Adonai, Affair that shambleth about in the night, Ahriman, Aklo, Almousin, Amen, Aniquel, Annals of Cuauhtitlan, Anubis, Apis, Apolleon, Apollo, Arathron, Arkham, Arkham Advertiser, Ars Magna et Ultima, Asmodeus, Astarte, Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, Atmosphere, Atys, Avaloth, Aylesbury, Aylesbury Pike, Azarael, Azathoth, Azathoth and Other Horrors, Azazel, Aziel,

B: Baal, Barbuel, Bast, Beelzebub, Beh'-Moth the Devourer, Belial, Bennu, Berenice, Beh'-Moth the Devourer, Bethor, bholes, Billington House, Seth Bishop (2), Black Rites, Robert Blake, Bokrug, Bolton, book of Azathoth, Book of Dzyan, Book of Eibon, Book of Iod, Book of Karnak, Book of Thoth, Bran cult, Borellus, Buddai, Buto, Buzrael, Byatis,

C: cats, Celaeno, Celaeno Fragments, Halpin Chalmers, Chaugnar Faugn, Chhaya Ritual, Christ, Chronike von Nath, Chushax, Clavis Alchimiae, Confessions of Clithanus, Cthugha, Cthulhu, Cthulhu spawn, cone-creatures, Cultes des Ghoules, Cxaxukluth, Cybele,

D: Dagon, Daemonialitas, Darkness, Dark Man (2), Dark Demon, Dark One, Dean's Corners, Deep Ones, Demon Messenger, Ambrose Dexter, De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis, Comte d'Erlette, De Vermis Mysteriis, Devourer, Discours des Sorciers, dogs, dreamlands, Dunwich,

E: Eater of Souls, Elder Sign, Elder Things, Eltdown Shards, Evidences of Nahua Culture in Yucatan, Exham Priory,

F: Dr. Fenton,

G: Justin Geoffrey, ghasts, Ghatanothoa, ghouls, Gol-goroth, God of Blood, Great Old Ones (1), Great Ones, Great Race, Groth-Golka, gugs,

H: Hastur, Haunter of the Dark, haunter of the ring, Hounds of Tindalos, Huitzilopotchli, human race, Hydra,

I: Ilarnek, Image du Monde, Imash-Mo, Henry C. Imbert, Innsmouth, Iod, Isle of the Gods, Ithaqua

J: Richard Johnson,

K: Kathulos, King in Yellow, Kingsport, K'naa,

L: Liber-Damnatus, Lloigor, Lobon, H. P. Lovecraft, Lomar,

M: magic signs, Mak Morn, Bran, Magnalia Christi Americana, Malik Tous, Marvells of Science, Master of the Monolith, Monas Hieroglyphica,

N: Nameless Cults, Nameless Thing, Nath-Horthath, Necronomicon, night-gaunts, Nodens, Nug, Nyarlathotep, Nyogtha,

O: Of Evill Sorceries in New-England of Daemons in No Humane Shape, Old Ones (1), Ossadagowah, the Other, Other Gods, Outer Ones,

P: Pan, Pnakotic Manuscripts, Pnom, Ludvig Prinn,

Q: Quetzalcoatl,

R: Regnum Congo, R'lyeh Text, Rhan-Tegoth, Rowley,

S: Sabaoth, Satan, Sebek, serpent-men, Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan, Seventh Book of Moses, Shadow Over Innsmouth narrator, shambler from the stars, shantak-birds, Sho-Gath, shoggoths, Shub-Niggurath, Joe Slater, snouted thing, five-pointed soapstones, Something from Out There, Song of Yste, star-stones, Sussex Manuscript,

T: Tamash, Tangaroa, Tanit, Taranit, Terrible Nameless One, Terror of Cut-Throat Cove, Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-English Canaan, Thesaurus Chemicus, Thoth, Tirawa, Crawford Tillinghast, Tloquenahuaque, Tsathoggua, Turba Philosophorum, Tulu, Typhon,

U: Ubbo-Sathla, 'Umr at-Tawil, Unknown God of the Dead,

V: Viracocha, Von Junzt, Vorvadoss,

W: Warder of Knowledge, Wendigo, Wonders of the Invisible World, Olaus Wormius,


Y: Yhoundeh, Yig, Yogash the Ghoul, Yog-Sothoth, Yuggoth,

Z: Land of Zar, Zhar, Knygathin Zhaum, Zo-Kalar, zoogs, Zushakon

Appendix: Books

Appendix: Gods

Appendix: Races and Species

Appendix: Symbols, Spells, and Objects of Power

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Squiddly image at the top: Adapted from Art Forms in Nature, by Ernst Haeckel.

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© Copyright 1996-2025 by Joseph Morales.