Naacal Language

HPL Aeons (online text) old tablets in Naacal tongue speak of Mu 271, hieratic Naacal of T'yog's order 273; Gates (online text) 422, 425, 452.

AWD Curwen 19; Lurker 134.

Nadek, Joseph

Alias of Simon Orne in Prague. HPL Case (online text) 223.


Syllable on tomb of Obediah Carter; possib. reference to Shub-Niggurath. JVS Dead 30.


HPL Aeons (online text) has custody of the true scroll 278 & 286.


Secret name of Keziah Mason. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 264, 290, 293.

Nahua Indians

Mexico. HPL Electric (online text) Nahuan-Aztec mythology 74.

AWD Island 181.

See also: Evidences of Nahua Culture in Yucatan.


A term for the Nahua, a number of Indigenous peoples of Mexico and Central America who speak variants of the Nahuatl language. Nahuatlacatl literally means 'Nahuatl-speaking people'. The Nahua include the Mexica (Aztecs). [Nahuas, Wikipedia]

Arthur Feldon exclaimed "Nahuatlatcatl!" in a rant where he also mentioned various other Mesoamerican peoples and places. [HPL Electric (online text)]


Of Kenya. HPL Winged (online text) includes Dr. Lincoln 246.

Nameless City

Arabia Deserta. HPL Descendant (online text) 362; Mountains (online text) 47; Nameless (online text) 98-110, description of race 104-5, chronology 103, Paleozoic 105.

AWD Keeper 148, 150, 153, 155, 157, made for short creatures (158), domain of Hastur 160, history and humans 161, 168, wind leads back to oasis? 169, 170, once a sea city 170, 171; Lamp (online text) =Irem? 249, 252.

Nameless City denizens

AWD Keeper 154-156, 158, 159, sacred reptiles 161, 167, 169, saurian and reptile followers of Cthulhu 170, 171.

Nameless Cults

See: Nameless Cults.

Nameless Mist, The

An offspring of Azathoth, and an ancestor of Yog-Sothoth [HPL Family (online text)].

nameless monastery

HPL Kadath (online text) 370, 375, (390).

HK Salem (online text) black tower of Leng (261/262).

nameless rock

Cerenarian sea. HPL Kadath (online text) 358-359, 371, 375, 380-382,...387, 390, (397).

Nameless Thing, Nameless One

See the full article at Nameless Thing.

Namquit Point

HPL Case (online text) 130, 133.

Nan-Matal, Nan Matol

Pacific. HPL Aeons (online text) megalithic masonry is possible vestige of Mu 267.

FL Terror2 286.

Nansen, Mt

HPL Mountains (online text) 10.

Nanset indians

HPL Sorceries (online text).

AWD Lurker 16.


RWC Repairer (online text) 37.


100 carven gates and domes of chalcedony. HPL Silver (online text) 409.


A stream or river. HPL Celephaïs (online text) 87; Kadath (online text) 352.

Narg, River

HPL White (online text) 40.


King of Sarnath. HPL Doom (online text) 48-49.


Isles of, in Middle Ocean, in time of Sarnath. HPL Doom (online text) 48.

Narragansett Bay

HPL Case (online text) bay 129; Mist (online text).

FL Terror2 Narragansett Bay 300.

RB Steeple (online text) Bay 215, 219, 221, 225, 229.


HPL Case (online text) N. indians 119, dairymen and horsebreeders 123, county 124; Haunter (online text) bay 114; Sorceries (online text).

AWD Lurker N. indians 9 & 16 & 34 & 112.

Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The

See: Edgar Allan Poe.


In harbor outside Mulligan's beach, near Partridgeville. FBL Eaters (online text) 106-107.

Narthos, valley of

HPL Iranon (online text) 114.


Priest of dreamland. HPL Kadath (online text) 307-308, 345.


Africa. HPL Winged (online text) 244.

Incl: Durban.


Mississippi. AWD Gorge 118-119.

Nathaniel Derby Pickman Foundation

HPL Mountains (online text) 6.


A ceremony in ancient K'naa. HPL Aeons (online text) Imash-Mo precedes King Thabon at Nath-feast 273.


See article at Nath-Horthath.

Native Americans

See: Indians (Native Americans).

National Geographic

AWD Seal (online text) 163.

National Museum

Lima, Peru. AWD Curwen 10.

Navissa Camp

Manitoba. AWD Ithaqua 106; Wind (online text) Robert Norris wrote his last report from there, and his body was found four miles north after his disappearance. John Dalhousie flew there to investigate and write his report.

Incl: Navissa Daily; Jamison, Dr..

Navissa Daily

Of Navissa Camp; newspaper. AWD Wind (online text) reported the disappearance of all the inhabitants of Stillwater.


African tribe. HPL Medusa (online text) 190.

Neb, rock tombs of

HPL Outsider (online text) 52.

Neck, the

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 120.


Sovereign of the undines, or water elementals, according to Eliphas Levi in Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (1854-56, Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic, also translated as Transcendental Magic). The online text is at the Internet Archive.

The Hell On Earth narrator read of Necksa. [RB Hell (online text)]

Also spelled as: Nichsa, Niksa, Nixsa.


HK Eater (online text) 13.


See: Necronomicon.

Negus, Johann

Translator, Book of Iod. HK Bells (online text) 86.


"Nekhbet (also spelt Nekhebit) is an early predynastic local goddess in Egyptian mythology, who was the patron of the city of Nekheb (her name meaning of Nekheb). Ultimately, she became the patron of Upper Egypt and one of the two patron deities (alongside Wadjet) for all of Ancient Egypt when it was unified." [Nekhbet, Wikipedia]

The Probilski Foundation had a statue of vulture-headed Nekhebet. [RB Strange]


Manitoba, a town. AWD Beyond2 172; Wind (online text) thirty miles south of Stillwater, connected by the Olassie Trail. Allison Wentworth and James Macdonald left from there for Stillwater.

Incl: Macdonald, James; Wentworth, Allison.


A poet? HPL Haunter (online text) 92.

Nemesis of Flame

See article at Nemesis of Flame.


Rhode Island; hill near Providence. AWD Lamp (online text) 249, 253, 256.


HPL Diary (online text) 303; Gates (online text) 452; Whisperer (online text) 214.


Egyptian pharaoh. HPL Case (online text) 197; Haunter (online text) 106; Outsider (online text) catacombs of, in valley of Hadoth by the Nile 52.

RB Fane 132-137, 139-146; Steeple (online text) 213.

Aka: Black Pharaoh.

Neptune (1)

"Neptune (Latin: Neptūnus) is the god of freshwater and the sea in the Roman religion. He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon. In the Greek-inspired tradition, he is a brother of Jupiter and Pluto, with whom [he presides] over the realms of heaven, the earthly world (including the underworld), and the seas. Salacia is his wife." [Neptune (mythology), Wikipedia]

Neptune visited the Strange High House in the Mist, in company with Nodens. [HPL Mist (online text)]

Laban Shrewsbury suggested that the character of Neptune might ultimately have been inspired by Cthulhu. [AWD Island]

Neptune (2)

A planet. Spotted with white fungi. HPL Gates (online text) 451; Whisperer (online text) 223, body type 258.

Hzioulquoigmnzhah emigrated from Yuggoth to Yaksh (Neptune) at an early age; but, wearying of the peculiar religious devotions of the Yakshians, went on to Cykranosh (Saturn) [CAS Pnom].


In Greek mythology, blue-haired sea-nymphs, said to be fifty in number, the daughters of Nereus and Doris. The nereids are often helpful to sailors in storms. Nereids visited the Strange High House in the Mist, in the company of Nodens [HPL Mist (online text) followers of Nodens 283].

RB Kiss (online text) 49.


A place in Russia. AWD Lurker 136.


HK Invaders (online text) 76.

Compare with: K'n-yan.


HPL Diary (online text) 306.

Neustadt, the

Prague. HPL Case (online text) 164.

Newbury College

RB Grinning 51.

Newbury, Massachusetts

RB Satan 6.


Massachusetts. [Newburyport, Massachusetts, Wikipedia; see map on Google Maps]

Enroute Portland to Arkham. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 305, public library 309-310, YMCA 310, Innsmouth bus 313, "same side of bus" implies north of Innsmouth 314, north of coast road/main road fork 315, 334-335, 341-343, 361; Doorstep (online text) 291.

AWD Curwen 30; Clay 377; Shuttered 272; Sky 61, 73, 85, 87.


Tilton, Anna;

Hammond's Drug Store; High Street; Ideal Lunch; Lower Green; Market Square; Newburyport Historical Society; Parker River; State St.

Newburyport Correspondent

AWD Curwen 15.

Newburyport Historical Society

HPL Innsmouth (online text) specimens of Innsmouth jewelry 310, curator 311.

Incl: Tilton, Anna.

Newbury Street

Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 15, 17-18.

New Caledonia

AWD Gorge 100.


Oklahoma. HPL Yig (online text) 86.

New Church Green

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 313, 320, 325, 336.

AWD Sky 72.

Incl: Order of Dagon Hall.

New Coffee-House

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 123.

New Dunnich

Synonym for Dunwich. AWD Lurker 14, 16, 18, 26, 48/49, 50, 141.

New England

HPL Diary (online text) 306; Gates (online text) 451.

RB Satan 8, 11-12, 16-19; RB Shambler (online text) 179; Steeple (online text) 213, 224.

Simon Waverly said there were witch cults in New England whose volumes of black magic might have inspired H. P. Lovecraft. [RB Strange]

AWD Island 201; Sandwin 88; Survivor (online text) 149; Witches 294.

JVS Snouted 26.

Incl: Aylesbury; Dedham; Edgewood; Maine; Massachusetts; Mather, Cotton; New York; Newport, Maine; Newport, Rhode Island; Partridgeville; Patucket Falls; Pawtuxet; Rhode Island; Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet; Riverpoint; Salem-Village; Salem; Vermont; Warren; Wrentham; mystic dreamer.


Vermont. Enroute Brattleboro to Townshend. HPL Whisperer (online text) 219, 224, 247.

New France

HPL Case (online text) 123.

New Guinea

AWD Island 185-186; Gorge 100-101, 104-105, 110.

Incl: Sepik River.

New Hampshire

HPL Whisperer (online text) 210, 212-213, 245.

AWD Sky 62.

New Hebrides

AWD Island 179; Gorge 100.

Incl: Ambrym.

New Jersey

FL Terror2 295.

Includes: Asbury Park, Hunterdon County.

New Lands

By Charles Fort. "New Lands is the second nonfiction book of the author Charles Fort, published in 1923. It deals primarily with astronomical anomalies. Fort expands in this book on his theory about the Super-Sargasso Sea – a place where earthly things supposedly materialize in order to rain down on Earth – as well as developing an idea that there are continents above the skies of Earth. As evidence, he cites a number of anomalous phenomena, including strange 'mirages' of land masses, groups of people, and animals in the skies." [New Lands, Wikipedia]

Dr. Senece Lapham recommended New Lands to Winfield Phillips. [AWD Lurker]

New London

HPL Case (online text) 143, 154.

New Mexico

HPL Mound (online text) 155.


HPL Diary (online text) 316.

Synonym for?: New York.

New Orleans

Lousiana. HPL Aeons (online text) famed New Orleans mystic Etienne-Laurent de Marigny 270; Call (online text) 128, 133, 144; Gates (online text) 421, 424, 450, 457; Medusa (online text) 169-170, 174.

RB Mummy 284-285; Sebek 115, 117.

AWD Gorge 97, 115-116, 118-120, 128; Survivor (online text) 149.

FL Terror2 296.

Incl: Coffin Club; Creoles; Delvin, Doctor; de Marigny, Etienne-Laurent; Royce, Richard; Vanning, Henricus; Weildan, Professor.

New Paltz

HPL Man (online text) 209.

Incl: Hasbrouck, Squire.

New Plymouth

Original name for Plymouth, Massachusetts. HPL Sorceries (online text).

AWD Lurker 52.

Newport, Rhode Island

HPL Case (online text) 120, candle-makers 123, 127-128, 133, 135, 139.

Incl: Vice-Admiralty Court; Wanton, Joseph.

Newport, Maine

RB Satan 8

Newport Boat

HPL Call (online text) 126.


Chemical supply house; also name of the owner. RB Bargain (online text) 69-70, 72, 74, 76.

New Spain

HPL Mound (online text) 115, 119, 137.

New World

HPL Mound (online text) 115.

New York

City and state. HPL Call (online text) 132; Case (online text) 117, 154, 165, 181; Diary (online text) 303; Man (online text) 211; Medusa (online text) 180, 182; Mound (online text) 116; Test (online text) 17, 20; Time (online text) 404; Winged (online text) friends of Slauenwite and Moore 251 & 254.

RB Brood 100; Creeper (online text) 108; Hell (online text) New York City 22, 43; Steeple (online text) city 220.

H. P. Lovecraft lived in New York for a time in the 1920s. [RB Strange]

HC Death (online text) 362; Isle (online text) 152.

AWD Curwen 44; Clay 372, 379; Lair 117; Middle 353; Peabody 179; Watchers 383-384; Wood 82.

REH Black (online text) city 56; House (online text) 117; Roof (online text) 4.

HK Frog (online text) 106; Hydra (online text) 127.

FBL Hills (online text): An African pygmy in New York committed murders by using poisoned arrows.

State incl: Albany; Arnold, Dorothy; Attica; Batavia; Buffalo; Catskills; Chorazin; Kingston; Old Dutchtown.

City incl: Brooklyn; Chalmers, Halpin; Columbia University; Golden Goblin Press; Hartley, Norman; Keith, Prof. Phillips; Ludwig, Robert; Moore, Henry Sargent; Ross, Dr. Lily; Slauenwite, Dr. Thomas.

Rocklynn Institute

New York Times

AWD Curwen 15, 29, 32.

New Zealand

HPL Aeons (online text) Eridanus bound from New Zealand to Chile when risen island of Mu is sighted 265; Call (online text) 145.

An earthquake near R'lyeh was felt in New Zealand. [RB Strange]

AWD Island 185; Curwen 35; Gorge Maoris 100, Auckland 103.

Incl: Maoris.


"Nezahualpilli (Nahuatl for 'fasting prince'; 1464–1515) was king (tlatoani) of the Mesoamerican city-state of Texcoco, elected by the city's nobility after the death of his father, Nezahualcoyotl, in 1472. Nezahuapilli's mother was Azcalxochitzin, who married Nezahualcoyotl after the death of her first husband, King Cuahcuauhtzin of Tepechpan." [Nezahualpilli, Wikipedia]

According to Arthur Feldon, the ghost of Nezahualpilli said that anything good in the design of the electric chair was stolen from him, Feldon. [HPL Electric (online text)]


A name whose meaning is not known; it could be a reference to a place, or to an entity.

Noyes mentioned N'gah-Kthun during a discussion with Outer Ones. [HPL Whisperer (online text)]

N'gah-Kthun was mentioned in Amos Tuttle's old books. [AWD Hastur]

Boys in the late Elmer Harrod's house heard the name N'gah-Kthun chanted from underground. [JVS Dead]


Wood of... AWD Dweller 137-138; Lurker 134.

Ngranek, Mt.

On Oriab in Southern Sea of dreamlands. HPL Other (online text) gods of earth left carven image on 127; Kadath (online text) 312-313, 315-316, 324-325, 327-330, 332, 335, 345, 351, 357, 359, 364, 368, 372, 397;

AWD Lurker 134.


See: Tablets of Nhing.


Another spelling for Nyarlathotep [HH Guardian].


A formula? or place. HPL Dunwich (online text) 184.

AWD Lurker a place beyond Kadath? 49; Middle 359.


See: Tablets of Nhing.

Nichols, Dale

Contemporary artist. AWD Seal (online text) 156.

Nicholson, Brent

AWD Valley (online text) 116-118.


A black cat. HPL Case (online text) 166, 173.


A cat belonging to Delapore. Of Bolton, Mass. and later Exham Priory. HPL Rats (online text) 32-40, 43, (44), 45.


See: Niguratl-Yig.


By Edgar Gordon. The author's first book, it was a failure, due to the morbidity of its theme. This was soon after he began that phase of writing which brought him into general disfavor. [RB Demon]

See: night-gaunts.


See: night-gaunts.

Nightingale, Mr

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 162.

Nightingale-Talbot letters

HPL Case (online text) 154.

Night of the Black Lord

Synonym for Halloween. RB Satan 17.


Apparently a reference to Shub-Niggurath and Yig, either as a couple or as a composite deity.

A name whispered by the peons at a mine in Tlaxcala. The Electric Executioner narrator shouted the name Niguratl-Yig to impress the homicidal Arthur Feldon. [HPL Electric (online text)]

A secret cult in Haiti worships deities called the Old Ones, including Nigguratl-Yig. [HC Pits]

Also spelled: Nigguratl-Yig.

Nile river and valley

Egypt. HPL Outsider (online text) near Valley of Hadoth 52; Pyramids (online text) 218, cryptic 220, 221, 223, 226, elder Nile sorcery 230.

RB Faceless Upper 36, secret caverns beneath 41; RB Lotus the Black Lotus grows beneath the Nile; Opener Upper Nile 156; Sebek 124.

REH Hyborian (online text); Untitled 38.

Also known as: Nilus, Styx.

Niles, David

RB Sorcerer (online text) 149-155, plump 156, 157, (158), 159-163.

Nilus river

Another name for the Nile. REH Hyborian (online text).


A name of the goddess Ishtar in Nineveh. [FBL WereSnake (online text)]

Ninevah, Nineveh

An ancient Assyrian city.

REH Fire (online text) 38, 40.

AWD Island 181.

In Nineveh, a manifestation of Ishtar hired camel-drivers and destroyed them with kisses [FBL WereSnake (online text)].

Incl: library of Asshurbanipal, Nina.

Ninth Pyramid

Egypt. RB Faceless 41; Opener 158.

Ninth Verse

AWD Whippoorwills 46.


A village, of dreamlands. HPL Cats (online text) travelers in Nir tell of the the law in Ulthar against killing cats 58; Other (online text) men of Nir climb Hatheg-Kla by day to look for Barzai 131, people of fear eclipses since Barzai disappeared on Hatheg-Kla132; Kadath (online text) 310-311, 334-335, 346, 380.


RB Grinning demon-haunted Nis 54.


Of Ulthar. HPL Cats (online text) lean notary of Ulthar, declares cotter & wife likely suspects in disappearance of cats 57, remarks that cotter & wife have not been seen since the night the cats were missing 58.

Nith, plain of

HPL Mound (online text) 147, 151.


A planet. HPL Fungi (online text) XIV.


A river? in dreamlands. HPL Iranon (online text) 112, 115-117.


Egyptian queen.  HPL Outsider (online text) has unnamed feasts beneath the Great Pyramid 52; Pyramids (online text), 226, ghost queen who lives underground with Khephren, ruling over composite man/beat mummies 235, 240, beautiful but one half of her face eaten away 241.

Niza, Marcos de

HPL Mound (online text) 115-116.


Subterranean realm of Tsathoggua, beneath Yoth. HPL Mound (online text) 140-142, 148-149; Whisperer (online text) 254.

AWD Curwen 21-22; Dweller 138; Gorge 126; Keeper 141; Lurker 133-134.

FL Terror2 301, 311.

CAS Pnom: Tsathoggua first entered Earth by means of the lightless inner Gulf of N'kai. He lingered there for cycles, before moving to caverns nearer the surface (presumably K'n-yan and Yoth). After the coming of the ice he returned to N'kai.


RB Grinning lightless N'ken 54.

N'kini jungle belt

Africa. HPL Winged (online text) visited by Thomas Slauenwite 254.

N'Kuru, Old

HPL Winged (online text) of M'gonga, one of the Galla boys at the post 245.

Noatak river

Alaska. HPL Museum (online text) 221.


See full article at: Nodens.


Alaska. HPL Museum (online text) 221-222.

AWD Gorge 98.

Norby, Gustav

DW Fire2 (online text) 75-88.

Norden, Graf

Of Darwich University. RAL Abyss (online text) 284-290.

Norman-French language

HPL Diary (online text) 313.

Normandie Avenue, South

Los Angeles. The Starry Wisdom Temple was located at 1726 South Normandie. [RB Strange]

Norris, Constable Robert

Of Royal Northwest Mounted Police. Visited Stillwater. AWD Beyond2 a constable (172); Wind (online text) While staying with Dr. Jamison at Navissa Camp, witnessed Allison Wentworth, James Macdonald, and the body of Irene Masitte fall from the sky. Listened to Wentworth's delerious ravings and spoke to him during his brief interval of consciousness. Learned thus of the deity Ithaqua and the truth behind the Stillwater mystery. Later disappeared for seven months. When his body was recovered at Navissa Camp, the ancient plaque in his pocket showed that he had spent that time in travel as a prisoner of Ithaqua.


Family. HPL Rats (online text) 26.

Norrys, (Capt.) Edward

HPL Rats (online text) 28-29, 31-33, 35-37, 45.


REH Gods (online text) 187, 189, 192, 195.

North America

Incl: Indians.

North Burying Ground, North Burial Ground

HPL Case (online text) 137, 169, 176, 228, 230.

North End, Boston

HPL Pickman (online text) 13, 15-16.

North End, Providence

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 177.

North End Warehouse and Storage Company

Boston. Richard Upton stored a painting and personal papers there a week before killing himself. Oliphant inherited the business from his uncle and sold off blind lots of abandoned items to clear the place out for demolition. A lot including Upton's items was sold to Felipe Santiago. Oliphant received several anonymous phone calls asking about Upton's material, there was an attempted break-in, and strangers were seen lurking around the parking lot. Simon Waverly visited later and found Lovecraft's map of the location of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]


Town enroute Greenfield to Brattleboro. (Page and story ref lost; presumably HPL Whisperer (online text).)

Northam, first baron of

HPL Descendant (online text) 361.

Northam, Lord

HPL Descendant (online text) (358), 359-361.

Northam Keep

HPL Descendant (online text) 361.

North Pacific

AWD Island 178-179.

North Point

Near Kingsport, Massachussetts. HPL White (online text) 36: Location of the North Point light tended by Basil Elton.

North Providence

HPL Case (online text) 128.

North Sea

HPL Descendant (online text) 359.

North Station

Boston. HPL Time (online text) 375.

North Swamp

Monk's Hollow. HK Frog (online text) 106-107, 109, 118, 120, 122.

Northwest Coast

AWD Seal (online text) 151, 163.

Incl: Northwest Coast Indians; Quatsino Sound.

Northwest Coast Indians

Of Northwest Coast. AWD Space 246; Survivor (online text) 159.

Incl: Kwakiutl Indians; Tlingit Indians.

Northwestern (University?)

AWD Depths (online text) 229.

Norton, Joe

HPL Mound (online text) 103.


HPL Call (online text) 144, 146, 148.

AWD Spawn 19, 26.

See also: Lofoten Islands; Oslo.


Connecticut. See Stamford-Norwalk area.


AWD Curwen 20.


HPL Museum (online text) "spawn of" an epithet of disgust 234.

Noton, Mt

HPL Polaris (online text) 21-23.

Notre Dame

HPL Pickman (online text) 14.

JVS Snouted 25.

Not-to-Be-Named One

A god, the husband of Shub-Niggurath, according to the Old Ones of K'n-yan [HPL Mound (online text)]. Elsewhere, Lovecraft's family tree of the gods lists Yog-Sothoth as the husband of Shub-Niggurath. [HPL Family (online text)] This would seem to imply that the Old Ones used "Not-to-be-Named One" as a euphemism for Yog-Sothoth.

Compare with: Hastur the Unspeakable.

Nova Persei

A new star that appeared near Algol in 1901. Apparently it marked Joe Slater's attempt to wreak vengeance on the "oppressor," whose beacon is the star Algol. Nova Persei faded over the course of a few months, perhaps marking the failure of Slater to achieve his desired vengeance [HPL Sleep (online text) 35].

Novel of the Black Seal

A story by Arthur Machen which posits the existence of a hidden race who inspired the legends of the Little People. See the online text.

REH Children (online text) 151: John Conrad regarded it as one of the three master horror-tales.

Noyes, Mr

Cultivated male human voice. HPL Whisperer (online text) 225-227, named 245, 246, 250-251, 260-261, 263, 266-267, 269-270.

Nueva California

HK Bells (online text) 81.

Nug and Yeb

See: Nug and Yeb.


16,000 A.D. HPL Time (online text) 395.

Runes of Nug-Soth [FL Terror2 284].

Nush the Eternal

A descendent of Yabou, and an ancestor of Gilles Grenier. [HPL Family (online text)]


See article at Nyaghoggua.


Congo. HPL Winged (online text) 248.

Incl. Vandervelde, Dr.


See: Nyarlathotep.

Nye, Reverend

An incarnation of Nyarlathotep as an intensely dark black man in modern Los Angeles. He preached at the Starry Wisdom Temple, talking of the coming return of the Great Old Ones, and mesmerizing the audience with the Shining Trapezohedron. He recruited Kay Keith for a modeling job. Despite her escape, he eventually recaptured her on Easter Island, where he gave her as a mate to Cthulhu. Nye escaped the bombing of Easter Island and the destruction of Cthulhu, then arranged for Kay's son Mark Dixon to be raised as the foster son of Judson Moybridge. Nye led a secret group of terrorist assassins called the Black Brotherhood. He hired Moybridge to write a book denying the existence of the Black Brotherhood. When Mark Dixon grew up, Nye used the Shining Trapezohedron to transform Dixon into Cthulhu. [RB Strange]


AWD Lurker 133.

See also: wood nymphs.


See article at Nyogtha.

Nython, the triple star

Visited by Zkauba. HPL Gates (online text) 450.

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