
"Berenice II Euergetis (267 or 266 – 221 BCE) was queen regnant of Cyrenaica from 258 to 246 BCE and co-regent queen of Ptolemaic Egypt from 246 to 222 BCE as the wife of Ptolemy III . . . As queen of Egypt, Berenice participated actively in government, was incorporated into the Ptolemaic state cult alongside her husband and worshipped as a goddess in her own right. She is best known for sacrificing her hair as a votive offering, which led to the constellation Coma Berenices being named after her." [Berenice II of Egypt, Wikipedia]

Frank Marsh said there were veiled facts behind the Ptolemaic myth of Berenice, who offered up her hair to save her husband-brother, and had it set in the sky as the constellation Coma Berenices. [HPL Medusa (online text)] Presumably Marsh interpreted this myth as a reference to Marceline Bedard.

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