Lloigor and Zhar
Air Elementals
Lloigor and Zhar are among the Lords of Air[12], the leaders of the forces of air[10] or air elementals.[1] The other air lords are Hastur and Ithaqua. They walk the winds and interstellar space.[4]
The Twin Obscenities
Lloigor and Zhar are twin brothers.[10] The are called the twin Obscenities.[8] Of the two, Lloigor speaks to their Tcho-Tcho servants, but Zhar does not.[8]
Of the Great Old Ones
Lloigor, Zhar, and the other Lords of Air are among the Ancient Ones (2) or Great Old Ones (3) who rebelled against the Elder Gods (1).[4][8][12][13]. The rebellion failed and the Elder Gods cast them out.[4]
Their Resting Place
When the rebellious Great Old Ones (3) were defeated, Lloigor and Zhar were buried alive in deep and unknown caverns beneath the Lake of Dread and the
surrounding Plateau of Sung, in Burma (now Myanmar) [8]. However, Asa Sandwin said that Lloigor and Zhar are in the high plateaus of Tibet [10]. Sandwin may have been speaking approximately, as northern Burma borders on Tibet.
Lloigor and Zhar are also associated with Arcturus; see "Travel" below.
Servants and Worshippers
The various Great Old Ones, such as Lloigor, have their own bodies of
worshippers.[2] Lloigor and Zhar are served by the Tcho-Tcho people at the city of Alaozar on the Plateau of Sung.[2][8][9]
and Zhar may have some spawn or offspring aside from the Tcho-Tchos, for Dr. Fo-Lan said that "Lloigor
and Zhar and their evil spawn are deathless to man," but the Tcho-Tchos can be killed by ordinary guns.[8]
The Return
Lloigor, Zhar, and the other Ancient Ones (2) or Great Old Ones (3) shall rise again against the Elder Gods (1).[11] Then Lloigor,
Zhar, and Ithaqua shall ride the spaces among the stars.[7][2][9] They will once more sweep over the earth to
bring death and destruction and incredible age-old evil.[8] Their servants the Tcho-Tchos shall be ennobled.[2][9]
Until then, the Tcho-Tcho people people await the day when Lloigor and Zhar
will rise again.[8]
Lloigor's Victims
Lloigor can draw the body from the earth piecemeal, and leaves the victim's empty clothes behind, as if the body were drawn or sucked out of them.[10]
Asa Sandwin was pledged by his father to to serve the spawn
of Cthulhu and Lloigor among the Tcho-Tcho people in remote Tibet, to serve
them in after-life in their constant struggle against the domination of the
Elder Gods. Asa Sandwin had protections against other Ancient Ones (2), but not against Lloigor, who was able to seize Sandwin.[10]
After having been held captive by Ithaqua, Henry Lucas mentioned various deities, including Lloigor.[6] Lucas evidently met with or learned of Lloigor during his captivity.
Lloigor Compared to Ithaqua
Lloigor differs in some ways from his fellow air elemental, Ithaqua; for Lloigor is not particularly associated with snow or cold, nor is he known to take his victims on long journeys. And unlike Ithaqua, Lloigor leaves his victims' clothing behind.
Allies and Rivals
Laban Shrewsbury suggested that there are enmities between the lesser beings of evil, and it might be possible that the air-beings serving
Lloigor and Hastur could be used to close the openings to Cthulhu.[2]
Written Mentions
Lloigor is one of the ancient genii of evil written of in the Necronomicon.[3]
Amos Tuttle's books told of terrible Lloigor and hated Zhar.[5]
Sylvan Phillips' notes mentioned Lloigor.[11]
Lloigor is described as "a living mass of shuddering
horror, a ghastly mountain of sensate, quivering flesh, whose tentacles,
far-flung in the dim reaches of the subterranean cavern, emitted a strange
humming sound, while from the depths of the creature's body [come] a weird and
horrific ululation." Lloigor's eyes gleam greenly.[8]
Zhar might resemble Lloigor, since the two are twin brothers.
Spectral Wind
The power of Lloigor and Zhar caused the tree leaves in Alaozar to move continually, even though there was no wind.[8]
Apparent Destruction
and Zhar and their evil spawn are deathless to man. However, they may have been injured or re-imprisoned after Dr. Fo-Lan summoned the Star-Warriors and the Elder Gods. Soon after, an aviator flying over Alaozar saw great green-black masses of rotting flesh, and an odor that forced a quick retreat.[8] Later, an aviator passing over the Plateau of Sung saw the remains of unknown, boneless, giant animals, who had apparently died in battle.[8]
Several years later, in 1938, Lloigor visited New England and seized Asa Sandwin.[10]
Lloigor is the Star-Treader.[11] He travels on his cosmic wind.[10]
Sandwin expected Lloigor when
the full moon rises, and Arcturus is also above the horizon.[10] Lloigor's twin Zhar is also associated with Arcturus, for worshippers of Nyarlathotep chanted that "Zhar shall be summoned from Arcturus, by
the command of ’Umr at-Tawil, Guardian of the Gate."[4] It is not clear how Lloigor or Zhar can be at Arcturus if they are also imprisoned on Earth beneath the Plateau of Sung. Possibly Lloigor and Zhar are transdimensional beings who are able to manifest through gateways in various locations.
Summoning Lloigor
A group of servants chanted to Lloigor thusly: "Iä! Iä! Lloigor! Ugh! Shub-Niggurath! . . . Lloigor fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Ithaqua! Ithaqua! . . . Iä! Iä! Lloigor naflfhtagn!
Lloigor cf’ayak vulgtmm, vugtlagln vulgtmm.
Ail Ai! Ai!" [10]
Alternate Spelling
Lloigor is aka: Loegar.
1. AWD Beyond2.
2. AWD Curwen.
3. AWD Depths (online text).
4. AWD Dweller.
5. AWD Hastur.
6. AWD Ithaqua.
7. AWD Keeper.
8. AWD Lair.
9. AWD Lurker.
10. AWD Sandwin.
11. AWD Seal (online text).
12. AWD Sky.
13. AWD Valley (online text).