Tablets of Nhing

When Randolph Carter's consciousness was merged with that of the wizard Zkauba on the planet Yaddith, the Zkauba-aspect went to consult the Tablets of Nhing for advice on what to do. [HPL Gates (online text)]

tablets of the gods

Tablets of ultra-stellar stone that recorded the wisdom of gods who died before the Earth was born. In the grey beginning of Earth, the tablets were guarded in the primal mire by the formless, idiotic demiurge, Ubbo-Sathla. Paul Tregardis and Zon Mezzamalech each tried to read the tablets by using a magic crystal that gave visions of the past; but a side-effect of the crystal caused them to regress, so that modern Paul Tregardis became the prehistoric Zon Mezzamalech, and then was reduced to a shapeless eft of the prime, that crawled sluggishly and obliviously across the fallen tablets of the gods. [CAS Ubbo (online text)]


HPL Aeons (online text) mythos contain allusions relevant to lost civilisation of Mu 268.

Albert Keith flew to Tahiti. With the help of Ronald Abbott, he hired the Okishuri Maru to voyage to R'lyeh. [RB Strange]

Incl: Royal Tahitian.


Rapa Islander common-law wife of Ronald Abbott. Her grandfather remembered the 1925 earthquake that Lovecraft mentioned in The Call of Cthulhu [HPL Call (online text)], and talked of a creature or creatures living at the bottom of the sea. [RB Strange]

Talbot family

Of Arkham area. AWD Witches 294.


Explorer who died searching for Chaugnar Faugn's statue. FBL Hills (online text) 242.


California. HPL Test (online text) 23.


See: Zo-Kalar, Tamash, and Lobon.


Girl of the Britons; earlier incarnation of Eleanor Brent. REH People (online text) 149-150, (151), 152-153, 155-156, 158-160, 162, 167.


REH Bear 36.

Tanarian Hills

HPL Celephaïs (online text) 85-86; Kadath (online text) 309, 333, 338, 345, 352.


"Tangaroa (Takaroa in South Island Māori dialect) is the great atua [god or spirit] of the sea, lakes, rivers, and creatures that live within them, especially fish, in Māori mythology. As Tangaroa-whakamau-tai he exercises control over the tides. He is sometimes depicted as a whale. . . Tangaloa is one of the oldest Polynesian deities and in western Polynesia (for example, Samoa and Tonga) traditions has the status of supreme creator god. In eastern Polynesian cultures Tangaroa is usually considered of equal status to Tāne and thus not supreme. " [Tangaroa, Wikipedia]

In Hawaii, this god is known as Kanaloa.[Kanaloa carving, Hawaii,Te Ara, ret. 11/13/24] "In the traditions of ancient Hawaiʻi, Kanaloa is a god symbolized by the squid or by the octopus. . . Kanaloa is also considered to be the god of the Underworld and a teacher of magic. Legends state that he became the leader of the first group of spirits 'spit out' by the gods. In time, he led them in a rebellion in which the spirits were defeated by the gods and as punishment were thrown in the Underworld." [Kanaloa, Wikipedia]

According to Laban Shrewsbury, Cthulhu was the inspiration for Tangaroa and other sea-gods [AWD Island]. Shrewsbury would doubtless have been intrigued by the star around Tangaroa's navel in the above image; could it imply an extraterrestrial origin?

Tanit, Tanit-Isis

"Tanit or Tinnit was a chief deity of Ancient Carthage; she derives from a local Berber deity and the consort of Baal Hammon. As Ammon is a local Libyan deity, so is Tannit, which she represents the matriarchal aspect of Numidian society, whom the Egyptians identify as Neith and the Greeks identify as Athena. She was the goddess of Wisdom, civilization and the crafts; she is the defender of towns and homes where she is worshipped." [Tanit, Wikipedia] "Tanit synthetizes within her the main aspects of all the great moon-goddesses: Hathor, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Anaitis." [About Tanit, mask131, ret. 11/13.24]

Marceline Bedard referred to herself as Tanit-Isis. Frank Marsh complained that Marceline had ceased to be interested in "the old things—the things that came down through the temples of Tanit and echoed on the ramparts of Zimbabwe." Old Sophonisba referred to Marceline as Missy Tanit and Missy Isis. [ HPL Medusa (online text)]

See also: Bedard, Marceline; Isis.


Synonym for Ghatanothoa. HPL Aeons (online text) 278.

Tao, Taoism

"The black truth veiled by the immemorial allegory of Tao." HPL Whisperer (online text) 256.

FBL Hounds (online text) 76-77; Gateway 7.


HC Isle (online text) 147.

Tapa cloth

AWD Gorge 100.


Priest of Sarnath. HPL Doom (online text) 44-47.

Taranis, Taranit

"In Celtic mythology, Taranis is the god of thunder, who was worshipped primarily in Gaul and Hispania but also in the Rhineland and Danube regions, amongst others. . . Many representations of a bearded god with a thunderbolt in one hand and a wheel in the other have been recovered from Gaul, where this deity apparently came to be syncretised with Jupiter." [Taranis, Wikipedia]

Brother Ambrose was nearly sacrificed to Taranit by Druids. [CAS Holiness (online text)]


Resident of Sewell Street, Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 104.


"Tarraco is the ancient name of the current city of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). It was the oldest Roman settlement on the Iberian Peninsula. It became the capital of Hispania Tarraconensis following the latter's creation during the Roman Empire." [Tarraco, Wikipedia, ret. 07/213/2024]

Publius Seribonius Libo was the proconsul at Tarraco. [FBL Hills (online text)]


A place. HPL Gates (online text) 433.

HK Salem (online text) 262.

Tasm tribe

Tribe of central Arabia. AWD Lamp (online text) 249.


HPL Mountains (online text) 6.

tattered mantle

RWC Mask (online text) 60; Yellow (online text) 107.

Tau Omega fraternity house

College Hill, Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 113.


"Taurus (Latin for 'the Bull') is one of the constellations of the zodiac and is located in the Northern celestial hemisphere. Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky. It is one of the oldest constellations, dating back to at least the Early Bronze Age when it marked the location of the Sun during the spring equinox. Its importance to the agricultural calendar influenced various bull figures in the mythologies of Ancient Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The symbol representing Taurus is Taurus (Unicode ♉), which resembles a bull's head. A number of features exist that are of interest to astronomers. Taurus hosts two of the nearest open clusters to Earth, the Pleiades and the Hyades, both of which are visible to the naked eye. At first magnitude, the red giant Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation." [Taurus, Wikipedia] Taurus thus includes several features that have interested Mythos cultists: the Hyades, Aldebaran, and the Pleiades, which in turn includes Celaeno.

AWD Island 182; Keeper 141; Sky 57, 59; Space, a dark star in ___ where the Great Race migrated to 238, 243.


HC Isle (online text) 160.

Synonym for: Jason, Father.

Tavarel or Taverel

REH Children (online text): (Spelled as Taverel) An acquaintance of John Conrad. He had read Arthur Machen. Taverel read Nameless Cults and was convinced that Von Junzt was mad. He discussed the Bran cult with Prof. John Kirowan. Taverel thought that the Picts were the original inhabitants of Britain. He tried swinging the ancient Welsh flint mallet that Conrad had reconstructed, and remarked that the balance of it was all off-center.
REH Manor: (Spelled as Tavarel). His inheritance from his uncle made him wealthy enough to carry out his wildest whims. A morose, taciturn soul, he chose to live at an accursed estate called Dagon Manor on a lonely moor. The sinister Ketric was his only servant. John Conrad and a friend came to visit him at Dagon Manor.


Star in Pleiades. AWD Curwen 46.


Scientist. HPL Mountains (online text) 66, 69.

Taylor, George

Of Wilbraham. AWD Peabody 188, 198.


Composer, Swan Lake. RB Sebek 122.

Tcho-Tcho people

George Rogers visited the ruined city in Indo-China where the Tcho-Tchos lived. He apparently captured an oblong swimmer in darkness and made it into a statue. [HPL Museum (online text) 221]

Around 150 million years ago, when Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee was held as a captive mind by the Great Race, another captive mind was of the wholly abominable Tcho-Tchos [HPL Time (online text) 395].

AWD Beyond2 169, 176; Curwen 21-22; Gable (online text) 207; Gorge near Rangoon 112; Ithaqua 115; Lair 118, (119), 120, little feet pattering (121), (122), 123, 125-126, 128, 131-133; Lurker 84, 133; Hastur serve Cthulhu? 21; Sandwin curious hybrid Chinese? (98), and Tibetan plateaus 104, in Tibet 106; Seal (online text) 162; Sky 68; Space ___ of Tibet! 241; Survivor (online text) 162; Whippoorwills 40; Wind (online text) Allison Wentworth spoke of the accursed designs of the Tcho-Tcho while raving of his year spent traveling as a captive of Ithaqua; Witches 301.

Teach, Edward

RB Terror 226.

Aka: Blackbeard; Thatch, Ned.


A phrase uttered by a shoggoth that pursued Danforth and William Dyer in Antarctica. They recognized the phrase from Edgar Allan Poe's story The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, in which it was screamed eternally by the gigantic, spectrally snowy birds of the Antarctic core. Later, Dyer inferred that the shoggoth was imitating the language of its bygone masters, the Old Ones. [HPL Mountains (online text) 97-98, 100-101, 106]

After one of the Elder Gods (1) cast Paul Tuttle/Hastur back into interstellar space, a wailing sound of Tekeli-li, tekeli-li, tekeli-li was heard floating down from above [AWD Hastur].

Telfer, Dr

Of Cold Harbor. AWD Ithaqua 111, 113, 115-116.


Granite city of, in dream. HPL Iranon (online text) 111-116.


In Hungary? A place. REH Black (online text) 58.

Temple of Darkness, Temple of Shadows

To Gol-goroth, god of Bal-Sagoth. REH Gods (online text) 202-203, 225-227.

Temple of Solomon

HPL Case (online text) 132.

Temple of the Cats

Ulthar. HPL Kadath (online text) 347.

Temple of the Elder Ones, Inganok

HPL Kadath (online text) 359, 361.

Temple of the Elder Ones, Ulthar

HPL Kadath (online text) 311.

Temple of the Sea

Temple to A-ala in Bal Sagoth. REH Gods (online text) 203.

Temple of the Serpent

REH Shadow (online text).

Temple of the Toad

REH Roof (online text) (5), 6, described (8), 10-11.

Ten-Acre Meadow

HPL Dunwich (online text) 177.

Tennant, John

AWD Depths (online text) 225-226, 234, 237, 243-250.


Illustrator of Alice in Wonderland. AWD Curwen 12, 46.


HPL Electric (online text) 68.


HPL Electric (online text) 68.


A fabled Middle Eastern kingdom of 5,000 years ago, perhaps close to the kingdom of Genghir the Dreamer. [RB Lotus]

Terrible Nameless One

See article at: Terrible Nameless One.

Terrible Old Man

Of Kingsport. HPL Mist (online text) 278-279, 284-285; Terrible (online text) 272-275.

Terror, Mount

Antarctica. HPL Mountains (online text) 7-8.

Terror of Cut-Throat Cove

See article at Terror of Cut-Throat Cove.

Tertiary Period

65 million--600,000 years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 17, 33, 46, 53, 72, 77.


REH Lost 64.


Allison family; Allison, Job; Brill family; Brill, Jonathon; Donnelly family; Donnelly, Bill; Fletcher family; Fletcher, Saul; Kerney, Steve; Killiher family; Kiowas; McCrill family; McCrill, Braxton; McCrill, Jonas; Mound Builders; Old People; Ord family; Ord, Bill and Peter; Reynolds family; Reynolds, Esau; Reynolds, John; Solomon, Jack; Stark brothers; Toltecs; Toltecs; Wallace, Bigfoot.

Antelope Wells; Blind Horse Canyon; El Paso; Ghost Cave; Lost Valley.

Thabon, King

Of K'naa. HPL Aeons (online text) followed Imash-Mo at Nath feast 273, refused to ban T'yog's pilgrimage (274), blessed T'yog at start of journey 275.


HPL Kadath (online text) 316.


A beacon of Baharna. HPL Kadath (online text) 327.

Thal, Manghai

The next-to-last chief headsman of Commoriom. He came of a lineage of chief headsmen that began in the times of the primal kings. His son Athammaus assumed the post after him. [CAS Testament (online text)]

Thalarion, City of a Thousand Wonders

HPL Kadath (online text) 317; White (online text) 38.


RWC Repairer (online text) 37.

AWD Hastur 12.


AWD Curwen 13.


Tribe of northern Arabia. AWD Lamp (online text) 249.

Thang Grotto

Of Tartary. HK Salem (online text) 262.

Thanksgiving day

HPL Man (online text) 208.


Synonym for Ghatanothoa. HPL Aeons (online text) 278.


HPL Polaris (online text) 22.

Tharp, Year of

HPL White (online text) 39.

Thatch, Ned

RB Terror 226.

Aka: Blackbeard; Teach, Edward.


Farmer near Bridgetown. RB Mannikin 79, (80), 83.

Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-English Canaan

See: Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-English Canaan.

Thayer Street

Providence. HPL Call (online text) 130.


Egypt. RB Fane 133; Sebek 116.


Synonym for Evil Ones (2) [HH Guardian].

them ones

Synonym for shoggoths? RB Notebook (online text) 232-233, (235), 236, 238-242, 244, (247), black thing (248), 249.


RB Sorcerer (online text) 155.


HPL Aeons (online text) Stuart Reynolds has smattering of theosophical lore 269; Call (online text) 126, 128, 131-132, 140, 142; Time (online text) 385.

FBL Hounds (online text) 75.


200 B.C. HPL Time (online text) 396.

Thesaurus Chemicus

By Roger Bacon. A collection of works about alchemy. Full title: Sanioris medicinæ magistri D. Rogeri Baconis Angli, Thesavrvs chemicvs: in quo liber scientiarum. Alchemia major. Breviatium dedono Dei. Verbum abbreviatum de Leone viridi. Secretum secretorum. Tractatus, trium verborum: & speculum secretorum (Frankfurt, 1620). It was first published in 1603 under the title Sanioris medicinae magistri D. Rogeri Baconis Angli De arte chymiae scripta.[1] It was "a collection of small tracts containing Excerpta de Libra Avicennæ de Anima, Breve Breviarium, Verbum Abbreviatum, Secretum Secretorum, Tractatus Trium Verborum, and Speculum Secretorum."[2] A copy of the 1603 edition, in Latin, is available at the Internet Archive.

John Merritt saw a copy of Roger Bacon’s Thesaurus Chemicus in Joseph Curwen's library. [HPL Case (online text)]

1. In the catalog of the Muséum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle, ret. 3/3/2021.
2. Bacon, Roger. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Ninth Edition, at Wikisource.

Thibet, Thibetans

See: Tibet.

Thicknesse, Phillip

(1719-1792) An English author, eccentric, and friend of the artist Thomas Gainsborough. [Philip Thicknesse, Wikipedia]

Author of Kryptographik (2). [AWD Survivor (online text)]

"Thing on the Doorstep, The"

By H. P. Lovecraft. Rambeau had evidently read "The Thing on the Doorstep," since a passage is quoted at the start of his account. [DWR Music (online text)]

Thing that should not be

Synonym for Nyogtha. HK Salem (online text) 261.

thirteenth covenant, the

RB Mannikin 79.


A planet. HPL Fungi (online text) X.


Whose jagged peaks the Night Gaunts flew over. HPL Fungi (online text) XX; Kadath (online text) 335-336; Dreamer (online text) peaks of 46.

Thomas, Isaiah

HPL Picture (online text) 119.

Thomas St

Providence. HPL Call (online text) 128, 142.


Of the Times. A reporter. FBL Hills (online text) 265.


A beacon of Baharna. HPL Kadath (online text) 327.


Synonym for Cthulhu. AWD Clay 375, 378.


HPL Kadath (online text) 353.


Of Bel-Yarnak. HK Jest (online text) mightiest of priests, wisest of all who dwelt in Bel Yarnak 60-63.

Thoreau Drive

Boston. AWD Curwen 47; Sky 52.

Thorfel the Fair

REH Dark (online text) 66-67, 69, 73-76, 78-82, 84-85; Gods (online text) 187.

Thorfin, Rane

Grandfather of Brunhild. REH Gods (online text) 195-196, 213, 225.

Thorfinnssen, Georg

Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) 6, 27.


HPL Rats (online text) 40-42, 45: A psychic investigator who helped explore the grotto beneath Exham Priority. Thornton held that the manifestations of rats ceased because they had shown Delapore what they wished to show him. Thornton fainted when he beheld the skeleton-strewn grotto. Following Delapore's murder of Capt. Norrys, Thornton's mind apparently collapsed, for he was confined in Hanwell Insane Asylum in the cell next to Delapore's.

Thornwald, Mark

RB Philtre (online text) 292-296.


"Thoth is an ancient Egyptian deity. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at. He was the god of the Moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art and judgment." [Thoth, Wikipedia]

After all references to the Faceless One (Nyarlathotep) were deleted from the sacred manuscripts, some of his attributes were reassigned to milder deities such as Thoth. [ RB Faceless]

The Secret of Sebek/Eyes of the Mummy narrator sensed that animal-headed deities such as Thoth were allegories for actual beast-men. [RB Sebek; Mummy]

Thoth was depicted as one of the seven heads on a silver symbol in the tomb of the Master (1). [ RB Opener]

The Probilski Foundation had a statue of ibis-headed Thoth. [RB Strange]

See also: Book of Thoth.

Thoth-amon, ring of

REH Ring (online text) 62.

Thou Who Waiteth in the Outer Dark

HK Invaders (online text) 77.

Synonym for: Vorvadoss.


Thraa was in the land of Mnar, and was built by dark shepherd folk. Men from Thraa came to visit Sarnath for the feast of the thousandth year since the destruction of Ib. Travellers from Thraa marveled at the shining domes in Sarnath. The greatest palaces in Thraa were less mighty than the least of those in Sarnath. Vinegar from Thraa was used to dissolve pearls from wave-washed Mtal. [HPL Doom (online text)]

Iranon said that he had visited Thraa [Iranon (online text)].

The merchants of Thraa traded beautiful wares for onyx from Inganok [Kadath (online text)].


"The gilded spires of Thran" DW. HPL Gates (online text) 431; Kadath (online text) 334, 349, 350; Silver (online text) 408.

Three Words

HPL Case (online text) 131.


AWD Lurker 134.

Thuggee, temple of

REH Fire (online text) 44.


Of Ulthar. HPL Cats (online text) a cutter of stones, accompanies Kranon to the cotter's house 58.


See: Mhu Thulan.


Island from whence Rlim Shaikorth drew some of its servants. CAS Coming (online text) 71-72, 74-76, 78.

Incl: Dooni; Loddhan, Ux.


Primeval place--Greek myth? CAS Ubbo (online text) 49.

Thunder Hill

HPL Man (online text) 207, 213.

Thurai, Mt

Of dreamlands. HPL Other (online text) men have felt rain there, which was really the tears of homesick gods of earth 127.


HPL Pickman (online text) (narrator) 16-17, was in France (20).

Thurston, Francis Wayland

HPL Call (online text) (narrator) 125.

Thurston's Tavern

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 140.

Thutmosis IV

HPL Pyramids (online text) table inscribed by, between paws of Sphinx.


Of Asia.

HPL Diary (online text) 303; Museum (online text) 217; Test (online text) 19-20, 25, 28, 36, 40-41, 43, 45, (46/47), 55.

Ganesha is worshipped as Chaugnar Faugn in the old places of Tibet [RB Elephant (online text) 44].

AWD Beyond2 154, 164; Island 211; Gable (online text) 199, 209; Keeper 140; Hastur Chinese priest fm. inner Tibet 10 & 12; Sandwin 98, 104, 106; Seal (online text) 161-162, 172; Space 241; Wind (online text) mentioned as site of Lhassa;

Incl: Bonpa priests; Lhassa; Tcho-Tcho people; Tsanpo; U-Tsang.

Aka: Thibet.


On the Pecos. HPL Mound (online text) 116.

Tigris-Euphrates valley

AWD Keeper 140.


Marquesas. AWD Island 185; Gorge 100.

Tikkoun elixir

HK Salem (online text) very hard to get 262.

Tillinghast, Anne

Ancestor of Charles Dexter Ward. HPL Case (online text) 116.

Tillinghast, Crawford

Scientist and philosopher of Benevolent Street, Providence. Constructed a machine to stimulate dormant human senses, including the pineal gland, thus revealing the unseen entities that surround us. Death, attributed to apoplexy, occurred when narrator shot his machine. [HPL Beyond (online text)]

Tillinghast, Capt. Dutee

HPL Case (online text) 125-126, 147.

Tillinghast, Eliza

See: Curwen, Eliza.

Tillinghast, Capt. James

Ancestor of Charles Dexter Ward. HPL Case (online text) 116.


Providence family. HPL Case (online text) 122.

Tilton, Anna

Curator, Newburyport Historical Society. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 311-313.


AWD Keeper 148, 150.


Island off South-East Asia. In the near future, Timor suffers damage from earthquakes related to the rising of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]


See: Hounds of Tindalos.

tiny man

HH Guardian: The proprietor of a very disorganized bookstore. Little over four feet tall, entirely bald (lacking even eyebrows), with grayish skin. He was the current guardian of the Book. It was brought to him ages ago on his own planet, the very location of which he has long long forgotten, by a queer person from yet another planet. The tiny man was an avid student of the vaguely hinted-at, premundane creatures supposed to have inhabited his world before it swam into light out of the darkness. Since then, the tiny man has made terrible transits of time and space. The Evil Ones (2) have made him immune to outer space and capable of traveling faster than light, but they subject him to tortures of mind and soul. He tried to tempt Doctor Wycherly into reading the Book, and thus becoming the new guardian of the Book. After Wycherly tried to burn the Book, the tiny man retrieved the Book from the fire and was not seen again.


Synonym for T'yog. HPL Aeons (online text) 278.

Tirawa, Tiráwa

"Atíʼas Tirawa, which means 'Our Father Above' in the Pawnee language (often translated, inaccurately, as "Great Spirit"), was the creator god. Another variant, perhaps most used, is Tirawahat.  He was believed to have taught the Pawnee people tattooing, fire-building, hunting, agriculture, speech and clothing, religious rituals (including the use of tobacco and sacred bundles), and sacrifices. He was associated with most natural phenomena, including stars and planets, wind, lightning, rain, and thunder. The wife of Tirawa was Atira, goddess of the Earth." [Pawnee Mythology, Wikipedia]

At a Wichita village in Oklahoma, the people said that men are the children of Tirawa. The people called down the aid of Tirawa for protection from Yig during the corn harvest. [HPL Yig (online text)]

A Wichita chieftain named Grey Eagle said that Tirawa is with the Old Ones (3) underground (in K'n-yan). Grey Eagle said that Tirawa is all men's father, and that Tirawa does not die and does not get old. Grey Eagle had a very old charm for protection from the Old Ones, which went back almost to Tirawa; it was an octopus figure, evidently Tulu/Cthulhu. [HPL Mound (online text)] There might be some sort of linkage between Tirawa and Tulu, for just as Grey Eagle regarded Tirawa as all men's father, the Old Ones believed that Tulu "brought all men down from the stars."

These accounts of the Wichita worshipping Tirawa are odd. According to the sources I have found, Tirawa is a deity of the Pawnee rather than the Wichita, although the tribes lived near each other. The creator deity of the Wichita is called Kinnekasus (Man-Never-Known-On-Earth.) [Native Languages of the Americas: Wichita Indian Legends, Myths, and Stories, www.native-languages.org, ret. 11/18/2024] Possibly the Curse of Yig/Mound narrator confused the two tribes.


Of Greek myth. HPL Mist (online text) 282.

AWD Lurker 122.

Titteridge, George C.

Proprietor of Orange Hotel, Bloemfontein. [HPL Winged (online text) 242]


HPL Electric (online text) 68.


HPL Electric (online text) 68.


HPL Aeons (online text) T'yog starts up Mount Yaddith-Gho with a staff of tlath-wood in his hand 275.


HH Guardian 291-293, 296-297, 303: A person from the planet Vhoorl, who retrieved the writings of Kathulhn after the latters death, and made them into the Book. Tlaviir wrote the preface for the book. He was the first guardian of the Book.

Tlaxcala Mining Company

HPL Electric (online text) 61.

Incl: McComb, President; Jackson, Superintendent; Feldon, Arthur.

Tlaxcala country

Mexico. HPL Electric (online text) 62, 74.


A woman of K'n-yan. HPL Mound (online text) 150-154, 157, 163.

Tlingit Indians

Of Northwest Coast. AWD Island of Ketchikan, Alaska 179; Survivor (online text) 159.


"In Aztec mythology, Tloquenahuaque, Tloque Nahuaque or Tloque Naoaque ("Lord of the Near and the Nigh") was one of the epithets of Tezcatlipoca. Miguel Leon Portilla argues that Tloque Nahuaque was also used as an epithet of Ometeotl, the hypothetical duality creator God of the Aztecs. Tloquenahuaque, also referred to as Tloque Nahuaque or Tloque Naoaque, is a creator god in Aztec mythology. Meso-Americans knew this god by other names as well, Moyocoyani or Hunab Ku." [Tloquenahuaque, Wikipedia]

While attenpting to placate Arthur Feldon, the Electric Executioner narrator mustered up his scraps of Nahuan-Aztec mythology and chanted "Iä! Iä! Tloquenahuaque, Thou Who Art All In Thyself!" Feldon seemed alarmed at first, then appeared to take it as a positive sign. [HPL Electric (online text)]

Toad's-heath manor

Suffolk. Home of the Grymlann family, including John Grimlan [REH Dig (online text) 80].


From the description, a being possibly synonymous with or related to the Master of the Monolith. [REH Roof (online text) clink of hoof on stone (7), 9, sounds of horse on roof (10), tentacled, hoofed, winged, and tittering (11).] Xathra of Balrahar prayed to be preserved from the mastodonic tramp of the Cloven Hoof [REH Door].

toad-like thing

See: Master of the Monolith.


On the moon. HPL Kadath (online text) 320-323, (371), 376, 381, 386-387.

See also: moon-things.

toads and toad-like entities

See: frogs; Toad, the; toad-like thing; toad-things.

Tobey, Dr

HPL Call (online text) 130.

Todd, Arthur

Of Hollywood. HK Bells (online text) 80-93.


Synonym for T'yog. HPL Aeons (online text) 278.


AWD Lair 135.


Ohio. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 363.


HPL Mound (online text) 137.

REH Lost ancestors of 79.


Type of saurians. AWD Survivor (online text) 152.


HPL Electric (online text) 74, 77.

Tonga Islands

AWD Island 185; Gorge 100.

Incl: Tapa cloth.

Topa cloth designs

Tonga. AWD Island 185.


Elder devil of Eskimos. AWD Gorge 121.


HK Hunt (online text) 168.

Synonym for: Iod.


HPL Electric (online text) 63.

Tostig the Mad

Viking? REH Gods (online text) 195-196.


An inhabitant of Yekub. HPL Challenge (online text) 14-15.

Totten Land

HPL Mountains (online text) 72.


France. CAS Holiness (online text) 125.

Tous, Malik

See: Malik Tous.

Tower of Mlin

In Teloth (dream). HPL Iranon (online text) 111.

Towers in the Sky

A book by the poet Justin Geoffrey. It mentions a character called Aristius. [REH Door]


Windham Co., Vermont. HPL Whisperer (online text) 216-217, 225, 229, 238, 244, 263, 271.

Incl: Akeley, Henry.

Town Square

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 319, 324, 326-327, 336, 341-342, 347, 352, 355.

Town Street

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114, 117, 122-123, 129, 152.

Traite des Chiffres

By De Vigenere. HPL Dunwich (online text) 183.


Apparently a reference to the Boston Transcript. [AWD Hastur]

[AWD Sandwin 91.

See: Aylesbury Transcript; Boston Transcript.


HPL Diary (online text) 317.


South Africa. HPL Winged (online text) 244.

Incl: Pretoria.


HPL Case (online text) 162, 164, 195-196, 200, 223.

AWD Gorge 98, 111.

Incl: Cregoivacar.


See: Shining Trapezohedron.

Trask, Dr

Anthropologist. HPL Rats (online text) 42-43.

Tregardis, Paul

CAS Ubbo (online text) 48-55.

Tremont St

Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 24.

Tremoth, Lady Agatha

CAS Offspring (online text) 10-12, 16, 25.

Tremoth Hall

CAS Offspring (online text) 7-8, 10, 12, 19-20.

Tremoth, Sir John

CAS Offspring (online text) 7, 10-21, 24-25.


Missouri. AWD Lurker 137.

Très Sainte Trinosophie, La

See: La Très Sainte Trinosophie.

Trevor, (Lady) Margaret

HPL Rats (online text) 30.

Trevor Towers

HPL Celephaïs (online text) 89; Kadath (online text) 354.

Triassic period

230,000,000 yrs ago--180 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 16; Time (online text) 383.

RFS Warder 156.


HPL Rats (online text) feast like that of 40.


RB Terror 231.

Trismegistus, Hermes

See: Hermes Trismegistus.


"Johannes Trithemius (1 February 1462 – 13 December 1516), born Johann Heidenberg, was a German Benedictine abbot and a polymath who was active in the German Renaissance as a lexicographer, chronicler, cryptographer, and occultist. He had considerable influence on the development of early modern and modern occultism. His students included Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and Paracelsus. . . Notably, the German polymath, physician, legal scholar, soldier, theologian, and occult writer Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535) and the Swiss physician, alchemist, and astrologer Paracelsus (1493–1541) were among his pupils. . . Trithemius' most famous work, Steganographia (written c. 1499; published Frankfurt, 1606) . . . appears to be about magic—specifically, about using spirits to communicate over long distances. Since the publication of the decryption key to the first two volumes in 1606, they have been known to be actually concerned with cryptography and steganography. Until recently, the third volume was widely still believed to be solely about magic, but the 'magical' formulae have now been shown to be covertexts for yet more cryptographic content." [Johannes Trithemius, Wikipedia, 12/30/2020]

Trithemius was the author of Polygraphia. [HPL Dunwich (online text)]

John Merritt seems to have mistakenly thought that Trithemius was the author of De Lapide Philosophico. [HPL Case (online text)]


In Greek Mythology, sea-dwelling creatures with a human-like upper body and a fish-like lower body. They carry shells that can blow on to calm the waves during a storm. They visisted the Strange High House in the Mist in company with Nodens. [HPL Mist (online text) 283, 286]

RB DarkIsle 112.

Troad, excavations in the

HPL Rats (online text) 40.


HPL Whisperer (online text) 214.

Troubler of the Sands

HK Invaders (online text) 77.

Synonym for: Vorvadoss.

Trowbridge St

Cambridge. HPL Mound (online text) 159.

true scroll

The scroll created by T'yog to take when confronting Ghatanothoa. HPL Aeons (online text) T'yog creates scroll (274), stolen by Imash-Mo (274), true scroll in custody of Nagob 278, still exists and Ghatanothoa cult attempting to bring it to T'yog 280, found in hand of dead cultist (283), can undo petrification; does it survive? 286.

Contrast with: false scroll.


AWD Curwen 15.

Trumbull, Jesse

Arkham area. AWD Whippoorwills 38, 59.


Megalithic ruins in Uganda were said to have been an outpost of Tsadogwa. [HPL Winged (online text) 247]

Synonym for: Tsathoggua.


Ruler of a cruel empire that is to come three thousand years from now [HPL Sleep (online text) 34, Time (online text) 395].

Tsang, desert plateau of

Where Chaugnar Faugn was a god. FBL Hills (online text) 242, near Lhasa? 256.


HPL Test (online text) 39-40, 44-46.


City in K'n-yan. HPL Mound (online text) 133-135, 137-153.


See: Tsathoggua.


HH Guardian 299: Another spelling for Tsathoggua.


Language of Hyperborea. HPL Gates (online text) 452.

AWD Curwen 19; Lurker 134.

Tscho Vulpanomi

A realm south of Hyperborea, or perhaps at the southern end of Hyperborea, that ends in a lake of boiling asphaltum. [CAS Testament (online text)]

Tuamotu Islands

South Pacific. In the near future, Tuamotu suffers damage from earthquakes related to the rising of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]


HPL Test (online text) 19, 54.

Tulane University

HPL Call (online text) 141.

Tulu, Great

A name for Cthulhu, used by his followers among the Old Ones of K'n-yan. See: Cthulhu.


HPL Mound (online text) 135-136, 148-149, 151, 154, (156), 161.

Tunneler Below, The

By Georg Reuter Fischer. A slim volume of verse, issued by Ptolemy Press, Hollywood, California, 1936. Fischer sent out several copies for review and donated two to the UCLA library and two more to the Miskatonic University Library. The book was admired by several people at Miskatonic, including Dr. Henry Armitage, Wingate Peaslee, Dr. Francis Morgan, and Albert Wilmarth, who contacted the author. The contents included a lyric poem called "The Green Deeps." Wilmarth wrote to Fischer to ask about the origin of certain words and images in the book, including Rulay (R'lyeh), Nath (Pnath), Cutlu (Cthulhu), and winged worms. [FL Terror2]


Australian miner. HPL Time (online text) 410.

Turba Philosophorum

See full article at: Turba Philosophorum.

Turkey and Turks

REH Black (online text) 59, 61, 64, 71-73.

Incl: Selim Bahadur.

Turkish Wars

By Larson. It includes a passage describing the battle of Schomvaal, where Count Boris Vladinoff perished shortly after read a disturbing roll of parchment taken from the body of the Turkish scribe and historian, Selim Bahadur. The Black Stone narrator was inspired by this passage to exhume Vladinoff's body, and retrieve the parchment recounting the execution of the Master of the Monolith by Turkish forces. [REH Black (online text)]


REH Fire (online text) 31-32, 34.

Turkoff, Prof

Of Beloin University. RFS Warder 153, 166.

Turk's Head

Providence. Inn or tavern? HPL Case (online text) 136.


See: Madame Tussaud's.


REH Roof (online text) 3-11.

Tut-Ankh-Ahmen affair

RB Opener 162.

Tuttle, Amos

AWD Hastur 1-6, 8, (9), 10-17, 23-26, 29-30, 33.

Tuttle, Paul

AWD Hastur 1-9, (10), 11-12, (13), 14-16, 18-33.

Tuttle house

House on Aylesbury Pike. AWD Dweller 137; Hastur 8, 22-23, 30-32; AWD Sandwin 105.

Tyndal family

Dunwich family. AWD Lurker 99-100.

Tyndal, Jebediah

New Dunwich. AWD Lurker 50, 52, 100.


Of K'naa. HPL Aeons (online text) High Priest of Shub-Niggurath, guardian of copper temple 273, creates true scroll for protection against Ghatanothoa 273-274, loses scroll to Imash-Mo 274 & 276, marches up Yaddith-Gho on Day of the Sky-Flames 275, never seen again 275 & 286, devotees speculate on what he saw 277, names like T'yog mentioned in reports of cult activity 278, his mummy discovered on temporary Pacific island 266, crouching posture and stony texture 267, attracts attention of reporter Stuart Reynolds 269, fame leaks beyond Boston 270, chief topic of (1931 & 1932) 271, cultists plan to free T'yog with true scroll 278, cultists make obeisances to mummy 279, press identifies mummy with T'yog 280, preserved for 175,000 years 280, changing aspect 280-281, Peruvian says T'yog mummy tried to open eyes 281, minute opening of eyes 281-282, shifts of posture 283-284, image of Ghatanothoa left in eyes 284-286, withdrawn from public view 287, dissection reveals living, pulsing brain 287-288.

See also: true scroll; false scroll.

Typer, Alonzo Hasbrouch

Of Kingston, N.Y. HPL Diary (online text) (throughout) 303, 305-306.


"Typhon (also Typhoeus, Typhaon or Typhos), was a monstrous serpentine giant and one of the deadliest creatures in Greek mythology. According to Hesiod, Typhon was the son of Gaia and Tartarus. However, one source has Typhon as the son of Hera alone, while another makes Typhon the offspring of Cronus. Typhon and his mate Echidna were the progenitors of many famous monsters. Typhon attempted to overthrow Zeus for the supremacy of the cosmos. The two fought a cataclysmic battle, which Zeus finally won with the aid of his thunderbolts. Defeated, Typhon was cast into Tartarus, or buried underneath Mount Etna, or in later accounts, the island of Ischia. . . Typhon was (from c. 500 BC) also identified with the Egyptian god of destruction Set." [Typhon, Wikipedia]

Phillips Keith identified Typhon as a synonym for Satan, the archetype of evil. [RB Hell (online text)]


An ancient Phoenician seaport, now part of Lebanon.

In Tyre, a manifestation of Ishtar hired camel-drivers and destroyed them with kisses [FBL WereSnake (online text)].


AWD Survivor (online text) 163.

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