Something From Out There
A follower of Cthulhu, trapped in a sunken
kingdom by a star-stone on a stone casket under the priory near Malvern-by-the-Sea. It was set
free by Clithanus and re-imprisoned by St. Augustine; later it was freed again by Geoffrey
Malvern, who went insane. Described as a shocking, greenish hulk with three eyes, and a gaping mouth, which sometimes glows with an eerie sea-green
light. It moves
by awkward rolling. It requires three human sacrifices to regain full strength. It leaves victims crushed and frozen. It killed Old Cramton and Herbert Green before being imprisoned
again under the star-stone by Dr. William Currie, Soames Hemery, and Duncan Vernon. [AWD OutThere]
The creature called Something from Out There might be the same as the "spawn of Mad Cthulhu" that was summoned by Clithanus and later by Eric Holm. [AWD Passing] If so, then it would seem that the summoning spell can bypass the imprisoning effects of the star-stone. See: Cthulhu, spawn of.