The unbegotten source, a being who dwelt in the steaming fens of the new-made Earth, before the coming of Zhothaqquah or Yok-Zothoth or Kthulhut from the stars. Ubbo-Sathla was a formless mass without head or members, who lay vast and swollen and yeasty amid the vaporing slime. It sloughed from
its oozy sides, in a slow, ceaseless wave, the grey, formless efts of the prime and the amoebic forms that were the
archetypes of earthly life. There in the primal mire, Ubbo-Sathla also guarded the wisdom of the gods who died before the Earth was
born, which was inscribed upon
tablets of ultra-stellar stone. All earthly life, it is told, shall go back at last through the great circle of time to Ubbo-Sathla. Zon Mezzamalech and Paul Tregardis each used a magic crystal to return to the time of Ubbo-Sathla. [CAS Ubbo (online text)]
A quotation in Prof. Laban Shrewsbury's library, apparently from the Necronomicon, states that Ubbo-Sathla is the source of all the Great Old Ones (3) [AWD Curwen]. A similar quotation was translated by Winfield Phillips from the Latin version
of Olaus Wormius [AWD Lurker].
Ubbo-Sathla was mentioned in Necromonicon excerpts provided by Prof. Laban Shrewsbury to Nayland Colum [AWD Keeper].