Jack (1)

HPL Dunwich (online text) Ellen Hutchins collie 184.

Jack (2)

HPL Terrible (online text) (a bottle) 273.

Jack (3)

HPL Man (online text) (narrator) 201, 204.

Jack (4)

AWD Dweller (narrator) 120, 123, 127, 137, 149.

Jack (5)

AWD Clay (narrator) 381.

Aka: Ken.


Nightwatchman. AWD Depths (online text) 237-239, 243.

Jackson, Henry

HPL Man (online text) 201-204, 211.

Jackson, Steven

's school opposite Court-House Parade, Providence. HPL Case (online text) 126.

Jackson, (Superintendent)

HPL Electric (online text) 62, 64, 76, 78.

Jackson St

San Francisco. HPL Test (online text) 44.


Of H.M.S. Advocate. AWD Gorge 106.

Jade God

A statue of jade, mentioned by William Dormouth with his dying words. Dormouth had loaned the statue to John Conrad earlier that day. Conrad said that it was of little monetary value. [REH Jade]


One of the smaller principalities of the Malay States, under British protectorate [RB Elephant (online text) 40, 46].

Includes: Dzang, Char; Leela; Sacred White Elephant of Jadhore;


Tribe of central Arabia. AWD Lamp (online text) 249.

Jakes, (Capt.) Barnaby

Of the Black Star. RB Terror 224-227.


RB Terror 227.

Incl: Kingston.

James River

Virginia. HPL Rats (online text) 27.

James, Dr.

Of San Francisco. HPL Winged (online text) relayed news to Slauenwite about Moore's coma 253, notified Slauenwite of Moore's death 254.

James, M. R

AWD OutThere Possibly the James mentioned as author of Cathedrals of England.

HK Invaders (online text) 64.

Jameson, Dr

Of Chicago University. AWD Depths (online text) 228, 230, 232, 234, 241, 244-245, 249.

Jamison, Dr

Of Navissa Camp. AWD Wind (online text) Robert Norris stayed with him.

Jammy, Peter

Set of Albertus Magnus. HPL Case (online text) 121.

Japan, Japanese

RB Kiss (online text) 46-51.

AWD Island Japanese extraction 202; Brotherhood 334; Seal (online text) 153.

Incl: Okishuri Maru; Sato, Captain; Yamada, Dr. Makoto.


A city. HPL Iranon (online text) 114.

Jason, Father

HC Isle (online text) 148, 157, 162, 168.

Aka: Tavana.


AWD Island 183; Lurker 117.

Jaws of the Vise, The

A starkly realistic novel by John O'Dare [REH Door].


English spelling of the Hebrew name "Yehoshua," meaning "God is deliverance." Also spelled as "Joshua." Also, "The name Jesus is closely related to Joshua. The original name of Jesus was Yeshua, an Aramaic short form of the Hebrew name Yehoshua." ["Joshua Name Meaning," https://www.parents.com/joshua-name-meaning-origin-popularity-8627639, retrieved 09/02/2024]

The name Jehosua occurs in the "Per Adonai" incantation that Charles Dexter Ward used when reanimating Joseph Curwen. [HPL Case (online text)]. For further details about this incantation, see Sources of Necromancy in Charles Dexter Ward.

See also: Christ.


"A Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה Yəhōwā, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The Tetragrammaton יהוה is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism and a form of God's name in Christianity." ["Jehovah", Wikipedia]

The name Jehovah occurs in the "Per Adonai" incantation that Charles Dexter Ward used when reanimating Joseph Curwen. [HPL Case (online text)]. For further details about this incantation, see Sources of Necromancy in Charles Dexter Ward.

Jenckes, Daniel

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 128.

Jenckes Street

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 113.

Jenkins, Mr

RFS Mists 25-26.


REH Dark (online text): A Christian priest. Thorfel the Fair brought him to his skalli on the Isle of Slyne perform a wedding between Thorfel and his Irish captive Moira. After Moira's suicide, Jerome prayed for her soul. After the battle that left her captors dead, Jerome refused to return to Ireland with Turlogh O'Brien, and stayed behind to tend the wounded Athelstane the Saxon. Jerome had a vision of the ocean turned to blood, the symbol of all of humanity's bloody violence.

While it may be tempting to identify the priest Jerome with St. Jerome, the latter does not appear to have visited Ireland [Jerome, Wikipedia, 11/15/2020].


HPL Case (online text) 132.


Synonym for Droom-avista. HK Jest (online text) 61-62.

Jesus Christ

See: Christ.


See: Judaism.


A sage who told of the adumbrali. RAL Abyss (online text) 291.

Joanna Spring

Australia. HPL Time (online text) 406.

Job, Book of

A letter from Joseph Curwen to Simon Orne, ca. 1750, cited Job 14:14: "If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come." [HPL Case (online text)]

See also: Bible.


A drug-addled young man who was a follower of Reverend Nye. Jody murdered Fred Elstree and two other Federal agents. Jody was killed by Kay Keith when she made her escape. [RB Strange]


A young black man who lived near Conrad and Kirowan. Following the murder of William Dormouth, Conrad asked Joe to saddle his horse and ride to town to fetch the sheriff. [REH Jade]


South Africa. HPL Winged (online text) Slauenwite planned to escape to there 254, 255.

Incl: Vaal Hotel.

Johansen, Gustaf

Author, Johansen narrative. HPL Call (online text) 146, 148.

AWD Gorge 110-111; Seal (online text) 163.

FL Terror2 301.

Johansen narrative

By Gustaf Johansen. AWD Island 186; Gorge 110; Space 244.

John Carter Brown Library

Brown University, Providence. HPL Case (online text) 112.

John Hay library

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 112, 219; Haunter (online text) 93.

Johnson, Richard H., PhD

Curator of the Cabot Museum of Archaeology, Boston. During the publicity generated by the T'yog mummy in 1931-1932, he read the account of T'yog and Mu in the Black Book. As cultists descended upon the museum, he was tempted to withdraw the mummy from display, but did not do so immediately. After two intruders were found dead in front of the T'yog mummy, he examined the mummy's eyes and saw recorded inside a fuzzy image of Ghatanothoa, whereupon he fainted. When the mummy started to show signs of disintegration, he authorized a dissection, and witnessed the uncovering of the living, pulsing brain. He then wrote an unpublished account of the mummy, which was found among his papers after his death. Died suddenly and mysteriously of heart-failure on April 22, 1933. [HPL Aeons (online text)]


Scientist. HPL Mountains (online text) 66, 69.

Jonas, Tom

Providence. RB Steeple (online text) 221.

Jones, Stephen

HPL Museum (online text) 215-216, once had access to Necronomicon 217, 218-220, 222-241.

Jones, (Dr.) Wilfred

HPL Test (online text) 21-22, 32-35, 60.

Joost, Dr.

Of Pretoria. Slauenwite sent to Dr. Joost for tse-tse flies [HPL Winged (online text) 248].

Jornsen Trading Company

HC Isle (online text) 147.


Of San Antonio area. HK Bells (online text) (82-83), 84, (86).


AWD Island 181.

See also: Old Testament.

Journal (1)

HPL Case (online text) 169, 176, 192.

Synonym for: Providence Gazette and Country Journal?; Providence Journal.

Journal (2)

HK Invaders (online text) 64.

Journal of American Folklore

AWD Survivor (online text) 149.

Journal of the American Psychological Society

HPL Time (online text) 403, 405.

Joy Street

Boston. HPL Aeons (online text) Cabot Museum located in Mt. Vernon Street, near Joy 266; Pickman (online text) 24.

Judah, Mr

AWD Gorge 113-114.

Judah and Byron, Attorneys at Law

Cambridge, Massachusetts. AWD Gorge 113, 116.


Joseph Curwen's library included works by Mediaeval Jews [HPL Case (online text)].

A Jew's shop in the squalid precincts of Clare Market sold a copy of the Necronomicon [HPL Descendant (online text)].

Incl: Cabala of Saboth; Legend of the Elder Saboth; Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin; Old Testament; Zohar.

Judge Durfee house

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114.

Judges of the Dead

Egyptian mythology. "The Assessors of Maat were 42 minor ancient Egyptian deities of the Maat charged with judging the souls of the dead in the afterlife by joining the judgment of Osiris in the Weighing of the Heart." ["Assessors of Maat", Wikipedia]

The mummies at the Probilski Foundation had the faces carefully preserved so they could be recognized by the forty-two Judges of the Dead. [RB Strange]


Joe Slater's dream alter-ego referred to the insect philosophers that crawl proudly over the fourth moon of Jupiter [HPL Sleep (online text) 34].

HPL Gates (online text) 451; Time (online text) an outer moon 395.

AWD Space migration of Great Race to 238; Whippoorwills 43.

Jurassic period

180-135 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 15-16, 68.

AWD Survivor (online text).

See also: chronology.

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