
See: Allen, Zadok.


See: Allen, Zadok.


An inhabitant of the same world as Xathra of Balrahar. Zaga stabbed Lord Donal O'Dare after the latter stole Xathra's ring. [REH Door]


HPL Electric (online text) 70.

Zamacona y Nunez, Panfilo de

A Spaniard of 1545. HPL Mound (online text) (101), 113, 115-117, 119-157, 160-161, (162-163).

Gll'Hthaa-Ynn mistakenly told Zamacona that only images of Tsathoggua had emerged from N'kai, rather than Tsathoggua himself. [CAS Pnom]

Zaman's Hill

Near Aylesbury. HPL Ancient (online text) 57-58; Fungi (online text) VII.


Synonym for Satan [RB Hell (online text) 37].


Occult author. HK Hydra (online text) 127.

Zann, Erich

DWR Music (online text) 294.


HPL Case (online text) Ben Zariatnatmik (unrelated meaning?) 138, 170, 216.

Zar, Land of

See: Zar.

Zaroff, Captain

Of the Stellar Brothers Circus. RB Elephant (online text) 38.


The coroner of Ulthar. HPL Cats (online text) disputes with Nith the notary about the death of the cotter & wife 58.

Zeiros, Satampra

Of Uzuldaroun, Hyperborea. CAS Tale (online text) 3.


A collie. HPL Yig (online text) 90.


An outdated and inaccurate name for the Avesta, the primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in the Avestan language. [Avesta, Wikipedia]

Laban Shrewsbury said that the Persian Zend-Avesta includes accounts of catastrophes that resulted from the war between the Elder Gods and the Great Old Ones. [AWD Island 181]

Zenig of Aphorat

HPL Kadath (online text) 399.


His edition of Ars Magna et Ultima. HPL Case (online text) 121.


AWD Curwen 21; Dweller 133, 137; Depths (online text) 235; Keeper 150; Lair 124, 125-126, 130, and hordes 131, and those below them 133, and evil spawn 134; Lurker 133; Hastur 22; Sandwin twin brother of Lloigor 104; Sky 68; Valley (online text) 134.

Zhaum, Knygathin

A cannibalistic outlaw of Hyperborea. Knygathin's mother Sfatlicllp was descended from Tsathoggua, and Knygathin's father was a voormi. [CAS Pnom] It was whispered that Knygathin was also descended partly from the dark, variable spawn that had come down to Earth with Tsathoggua. [CAS Testament (online text)]

Knygathin lived in the Eiglophian Mountains, among the voormis, from whom he recruited most of his band. Because of his mixed descent, he looked much different from his shaggy fellow tribesmen, being hairless from crown to heel and pied with great spots of black and yellow; and moreover was reputed to exceed all others in his cruelty and cunning. With his band, he committed numerous atrocities in the foothills near the Eiglophians and eventually attacked a suburb near Commoriom. He was captured by government forces and executed three times by Atthamaus, the chief headsman of Commoriom. However, Kyngathin returned to life each time, with progressively more distorted and inhuman features. The last time, he assumed a form so horrific and vast that the entire population of Commoriom fled the city permanently. [CAS Testament (online text)]

After the public evacuation of Commoriom, the city came to be occupied by Knygathin Zhaum's fissional spawn. [CAS Pnom] Apparently it was one of these spawn who ate Tirouv Ompallios and the right hand of Satampra Zeiros. [CAS Tale (online text)]

Zhothaqquah, Zhothagguah

Synonyms for Tsathoggua. CAS Door (online text) origin in primeval times 18-19*, bat-like features 19, 20, subterranean existence 22, Saturnian origin 22, 23, veracious 23, 24-26, Zhothaqquah is Eibon's pronunciation 26, 30-32, 37, 40-41; Ubbo (online text) 48: Zhothaqquah came from the stars long after Ubbo-Sathla dwelt in the steaming fens of the new-made Earth.

AWD Lurker 139: Tsathoggua is sometimes known as Zhothagguah.


HPL Medusa (online text) 171, 181, 190, 200; Outpost (online text) 56-57.

Zimbabwe was built using remnants of knowledge from the pre-Flood era when humanity worshipped the Great Old Ones. [RB Strange]

REH Ring (online text) 63.


Not the vaults? HPL Case (online text) 195.

Zin, vaults of

Beneath Yoth. HPL Kadath (online text) 339-340, 342, connected to Leng 373; Mound (online text) 139-140; Dreamer (online text) 46.

Zion Research Library

Brookline, Massachusetts. HPL Case (online text) 159.


Another name for Chushax. [CAS Pnom]

Ziz, Ali

Of Cairo. HPL Pyramids (online text) 225, (226), 227.


A being whom Xathra of Balrahar invoked for protection. [REH Door]


Wizard of Yaddith. HPL Gates (online text) wizard 447, 448-450, 452-453, 457.

Compare with: Carter, Randolph.


Near Brigg's Hill. HPL Fungi (online text) XII.


Synonym for T'yog. HPL Aeons (online text) 278.


Previous dwelling of the Lemurians. HPL Polaris (online text) 22.

Zobnarian Fathers

HPL Polaris (online text) 22.


"The Zohar (Hebrew: זֹהַר‎, lit. 'Splendor' or 'Radiance') is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah (the five books of Moses) and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology." [Zohar, Wikipedia]

Joseph Curwen had a copy of the Zohar in his library. [HPL Case (online text) 121]


A god of Sarnath. HPL Doom (online text) 46.


King of Sarnath. HPL Doom (online text) 45-47.


A chief who was faithful to Brunhild on Bal-Sagoth. [REH Gods (online text) 212-213, 217, 223, 225-226]


See: Zoogs.


A dark star, origin of Ycnagnnisssz [CAS Pnom].


AWD Curwen 22; Dweller 138; Lurker 134.

Zstulzhemgni, Zstylzhemgni

Wife of Ghizguth and mother of Tsathoggua. Zstulzhemgni and her family were brought to Yuggoth by Ghizguth's parent, Cxaxukluth. Zstulzhemgnhi and her family lingered a long while on Yuggoth, having moved to inner caverns to avoid Cxaxukluth's cannibalistic tendencies. [CAS Pnom]


RFS Mists demon 25.


HK Bells (online text) 84, 89, 92.

Synonym for: Zushakon.


HPL Medusa (online text) 174, 182, 189.


A pueblo village. HPL Mound (online text) 116.

Zuro, river

In Teloth. HPL Iranon (online text) 113-115.


HK Bells (online text) 87, 92.

Aka: Zu-che-quon; Dark Silent One.

Zvilpogghua, Zvilpoggua

Offspring of Tsathoggua and his wife Chushax. Zvilpoggua was more male than anything else. Zvilpogghua was the parent of Sfatlicllp and ancestor of Knygathin Zhaum. [CAS Pnom]


An androgyne animal archetype, a sort of nebulous and more or less spheroid elk who lives in the Cavern of the Archetypes. The parent of Yhoundeh. [CAS Pnom]

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