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QHPL Case (online text) 121. Quaestio de Lamiis appears to be a reference to Vignati, Ambrogio, Quaestio unica de lamiis seu strigibus, et earum delictis, cum commentariis Francisci Peñae sacrae theologiae et iuris utriusque doctoris, in Malleus maleficarum, maleficas et earum haeresim framea conterens, ex variis auctoribus compilatus, & in quatuor tomos iuste distributus (Lyon, 1669). [Doubting Witchcraft: Theologians, Jurists, Inquisitors during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, by Matteo Duni, ret. 2/20/21] It appears that the title translates to something like "Singular Investigation about Lamias or Witches, and Their Crimes, with Commentary by Francisco Pena, a Doctorate in both Law and Theology, the Hammer of Witches, Lance Shattering the Witches and their Cult, Compiled by Various Authors, in Four Volumes." Adam Duncan found a copy of Quaestio de Lamiis by de Vignate in the library of his late great-uncle Uriah Garrison. [AWD Attic] Narragansett Indian, friend of Laban Billington. AWD Lurker 9-14, 20, 23-24, related to Misquamacus? 30, 34, 69-70, 92, 102, 111, 126-127, (141), 142, (143), 144-146. Northwest Coast. AWD Survivor (online text) 159. Incl: Kwakiutl Indians. Canada. AWD Survivor (online text) 149-151, 153. Incl: Quebec University. Quebec. AWD Wind (online text) mentions Dr. Spencer. Incl: Spencer, Dr.. HPL Mountains (online text) 10. HPL Mountains (online text) 13, 71, 103. AWD Island Queenslanders 185; Gorge 101, 110. HPL Electric (online text) 63, 76, 78. Quetzalcoatl See: Quetzalcoatl. Indians. AWD Curwen 10. A nickname for the Incas. AWD Curwen 11, 13, Quicha-Ayars 30; Gorge 128. HPL Mound (online text) 98, 116. |
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