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I"In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Iacchus (also Iacchos, Iakchos) was a minor deity, of some cultic importance, particularly at Athens and Eleusis in connection with the Eleusinian mysteries, but without any significant mythology. He perhaps originated as the personification of the ritual exclamation Iacche! cried out during the Eleusinian procession from Athens to Eleusis. He was often identified with Dionysus, perhaps because of the resemblance of the names Iacchus and Bacchus, another name for Dionysus. By various accounts he was a son of Demeter (or apparently her husband), or a son of Persephone, identical with Dionysus Zagreus, or a son of Dionysus." [Iacchus, Wikipedia] Arthur Feldon chanted the name of Iacchus along with other Greek deities. [HPL Electric (online text)] "In Greek mythology, Ialmenus or Ialmenos was a son of Ares and Astyoche, and twin brother of Ascalaphus. Together with his brother he sailed with the Argonauts, among the suitors of Helen, and led the Orchomenian contingent in the Trojan War." [Ialmenos, Wikipedia] Arthur Feldon chanted the name of Ialmenos along with other Greek deities. [HPL Electric (online text)] An ancient grey stone city in the land of Mnar, which stood beside a lake. It is written that the lake, the city, and inhabitants all descended one night from the moon in a mist. The beings of Ib were green as the lake; they had bulging eyes, pouting, flabby lips, and curious ears, and were without voice. They were weak, and soft as jelly to the touch. They worshipped a sea-green stone idol of Bokrug, the water-lizard; before which they danced when the moon was gibbous. The papyrus of Ilarnek states that they discovered fire, and kindled flames on ceremonial occasions. Later, the beings of Ib were all slain by the men of nearby Sarnath. The men pushed the bodies of Ib's denizens into lake, along with the grey sculptured monoliths of Ib. After a thousand years, the beings of Ib were avenged when similar beings descended from the moon and destroyed Sarnath. [HPL Doom (online text)] Ib was a "prehuman blasphemy" [Mountains (online text)]. Ib was carven of grey stone before mankind existed. [Nameless (online text)] According to the Necronomicon, the star stones of ancient Mnar had power in many places including Ib. [AWD Curwen, Lurker] HPL Dunwich (online text) 184. HPL Festival (online text) 216. HPL Call (online text) 135. Newburyport. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 313. A city in Mnar along the river Ai. The beautiful wares of Ilarnek were traded for onyx from Inganok. [Kadath (online text)] A caravan route also enabled luxury goods from Ilarnek to be exchanged for precious metal from Sarnath. Travellers from Ilarnek visited Sarnath for the thousandth anniversary of the destruction of Ib. The men from Ilarnek marveled at the shining domes in Sarnath. The greatest palaces in Ilarnek were less mighty than the least palaces in Sarnath. When the destruction of Sarnath began, the prince(s) of Ilarnek folded their tents and departed. Later, they enshrined the idol of Bokrug the water lizard in the high temple at Ilarnek. [HPL Doom (online text)] The papyrus of Ilarnek records that the beings of Ib discovered fire and kindled flames on ceremonial occasions. [HPL Doom (online text)] Iranon visited Ilarnek in his travels. [Iranon (online text)] Dreamland. A city ruled by Randolph Carter. HPL Gates (online text) 424, 427, 440; Kadath (online text) 348; Silver (online text) 420. HPL Herbert (online text) 150. RB Steeple (online text) 212. Incl: Chicago. An ancient bronze-working god who was worshipped by an early British tribe called the Sword People. Aryara of the Sword People called on Il-marenin before attacking the Children of the Night, and regarded their slain corpses as a sacrifice to Il-marenin. When Aryara was dying of his wounds, he could hear the voice of Il-marenin. Later, in the ages of Iron, Il-marenin was known as Wieland and Vulcan. [REH Children (online text)] An ancient Briton named Vertorix exclaimed Il-marenin's name in stressful moments. [REH People (online text)] Image du Monde See: Image du Monde. High priest of Ghatanothoa, in K'naa. By substituting the false scroll for the true scroll, Imash-Mo sabotaged T'yog's attempt to free humanity from Ghatanothoa. Imash-Mo then hypocritically joined in public prayers for T'yog's safety and success. [HPL Aeons (online text)] [FBL Hills (online text)]: The foremost American ethnologist. He helped the New York police solve murders that were being committed by an African pygmy using poisoned arrows. Algernon Harris consulted Imbert for information about Chaugnar Faugn, whereupon Imbert introduced Harris to the occult investigator Roger Little. Imbert was initially skeptical of Little's entropy-reversing machine, but after seeing a proof of its effects, he accompanied Little and Harris in the pursuit and destruction of Chaugnar Faugn. HPL Diary (online text) 317. Salem. HK Salem (online text) 259. RWC Repairer (online text). An African people. AWD Wind (online text) After his return from a year spent in captivity to Ithaqua, Allison Wentworth raved in his delerium of the hidden life of the African Impi. Hills of. HPL Doom (online text) 48. Of Peru. RB Notebook (online text) 236. AWD Curwen 9-10, 29; Gorge 109, 122, 124, 128-129, 132; Keeper 140; Seal (online text) 151, 163; Space 233, 238, 244; Sky 76. Asia. HPL Call (online text) 132; Diary (online text) 303; Gates (online text) 426-427, 435, 438, 455-456; Silver (online text) 413; Statement (online text) 300; Test (online text) 17. RB Kiss (online text) 43. Project Arkham suspected the Black Brotherhood was responsible for the murder of India's Conservative Party leader. [RB Strange] AWD Curwen 12; Lair 135; Survivor (online text) 153. REH Dwellers 121; Fire (online text) 31. HK Hydra (online text) Indian drug (cannabis indica) 129; Hunt (online text) 169. FBL WereSnake (online text) there are altars to Ishtar in India. Incl: Caronmandall Coast; Pondicherry; Vedas. HPL Aeons (online text) A Peruvian of Indian blood suffered a seizure in front of the mummy T'yog 281; Diary (online text) 304, Indian-like 305; Mound (online text) 97-104, 106, 108, 110, 114, 116-117, 120-121, 122, 127, 151; Yig (online text) 808-81, 84-87, 89, 92. RB Notebook (online text) 232, 235. RB Serpents 261: Our own American Indians believed in Yig. AWD Beyond2 160, 164, 169; Dweller 117, 124; Island Northwest Coast 179, American 181; Ithaqua 105-109, 112-116; Gorge American and Canadian 99. REH Lost 68-70, 79, 81, 83; Roof (online text) 5-6, 8, pre-Indians 11. HK Bells (online text) 84-85, 88; Frog (online text) 106, 109. Incl: Dacotah Sioux; Eskimos; Iroquois; Kiowas; Mound Builders; Mutsunes; Pasquantogs; Plains Indians; Tlingits. HPL Diary (online text) 303; Museum (online text) ruined city of the Tcho-Tchos 221. AWD Island 178, 195. See also: French Indo-China. AWD Island 185-186. Incl: Batak dream music; Celebes; Wayang shadow-play. Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 95. Part of a preparation for astral projection. HK Hydra (online text) 128. First mate of the Rover. RB Terror 221, 223, 229-230, 232-235, 237-240, 243, 248, 251. Near Leng. HPL Kadath (online text) 350-354, 357-361, 365, 368, 370-371, 375, 380, 390-393, 395, 407. AWD Lurker 134. HC Death (online text) 360, 362-366, 368-370. HC Death (online text) 360, 362-370. Another name for Ishtar [FBL WereSnake (online text)]. inner city at the magnetic poles Inner city at the magnetic pole [AWD Middle 359]. Inner city at the two magnetic poles [FL Terror2 309]. HPL Gates (online text) 436. Of Abhorred Continent of Dluuhg. HH Guardian 295: Tlaviir passed over the Inner Mountains on his way to the lowlands. Averoigne area, France. CAS Holiness (online text) 124, 129, 132-135, 139-142. Averoigne. CAS Holiness (online text) 140. Innsmouth (1) Massachusetts. See: Innsmouth. England. A seaside village, the scene of Kurane's childhood and of his family house, Trevor Towers (a name possibly given later by the new owner). A lane leads from the village street to the channel cliffs where the house is located. Kuranes apparently drowned after falling off the cliffs. The village is evidently located on the south coast of England, perhaps somewhere between Portsmouth and Worthing, since Kuranes passed through Surrey on the way from London to Innsmouth. [HPL Celephaïs (online text)] AWD Curwen 15. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 304, 308, 310. AWD Hastur 1. Inquiry into the Nan-Matal Ruins of Ponape, An A monograph by Solar Pons, published in 1905 [AWD Who]. See also: Ponape. Inquiry Into the Relationship of the Peoples of Polynesia and the Indian Cultures of the South American Continent, with Special Reference to Peru, An Alijah Atwood found a copy of this book in the library of Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere [AWD Survivor (online text)]. Beings who proudly crawl over the fourth moon of Jupiter [HPL Sleep (online text) 34]. A story by Robert Blake. [HPL Haunter (online text)] HPL Polaris (online text) 22*, 23; Time (online text) 395. HK Invaders (online text) described (67), other dimension (68), 74, described (77), 78. Aka: dwellers in the Hidden World. An Investigation Into the Myth-Patterns of Latterday Primitives With Especial Reference to the R'lyeh Text By Laban Shrewsbury. The book was published ca. 1936, since it was two years before the disappearance of Shrewsbury and Andrew Phelan in 1938. Andrew Phelan's brief examination of the book conveyed nothing to him, save the fact that Shrewsbury was engaged upon some kind of research. [AWD Curwen] Claiborne Boyd read paragraphs that his great-uncle Asaph Gilman had copied from the book, arguing that Cthulhu has a sea origin and might be related to Atlantis, and also identifying eight primary centers for Cthulhu cult activity. [Gorge] Winfield Phillips read in the book, under Dr. Seneca Lapham's direction [Lurker]. Henry Pilgore informed Nayland Colum of of the book when summarizing the known facts about Laban Shrewsbury [Keeper]. See also: R'lyeh Text. Notes taken by Asaph Waite, consisting of poetric prayers or invocations; not all are to Dagon, however, for at least one was addressed to Cthulhu. [AWD Island] Iod the Shining Hunter See full article on Iod. CAS Holiness (online text) 119, 120, 123. Synonym for: Yog-Sothoth. AWD Lurker 137. A sun god in Aztec religion. "'He Through Whom One Lives,' or that which, or by means of which, people live; Giver of Life; a deity that is part of the Ometeotl Complex, primordial parents of deities and humans, creation; also came to be used to refer to the Christian god." [Ipalnemohuani, Nahuatl Dictionary, ret. 07/29/2024; also ipalnemohuani, Wiktionary] In an effort to distract the murderous Arthur Feldon, the Electric Executioner narrator chanted to some Aztec deities, including "Ipalnemoan, By Whom We Live!" [HPL Electric (online text)] A coastal city in Essex County, Massachusetts. [Ipswich, Massachusetts, Wikipedia; see map on Google Maps] An old carriage-road runs northeast from Ipswich to Innsmouth. Some of the Innsmouth people did their shopping in Ipswich. However, in general nobody in Ipswich would have anything to do with people from Innsmouth. People who told wild tales about Innsmouth in Ipswich were called crazy. A woman from Ipswich married Barnabas Marsh, though he was almost lynched when he was courting her. A young man who was boarding with a family in Ipswich commuted to Innsmouth to work in the First National grocery store there. [HPL Innsmouth (online text)] Daniel Upton and the possessed Edward Pickman Derby drove past Ipswich on the way south from Maine to Arkham. [HPL Doorstep (online text) 291] Paul Tuttle had a desk in Ipswich, so he evidently lived there or had an office there, at least prior to moving to the Tuttle house. [AWD Hastur 9] See: Papyrus Ipuwer. See: Irem. Includes: Ispahan; Shah of Iran. HPL Iranon (online text) 111-117. Deathless altar-flame of. HPL Kadath (online text) 402. HPL Call (online text) 132; Whisperer (online text) 214. RB Brood Irish gods 90; Steeple (online text) 211. REH Gods (online text) 186, 188; People (online text) black-haired Irish pirates 147. HK Frog (online text) Irishman 108. Aka: Eire-ann. Incl: Dalcassians; Gaels; Kerry; Celts; O'Brien, Turlogh Dubh. Legendary thousand-pillared Arabian city. Of the district of Saba, Al-Yaman deserts. HPL Call (online text) 141; Gates (online text) built by Sheddad in Arabia Petraea 426; Alhazred claimed to have seen Irem (History (online text) 51); Nameless (online text) 106; Test (online text) 47. Koran Surah 89 ("The Dawn"), Dawood translation p. 25; Shakir translation p. 412: "Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with ...(the people of) Aram, possessors of lofty buildings, the like of which were not created in the (other) cities..." RB Faceless 41; Fane 133; Sebek 119. RFB Iram (online text), ref'd as Iram 113-119. AWD Gorge 108; Keeper 148, 150; Lamp (online text), erected by Shedad 249, aka. Nameless City 249, beings lurking within and invasion from heavens 252; Lurker 84; Whippoorwills 47. Aka: Aram; City of Pillars; Iram. HPL Diary (online text) 304. Isaih Horner, Hys Journal: Thyse Being a True Acct. of The Voyage of The Black Star: 1711 Anno Domini RB Terror 224, 226. See also: Horner, Isaih. Isca Silurum "Isca, variously specified as Isca Augusta or Isca Silurum, was the site of a Roman legionary fortress and settlement or vicus, the remains of which lie beneath parts of the present-day suburban village of Caerleon in the north of the city of Newport in South Wales." [(2022, August 23). Isca Augusta. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:39, September 14, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Isca_Augusta&oldid=1106099542] P. Viburnius Marco was stationed at Isca Silurum [HPL Family (online text)]. HK Hunt (online text) monstrous cryptogram 61. Alternate spelling of: Ixaxar; Synonym for: black seal Mesopotamian goddess of love and war. Ishtar was also known as Astarte, Innanna, magna mater, and Nina. She was worshipped in Arabia, China, India, Persia, Siberia, and throughout Asia. Her terrestrial manifestations were as a woman of devastating beauty whose kisses lured legions of men to their death. Her manifestations appeared in Erech, Nineveh, and Tyre. In modern times, she was haunting a temple of Ishtar, where she came close to killing Miss Beardsley but instead was killed by the Were-Snake narrator. In her monster form, she had a scaly, dog-like head with large grey eyes, black lips, and a long reptilian tongue; and her body was that of a giant snake. She left dark, evil-smelling slime in her wake. After she was beheaded, her dead body changed to the body of a woman, but her severed head was that of a hooded cobra. [FBL WereSnake (online text)] RB Sorcerer (online text) 154. "A major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Isis was first mentioned in the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–c. 2181 BCE) as one of the main characters of the Osiris myth, in which she resurrects her slain brother and husband, the divine king Osiris, and produces and protects his heir, Horus." [Isis, Wikipedia] Marceline Bedard referred to herself as Tanit-Isis. Her servant Old Sophonisba referred to her as Missy Isis. [HPL Medusa (online text)] Harry Houdini recalled that Isis was worshipped in ancient Egypt, and speculated whether Isis was the being he saw being worshipped under Gizeh. [HPL Pyramids (online text)] Isis was the mother of Bubastis. [RB Brood] Captain Cartaret felt that Isis yet dwelt in the ruins of Thebes and Memphis, or bided in the crumbling tombs below the Valley of Kings. [RB Fane] Isis was depicted as one of the seven heads on a silver symbol in the tomb of the Master. [RB Opener] See also: Tanit-Isis. Near Scottish mainland; home of Picts who worship Bran. REH Dark (online text) 88. Hebrides. REH Dark (online text) 67. Aka: Helni. Incl: Thorfel. REH Dark (online text) 70, (71-73), 87. Isle of the Gods See: Isle of the Gods. FBL Kinarth (online text) 11. A city of Iran. Old men in the souks of Ispahan tell the story of Genghir the Dreamer. [RB Lotus] Also spelled: Isfahan or Eṣfahān. AWD Island 181. RB Creeper (online text) Italians 105, language 110; Mannikin 75; Steeple (online text) 214. AWD Wind (online text) spoken of by Allison Wentworth during his ravings about his year spent travelling as Ithaqua's captive. HK Hydra (online text) 135; Invaders (online text) 70. RFS Casket 12-13. AWD Lurker 51. Synonym for: Ithaqua. Ithaqua See full article at Ithaqua. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 271, 276, 284. AM Novel (online text) 17, 18, 24, (25), 40. Synonym for: black seal. |
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