Eater of Souls

[HK Eater (online text)]: A malignant and terrible being that once dwelt in that incredible abyss named the Gray Gulf of Yarnak. It was said to be half a demon and half a god. It had come from the dark sun, where it had been conceived by an unholy alliance between those timeless Ancients who filter strangely between the universes and a Black Shining One of unknown origin.

Those who dwelt in Bel-Yarnak called it the Eater of Souls. When its hunger stirred it would send forth a soundless summons, so that some would rise slowly, with a passionless look of death upon their features, and would depart from Bel-Yarnak toward the Gray Gulf. Nor would they ever return. The Eater would absorb the body of each victim, and would emerge from the fusion augmented. The souls of the slain followed moaning in its train, and served it by fulfilling strange missions in the icy wastes between the stars.

The Eater of Souls was white and hairy and appallingly hideous. Its misshapen head had black evil eyes. It was short, but the girth of its multiple spidery limbs rendered a shocking illusion of hugeness. In its wake, the captured souls made a plaintive whispering and stirring in the air.

The Sindara, ruler of Bel-Yarnak, allowed the Eater to begin absorbing him. Before he was fully absorbed, he jumped off a cliff, carrying the Eater with him to its death.

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