1. A person. [HPL Case (online text) 197]

2. Of Innsmouth. Possible synonym for: Marsh, Barnabas. [AWD Island 191-195]


A god of the Druids. RB DarkIsle 93, 97, 106.

Mace, Peter

HC Isle (online text) 147-160, 162-166, 168.

Aka: Peteme.

Macdonald, James

Of Manitoba. AWD Beyond2 residents of Nelson (172); Wind (online text) helped in Irene Masitte's attempted escape from being sacrificed to Ithaqua at Stillwater. Was swept into the sky by Ithaqua and traveled for a year as prisoner of same, before being placed on the ground near Robert Norris. Remained unconscious until his death shortly thereafter, possibly resulting from exposure to warmth after long acclimation to cold.

Machen, Arthur

(1863-1947) Welsh journalist, essayist, and author of horror fiction. Author, The Novel of the Black Seal, The Red Hand, The Shining Pyramid, The White People, etc. Of him, Lovecraft said: "Of living creators of cosmic fear raised to its most artistic pitch, few if any can hope to equal the versatile Arthur Machen; author of some dozen tales long and short, in which the elements of hidden horror and brooding fright attain an almost incomparable substance and realistic acuteness... his powerful horror-material of the 'ninetees and earlier nineteen-hundreds stands alone in its class, and marks a distinct epoch in the history of this literary form." [Lovecraft, "Supernatural Horror in Literature," Chapter X].

Henry Armitage referred to Arthur Machen's story "The Great God Pan" while pondering the identity of Wilbur Whateley's father [HPL Dunwich (online text)].

Francis Wayland Thurston referred to "those nightmares and phantasies which Arthur Machen evokes in prose" [HPL Call (online text)].

Albert Wilmarth referred to "the fantastic lore of lurking 'little people' made popular by the magnificent horror-fiction of Arthur Machen" [HPL Whisperer (online text)].

Makoto Yamada referred approvingly to Machen's statement that man has cloaked the awful appearance of certain sea dwellers by attributing beautiful or pleasantly grotesque forms to them [RB Kiss (online text)].

John Conrad had work by Arthur Machen in his library, and considered The Novel of the Black Seal to be one of three master horror tales. According to Taverel, Machen said that things that are unexplainable are therefore uninteresting. [REH Children (online text)]

Joan Costigan thought that Machen's story The Shining Pyramid was silly until her brother Costigan explained the real-life sources of the legends of the Little People [REH Little].

Michael Leigh referred to Machen's statement that there is a gulf between the world of consciousness and the world of matter [HK Salem (online text)].

Machu Picchu

Peru. HPL Mountains (online text) 41.

AWD Curwen 8, 10-11, 15, 29; Gorge 108, 128, 125, 132; Space 242.

Mackenzie, Robert B. F

Of Australia. HPL Time (online text) 404-406, 410.

MacNeil, Dr

HPL Test (online text) 50-52, 58, 60.

Macy, Bill

HC Death (online text) 362.

Mad Dan

HPL Man (online text) 202-203, 205-207.

Synonym for: Morris, Dan.

Madame Tussaud's

London. HPL Museum (online text) 215, 218.


Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 124, 146.


AWD Six 124.

Maelstrom, the

Near Norway. AWD Spawn 20, 29.

See also: Spawn of the Maelstrom.

magah birds

Of the dreamland. Brilliant, seven-coloured birds found in resin groves on the island of Oriab. They sing blithely in the daytime. [HPL Kadath (online text) 328-329, 331].

Magic and Black Arts, or Magic and the Black Arts

By Kane. The tiny man told Doctor Wycherly that books such as Magic and Black Arts would not be found lying about in bookstores. [HH Guardian]

magic signs

See: magic signs.

Maglore, Jeffry

Father of Simon Maglore. RB Mannikin 77.

Maglore, Richard

Uncle of Simon Maglore. RB Mannikin 78.

Maglore, Simon

Of Bridgetown. Son of Jeffry Maglore; nephew of Richard Maglore. Author, The Witch is Hung. RB Mannikin 74-87.

Magnalia Christi Americana

See: Magnalia Christi Americana.

Magna Mater

Name used in the Roman Empire for the goddess Cybele, of Anatolian origin. "In contrast to her public role as a protector of cities, Cybele was also the focus of mystery cult, private rites with a chthonic aspect connected to hero cult and exclusive to those who had undergone initiation, though it is unclear who Cybele's initiates were. . . Literary sources describe joyous abandonment to the loud, percussive music of tympanon, castanets, clashing cymbals and flutes, and to the frenzied 'Phrygian dancing', perhaps a form of circle-dancing by women, to the roar of 'wise and healing music of the gods'." She was the mother of the god Atys (or Attis). [Cybele, Wikipedia]

Exham Priory stood on the site of a prehistoric temple, which in later Roman times was dedicated to Magna Mater. [HPL Rats (online text)]

The Romans worshippers of the Magna Mater incorporated into their ritual the mystic adoration, "Gorgo, Mormo, thousand-faced moon." According to Kenneth Scott, this is because the myth of Magna Mater was inspired by a multiheaded entity from Outside, sometimes known as the Hydra. [HK Hydra (online text)]

Another name for Ishtar [FBL WereSnake (online text)].

Aka: Cybele, Ishtar.

Possible synonym for: Hydra (1).

magneto-optic geoscanner

FL Terror2 289, 292, 295-298, 300-303.

Magnum Innominandum

Latin for "the great not-to-be-named."

HPL Whisperer (online text) 223.

FL Terror2 302.

Compare with: Hastur, because of his epithets "Unspeakable" and "Him Who is Not to be Named."

Magnus, Albertus

(c. 1200–1280), "also known as Saint Albert the Great, Albert of Swabia or Albert of Cologne, was a German Dominican friar, philosopher, scientist, and bishop, considered one of the greatest medieval philosophers and thinkers . . . In the centuries since his death, many stories arose about Albert as an alchemist and magician . . . On the subject of alchemy and chemistry, many treatises relating to alchemy have been attributed to him, though in his authentic writings he had little to say on the subject . . . A wide range of Pseudo-Albertine works dealing with alchemy exist, though, showing the belief developed in the generations following Albert's death that he had mastered alchemy, one of the fundamental sciences of the Middle Ages. These include Metals and Materials; the Secrets of Chemistry; the Origin of Metals; the Origins of Compounds, and a Concordance which is a collection of Observations on the philosopher's stone; and other alchemy-chemistry topics, collected under the name of Theatrum Chemicum . . . Albert was deeply interested in astrology . . . Albert argued that an understanding of the celestial influences affecting us could help us to live our lives more in accord with Christian precepts. The most comprehensive statement of his astrological beliefs is to be found in two separates works that he authored around 1260, known as the Speculum astronomiae and the De Fato." [Albertus Magnus, Wikipedia, ret. 07/05/2024]

Joseph Curwen's library included Peter Jammy’s set of Albertus Magnus [HPL Case (online text)].

Alijah Billington's library included Albertus Magnus [AWD Lurker.]

Will Benson said Albertus Magnus was an example of a wizard who was not a charlatan [HK Hunt (online text)].

Magnus, Olaus

Olaus Magnus (born Olof Månsson; 1490–1557) "was a Swedish writer, cartographer, and Catholic clergyman . . . He is best remembered as the author of the famous Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus (A Description of the Northern Peoples), printed in Rome 1555, a patriotic work of folklore and history which long remained for the rest of Europe the authority on Swedish matters. This text on dark winters, violent currents and beasts of the sea amazed the rest of Europe . . . It is still today a valuable repertory of much curious information in regard to Scandinavian customs and folklore." [Olaus Magnus, Wikipedia, ret. 07/05/2024]

Uriah Garrison's library included Olaus Magnus [AWD Attic].

Asaph Peabody's library included a copy of Olaus Magnus, bound in a smooth black leather, which the Peabody Heritage narrator believed was human skin [AWD Peabody].

Magyar Folklore

By Dornly. A chapter on Dream Myths mentions the Black Stone of Stregoicavar, Hungary, and tells of the belief that if any one sleeps in the vicinity of the monolith, that person will be haunted by monstrous nightmares for ever after; and cites tales of the peasants regarding too-curious people who ventured to visit the Stone on Midsummer Night and who died raving mad because of something they saw there. [REH Black (online text)]


Hungarians. HPL Case (online text) 197.

REH Black (online text) 61, 63, 65.

Main St

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 320, Main Street bridge 324, 325, 328, 340-341.


HPL Haunter (online text) 96; Doorstep (online text) 285*, 286.

RB Satan 5-6.

Incl: Fenner, Dave; Frank (2); Garlan, Ben; Garlan, Jim; Graag; Other, the; Settler, Major; Wing, Mrs.; Wing, Thad
Augusta; Chesuncook; Flagstaff; Great Hill; hamlet of the dog; Kittery; Newport; Pasquantogs; Plymouth; Portsmouth; Roodsford; Settler's Wall; Skowhegan; Wells; York.


Star in the Pleiades. AWD Curwen 46.

Mak Morn, Bran

See: Bran Mak Morn.

Malay Pride

Esdras Martin's barkentine. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 329.


AWD Curwen 12.

Malay States

AWD Island 195.

RB Elephant (online text) 40.

Includes: Jadhore.


California. [RB Strange]

Incl: Lampton Drive; Probilski Foundation.

Malik Tous, Malik Tawis

See full article at: Malik Tous.

Malkowski, Dr

Of Arkham. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 294-295.

Malleus Maleficarum

"The Malleus Maleficarum, usually translated as the Hammer of Witches, is the best known treatise on witchcraft. It was written by the Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer (under his Latinized name Henricus Institoris) and first published in the German city of Speyer in 1486. It endorses extermination of witches and for this purpose develops a detailed legal and theological theory. It has been described as the compendium of literature in demonology of the 15th century. . . The Malleus elevates sorcery to the criminal status of heresy and recommends that secular courts prosecute it as such. The Malleus suggests torture to effectively obtain confessions and the death penalty as the only certain remedy against the evils of witchcraft. At the time of its publication, heretics were frequently punished to be burned alive at the stake and the Malleus encouraged the same treatment of witches. The book had a strong influence on culture for several centuries." [Malleus Maleficarum, Wikipedia]

Uriah Garrison had a copy in his library [AWD Attic].

A copy was found in the possessions of the late Asaph Peabody [AWD Peabody]. The Peabody Heritage narrator quotes portions; below are the quotations, with links to the corresponding pages in the Malleus Maleficarum at the Internet Archive:

  • "Among their chief operations are being bodily transported from place to place..." [Part II, Question I, Chapter III]
  • "seduced by the illusions and phantasms of devils, do actually, as they believe and profess, ride in the night-time on certain beasts..." [Part I, Question X]
  • "or simply walk upon the air out of the openings built for them and for none other." [I have not located the source for this quotation, which may have been imagined by the Peabody Heritage narrator.]
  • "Satan himself deludes in dreams the mind which he holds captive, leading it through devious ways..." ["For Satan himself transforms himself into the shape and likeness of different persons, and in dreams deluding the mind which he holds captive, leads it through devious ways." Part I, Question X]
  • "They take the unguent, which they make at the devil’s instruction from the limbs of children, particularly of those whom they have killed, and anoint with it a chair or a broomstick; whereupon they are immediately carried up into the air, either by day or by night, and either visibly or, if they wish, invisibly..." ["they take the unguent which, as we have said, they make at the devil’s instruction from the limbs of children, particularly of those whom they have killed before baptism, and anoint with it a chair or a broomstick ; whereupon they are immediately carried up into the air, either by day or by night, and either visibly or, if they wish, invisibly..." Part II, Question I, Chapter III]


Britain. AWD OutThere A gaunt old home on the seacoast near Lynwold. Family estate of Lord Malvern and Geoffrey Malvern.

Malvern, Geoffrey

Of Lynwold. AWD OutThere Son of Lord Malvern. Relations with his father were strained due to Geoffrey's frequent escapades. Engaged in sorcery with four friends at Oxford, including Soames Hemery and Duncan Vernon. A scandal ensued, and all but he were sent down. Set free Something from Out There under the priory near Malvern-by-the-Sea, and went insane. Was treated by Dr. William Currie. It is not clear whether he ever regained his sanity.

Malvern, Lord

Of Malvern-by-the-Sea, Lynwold. Father of Geoffrey Malvern. AWD OutThere .

Mammoth Cave

Kentucky. FL Terror2 296.


HPL Test (online text) 20.

FBL Eaters (online text) 110-111; Gateway 5.

Manhattan Museum of Fine Arts

FBL Hills (online text) 240.


RB Sebek 118.


Atoll in the Cook Islands, South Pacific. In the near future, a disaster on Manihiki is caused by the earthquakes connected to the rising of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]


Canada. AWD Beyond2 169, 172, 175; Ithaqua 105; Wind (online text) setting of the Stillwater mystery.

CAS Offspring (online text) 8.

Incl: Macdonald, James; Navissa Camp; Nelson; Olassie Trail; Stillwater; Wentworth, Allison.


"The spiritual and fundamental life force among Algonquian groups in the Native American theology. It is omnipresent and manifests everywhere: organisms, the environment, events, etc." [Manitou, Wikipedia]

The frightened Pasquantogs in Gideon Godfrey's party prayed to the guiding Manitou. [RB Satan]

mannikin, the

RB Mannikin 85-86, (87).

Manning, Rev. James

President of the College. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 135, 140, 142, 146.

mantle of the sorcerer, mantle of Graag

A curse laid by Graag on any who disturb the remains of the Other. Led to the deaths of Paulsen, Roche, Frank Hartley, Hank Klarner, and possibly Harvey. [RAL Graag (online text)]

Manton, Joel

Of Arkham. Principal of East High School. HPL Unnameable (online text) 201-207.

Manuxet river

Mouth at Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 306, 310, 315, 324, 336.

AWD Lurker 24; Sky 52, 56, 62, and falls 75, 78, 80.

Mao game(s)

AM White2 (online text) 125.

AWD Lurker 134.


New Zealand. AWD Island 185; Gorge 100.


Massachusetts. RAL Settlers (online text) not too far from Miskatonic University 25.


One of the seven princes of the netherworld, mentioned in the Seventh Book of Moses. [AWD Wentworth] According to that work, "Marbuel appears in the form of an old lion. He delivers the treasures of the water and the land, and assists in obtaining all secret knowledge and honors." [Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, Library of Congress]

Marco, L. Viburnius

A descendent of Nyarlathotep, and ancestor of P. Viburnius Marco. [HPL Family (online text)]

Marco, P. Viburnius

A descendent of L. Viburnius Marco. He was Legatus (leader) of Legio 11, stationed at Isca Silurum, in Britannia Secuda in A.D. 103. He was an ancestor of Viburnia. [HPL Family (online text)]


Arabia/Middle East. AWD Keeper 153.


Mexican cook. HPL Test (online text) 40, 45, 47, 49-50, 57.

Margate, Randy

Of Cold Harbor? Brother-in-law of Henry Lucas. AWD Ithaqua 106-107.

Marianas Islands

AWD Gorge 104.

Marie Celeste

AWD Gorge 111.


HK Hydra (online text) 129.

See also: cannibis indica.


HC Death (online text) 360, 362-366, (369), 370, (371).

Market House, Kingsport

HPL Festival (online text) 210.

Market House, Providence

In 1773 Providence. HPL Case (online text) 115, 165.

Market Parade

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 123.

Market Square, Newburyport

HPL Innsmouth (online text) 313.

Market Square, Arkham

AWD Sky 61.

Market Street

San Francisco. HPL Test (online text) 20.

Marquesas Islands

Albert Keith speculated that remnants of primitive beliefs might survive in the Marquesas. [RB Strange]

HC Isle (online text) natives 148, 160.

AWD Island 182, incl. tiki 185; Gorge 100-101; Seal (online text) 158; Space 233; Survivor (online text) 159.

Incl: Hivaoa Island; tiki.


HPL Gates (online text) Cyclopean ruins 451.

AWD Space ant-like beings from 238, 241; Whippoorwills 43.

Includes: segur-whiskey;

Marsdale, Alyn

DW Fire2 (online text) 75.


Home, Innsmouth. AWD Sky 78, 80, 88-89.

Marsh, Ada.

AWD Seal (online text) 154-157, 160, 165-166, 170, 174-176, 178-179.

Aka: Phillips, Ada.

Marsh, Ahab

AWD Sky 60, 63, 65, 70, 73, described 74, 78-84, 86, 88-89, description 90, 91.

Marsh, (Miss) Aliza

AWD Sky 88, 91.

Marsh, Barnabas

HPL Innsmouth (online text) 338-339.

See: M.; Marsh, Old Man.

Marsh Drift

AWD Seal (online text) 159-160.

Marsh, Edward

Of Dunwich. AWD Watchers married to Blessed Bishop 403.

Marsh, Enoch

Father of ? HPL Innsmouth (online text) 363.

Marsh, Eric

AWD Lair (narrator) 117-118, 122-124, 126-132, 135.

Marsh, (Miss) Ethlai

AWD Sky 88, 91.

Marsh family

Innsmouth and Dunwich family. AWD Island 189, 194; Fisherman 292; Clay 371-373, 375-378, 380; Seal (online text) 153, not so many died in 1928 154, 156m 158-159, hopping gait 167, 176; Sky 60, 62, all gone except Ahab and two old women 65, 66, 73/74, 84-85, 88, 90; Shuttered 266-267, 270-273, 276-277, 280; Survivor (online text) 161; Valley (online text) 137-138; Watchers 403.

Marsh, Frank

Of New Orleans. HPL Medusa (online text) of New Orleans 170, 171, 174-183, 185-193, 200.

Marsh, Jethro

Of Innsmouth. AWD Clay 375.

Marsh, Lydia (Meserve)

HPL Innsmouth (online text) 363.

Marsh, Mrs

Of Innsmouth; wife of Obed? AWD Shuttered 271.

Marsh, Capt. Obadiah

AWD Seal (online text) 158, 166, widow of 167.

Marsh, Obed (1)

Of Innsmouth. Married to Mrs. Marsh; grandfather of Ralsa Marsh; related to Sarah Whateley. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 306-307, 309, 312, 329, 330-339, second wife and children 338, 365, 367.

AWD Island 191; Clay 377-378, 380; Shuttered 266, 270-273, 277; Sky 60, 64, 70, 78-80, 82, 84-85, 91; Survivor (online text) 161; Valley (online text) 137.

Marsh, Obed (2)

Of Aylesbury. AWD Valley (online text) 125, 129, 130, 133, 144.

Marsh, Old Man

HPL Innsmouth (online text) throughout, 326.

See: Marsh, Barnabas.

Marsh, Onesiphorus

Son of Obed Marsh. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 339.

Marsh, Ralsa

Of Innsmouth? Of Dunwich? Grandson of Obed Marsh; father of Ralsa Whateley, by Sarah Whateley. AWD Shuttered 276-277, 288; Watchers married? to Lavinia Whateley 403.

Marsh Refining Company, Marsh Refinery

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 306, 308, 310, 320, 323-324.

AWD Island 191; Clay 376; Sky 62, 65, 74-75, 78, 80.

Marsh, Rowley, Dr

Of Innsmouth. AWD Shuttered 277.

Marsh St

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 341.

Marshall Islands

AWD Island 184.

Martin family

Innsmouth family. AWD Fisherman 292; Shuttered 271-273.

Martin, Esdras

Of Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 329.


HPL Case (online text) 122, "Martineco" 162; Medusa (online text) 171.

Martin St

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 325.

Martino, Alicia and Felipe

Of Santa Rita. RB Terror 246, 251.


RFS Casket sinister old scientist with a perverted sense of humor and a young wife 11, archaeologist 12.

Martucci, Nonna

RFS Casket 11-15.

Marvells of Science

By Morryster. An old book that was accepted by the wise and learned of the author's time, but is rejected by even the most ignorant in our day. It includes the following passage:

It is of veritabyll report, and attested of so many that there be nowe of wyse and learned none to gaynsaye it, that ye serpente hys eye hath a magnetick propertie that whosoe falleth into its svasion is drawn forwards in despyte of his wille, and perisheth miserabyll by ye creature hys byte. [AB Snake (online text)]

The Festival narrator saw an old copy of this wild book at the home of his people in Kingsport [HPL Festival (online text)].


A servant. HPL Medusa (online text) 174, 186.


HK Hydra (online text) 134.

Incl: Baltimore; Canning, Launcelot;


Of Stillwater. Father of Irene Masitte. AWD Wind (online text) Tavern keeper, follower of Ithaqua willing to sacrifice his own daughter. He unwillingly gave Allison Wentworth and James Macdonald rooms for the night.

Masitte, Irene

Of Stillwater. AWD Wind (online text) Daughter of Masitte the tavern-keeper. Asked Allison Wentworth and James Macdonald to help her escape being sacrificed to Ithaqua. Ithaqua flung her dead, frozen body to the ground near Robert Norris.

Masked Monk

Synonym for Hooded Monk. REH Bear 36.

Masked One

Synonym for Hooded Monk. REH Bear 36.


Of Yokahama. AWD Island 203.

Mason, Bill

HK Invaders (online text) 64-68, 70-72, 74-75, (79).

Mason, Dr

Trustee of the Cabot Museum, Boston; was present at the dissection of the T'yog mummy. HPL Aeons (online text) 287.

Mason, Frederick Nasmyth

A false name and persona adopted by Thomas Slauenwite after his escape to flee possible murder charges. HPL Winged (online text) 242, 243, 253, 254.

Masonic Hall

New Church Green, Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 313, 318, 336.

AWD Sky 56.

Mason, Keziah

HPL WitchHouse (online text) 263-266, 271-275, 284, 290, 293, 296.

See also: Nahab.

Mason, Marvin

Fiance of Avis Long. RB Unspeakable 165-167, 169-170, 172-177.

Masque of the Red Death

By Poe. RB Sebek 119, 121.


HPL Dunwich (online text) 155; Mound (online text) 159; Rats (online text) 28, 32; Time (online text) 369; Unnameable (online text) 203; Whisperer (online text) 209.

AWD Beyond2 154, 156; Island 180, 184, 189, 193-194, 201, 211-212; Curwen 3, 16; Dweller 122, 124, 133; Fisherman 289, 293; Gable (online text) 212; Gorge 107-108, 113, 124; Clay 371-372; Keeper 146, 171-172; Lurker 117, 124; Middle 352; Peabody 179; Seal (online text) 149, 164; Sky 51-52; Space 233; Shuttered 257, 268; Six 124; Valley (online text) 116; Watchers 382, 384, 394, 401; Wentworth 168; Whippoorwills 51; Witches 300; Wood pockets of secret worship 84.


Fowler, Goody; Bradford, Gov. William; Harper, Jebediah; Wampanaug Indians

Arkham; Aylesbury; Aylesbury Pike; Billington's Wood; Bolton; Boston; Boynton Beach; Cambridge; Concord; Danvers; Dean's Corners; Deeprock Gorge; Devil Reef; Devil's Ladder; Dunwich; Duxbury; Elm Mountain; Falcon Point; Gloucester; Harvard University; Haverhill; Innsmouth; Ipswich; Kingsport; Kingston; Manuxet River; Marblehead; Marsh family; Martin family; Miskatonic river; Misquamacus; Newbury; Newburyport; New Plymouth; Orthodox Church of the Massachesetts Bay; Plum Island; Rowley; Salem; Sefton; Springfield; Walden Pond; Wilbraham; Worcester.

Massachusetts-Bay, Province of

Old name for Massachusetts.

HPL Case (online text) 121.

RB Satan 5, 6.

Massie, Nayland

AWD Curwen 32, 34-36.

Mass of St. Secaire

"The Mass of Saint-Sécaire is a ritual supposed to have been performed in Gascony, France . . . The ritual was a form of Black Mass, a parody of the Roman Catholic Mass . . . According to the recorded account, the Mass could only be said in a ruined or deserted church. At precisely the first stroke of 11 o'clock the corrupt priest, with only his lover as attendant, would begin to recite the Mass backwards, being sure to finish at precisely the last stroke of midnight . . . At the very end the officiant would pronounce the name of a victim who, it was believed, would soon simply waste away and die, with no cause that could be understood by medicine." There seems to be no information available about the "St. Secaire" that the Mass is named after. [The Mass of Saint-Sécaire and Talk:The Mass of Saint-Sécaire, Wikipedia]

Phillips Keith, while possessed by Satan, spoke of the Mass of St. Secaire as an example of Satanic ritual. [RB Hell (online text)]

Master, the (1)

RB Opener 160-161.

Master, the (2)

REH Skull (online text): Another name for Kathulos.

Master, the (3)

AWD Lurker 36, 97-103, 109-110, 140-141.

Synonym for: Billington, Richard.

Master of Evil

RB Faceless 40.

Synonym for: Nyarlathotep.

Master of the Great Black Lodge

Synonym for Satan [RB Hell (online text) 45].

Master of the light

One of the Space-Eaters. FBL Eaters (online text) 115.

Master of the Monolith

See full article at Master of the Monolith.


HPL Case (online text) 212, 213, 215, 217.


HPL Case (online text) 212.

Cotton MatherMather, Cotton

(1663-1728) New England puritan author and preacher who was involved in the Salem witch trials. Author of Magnalia Christi Americana and Wonders of the Invisible World.

Mather looked on sanctimoniously when Richard Upton Pickman's four-times-great-grandmother was hanged on Gallows Hill in Salem. Mather told of strange things in old Salem times. [HPL Pickman (online text)]

In Magnalia Christi Americana, Mather was gullible enough to include country mutterings about a man who had begotten offspring on a beast [HPL Unnameable (online text)].

When Keziah Mason disappeared from Salem Gaol, not even Cotton Mather could explain the curves and angles smeared on the grey stone walls with some red, sticky fluid [HPL WitchHouse (online text)].

Cotton Mather is quoted as stating that a village of fourteen houses to the north (that is, Roodsford) is inhabited by witches. Mather affirmed that this America is the devil's paradise or the witches' paradise. At the time of Hallow-Mass on Dorcas Frye's visit to Roodford, Frye reflected that Mather was sick in bed with a colic sent by the devil. [RB Satan]

Amos Stark had a compendious edition of Cotton Mather's works. [AWD Wentworth]

Mather, Increase

RB Satan 7.

Matthewson, Capt. James

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 134-136, 140-142.

Maugham, Somerset

Author of The Letter. AWD Space 232.


A city? HPL Innsmouth (online text) 363.

Mauvaissoir, Jehan

CAS Holiness (online text) 119-121, 127, 134, 136.

Aka: des Emaux, Sieur; Melchire.

Mawson, Douglas, Sir

HPL Mountains (online text) 70, 103.

Maximilian's army

HPL Electric (online text) 63, 78.


Restaurant on Burton Way in Los Angeles. Mike Miller (posing as Ben Powers) took Kay Keith to dinner there to interview her. [RB Strange]

May, Aunt

Aunt of Avis Long. RB Unspeakable 166-170.


HPL Mound (online text) 137; Yig (online text) 83.

The Mayan temples were built using remnants of knowledge from the pre-Flood era when humanity worshipped the Great Old Ones. [RB Strange]

AWD Gorge 99; Island 181; Lurker 122; Seal (online text) 151, 163; Sky 76; Wood bas-reliefs 73.

Incl: Popul-Vuh.


HPL Dunwich (online text) 164-165, 168, 172, 181, 184; Innsmouth (online text) 321, 331, 335, 339; Whisperer (online text) 225; WitchHouse (online text) 264, 271, 283, 296.

RB Demon 69.

See also: ceremonial days; Walpurgis?

maze, underwater

AWD Gorge 101.

Mazurewicz, Joe

HPL WitchHouse (online text) 271, 275-276, 279, 284, 286-288, 290, 293-295, 298.


A chauffer. HPL Medusa (online text) 174, 180, 186.

McLoy, Charles

Los Angeles sheriff's deputy who discovered the body of Frederick T. Beckman. [RB Strange]

McComb, (President)

HPL Electric (online text) 61-62, 64, 76, 78.

McCrill family

Of Texas. REH Lost 64-65, 70, 72, 88.

McCrill, Braxton

Of Texas. REH Lost 64.

McCrill, Jonas

Of Texas. REH Lost 66-69, 73, 88, 91.

McGregor boys

HPL Colour (online text) 61.

McGuffey's Eclectic Readers

"McGuffey Readers were a series of graded primers for grade levels 1-6. They were widely used as textbooks in American schools from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, and are still used today in some private schools and in homeschooling." [McGuffey Readers, Wikipedia]

McGuffey's Eclectic Readers were still in use at District School Number Seven in Arkham in 1920 [AWD Witches].

McMurdo Sound

Antarctica. HPL Mountains (online text) 7, 12-16, 22-23, Sherman and two sailors 27, 34, 87.

McNeill, Dr

HPL Yig (online text) 80, 82-84, 90, 94-95.


Of Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) 19, 22, 27-28, 31-34, 39.


Explorer who died searching for Chaugnar Faugn's statue. FBL Hills (online text) 242.


See: golden mead.

Meadow Hill

Arkham. HPL Colour (online text) 61; Herbert (online text) 135, 139, 145; Unnameable (online text) 204, 207; WitchHouse (online text) 263, 290, 294.


REH Fire (online text) 40.


Italian rulers. RB Mannikin 75.

Medicine Hat

Alaska or Canada. AWD Gorge 108.


AWD Gorge 108; Keeper 171.

REH Black (online text) mediterranean aborigines (= Little People) 61.


"In Greek mythology, Medusa (Ancient Greek: Μέδουσα, romanized: Médousa, lit. 'guardian, protectress'), also called Gorgo (Ancient Greek: Γοργώ) or the Gorgon, was one of the three Gorgons. Medusa is generally described as a woman with living snakes in place of hair; her appearance was so hideous that anyone who looked upon her was turned to stone." [Medusa, Wikipedia]

The hair of Marceline Bedard was suggestive of the Medusa. Her artist devotee Frank Marsh said there were veiled facts behing the legend of Medusa's snaky locks. Marceline was the thing from which the first dim legends of Medusa and the Gorgons had sprung. After Marceline's death, Antoine de Russy felt that he was trapped by Medusa's coil, unable to leave the estate called Riverside because of the still-living locks of Marceline that were buried below. [HPL Medusa (online text)]

The head of Rhan-Tegoth had long, thick tentacles, marked with spiral stripes—suggesting the traditional serpent-locks of Medusa. [HPL Museum (online text)]

Meeting Street

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114.


AWD Survivor (online text) 163.

Mehu atoll

HC Isle (online text) 168.

Mektub, Ahmed

REH Ring (online text) 49.


HPL Aeons (online text) islands may be peaks of the former continent of Mu 268, a Melanesian was petrified by looking into the eyes of the T'yog mummy 283.

AWD Island 179; Gorge 99.

Mela, Tib. Annaeus

Edile of Pompelo. (Story and page ref lost, but prob. FBL Hills (online text).)


Synonym for Mauvaissoir, Jehan. CAS Holiness (online text) 134, 136.

Melcombe House

In Kent. AWD Spawn 21-22.


Of Yokahama. AWD Island 203.

Melrose Avenue

Los Angeles. Albert Keith drove down Melrose on his way to Simon Waverly's house. Following an earthquake, water pipes burst and flooded Melrose. [RB Strange]

Memorial Hall

Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 94.


Egypt. HPL Case (online text) 197; Alhazred visited the subterranean secrets of Memphis History (online text) 52; Pyramids (online text) 221-222, 227.

RB Fane 133; Sebek 125.


HC Isle (online text) 148, 159-160.

Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

A Hebrew phrase quoted by Zadok Allen when describing the Dagon cult at Innsmouth [HPL Innsmouth (online text) 334, 337]. The reference is from Daniel chapter 5, where the story is told how King Belshazzar mocked the beliefs of the Jews by drinking wine from their sacred vessels at a party and praising the gods of the elements from which the vessels were made; and how a hand suddenly appeared and wrote the phrase mene, mene, tekel, upharsin on the palace wall. The prophet Daniel explained the phrase to mean that Belshazzar had been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and that his kingdom would shortly be taken from him. Zadok may have meant that the Dagon cult was comparable to the Babylonians in terms of its depraved practices and pagan nature.


Of dreamlands, a dark southern boy. While visiting Ulthar, his black kitten is stolen by the cotter and his wife; Menes utters prayers that lead to their deaths. HPL Cats (online text) 56-58.

Mephistopheles, Mephisto

Synonym for Satan [RB Hell (online text)].

A "prince" of the netherworld, mentioned in the Seventh Book of Moses. [AWD Wentworth]

The Ancient Ones (2) resemble mythical demons such as Mephistopheles. [AWD Seal (online text)]


HPL Time (online text) 3.

Merluzzo, Father

Of Spirito Santo Church, Federal Hill, Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 111-112.

RB Steeple (online text) 215, 217-219.


RB Kiss (online text) 49.

AWD Seal (online text) 159.


HPL Cats (online text) the cat is "bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe" 55.

Merritt, John

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 120-121, 152, 211.


HPL Challenge (online text) 2.

RB Fane 133.

Incl: Ishtar.


230-65 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 17, 33, 53; Time (online text) 385, 398.

AWD Survivor (online text) 163.

See also: chronology.

Messenger of the Gods

AWD Seal (online text) 162.


Sculptor. AWD Wood 76.

metals with strange properties

HPL Aeons (online text) T'yog's cylinder from ancient Mu was made of an unanalysable metal 268; Mound (online text) metal of the Old Ones 127.

See also: lagh metal; Tulu metal.


See: Metraton.

Methodist Church

Dunwich. AWD Watchers 401, 402.

Incl: Hoag, Rev. Jeptha.

Metraton, Metatron

Name of an angel; The Key of Solomon refers to "the Great Angel Metatron, Who is the Prince of the Angels, and introduceth the Souls before the Face of God" [S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers (trans), The Key of Solomon the King, Book I, Chapter VII, Internet Archive, ret. 07/13/2024].

Joseph Curwen and Simon Orne were devotees of Almousin-Metraton. The name Metraton was mentioned in the Per Adonai incantation used by Charles Dexter Ward when he raised Joseph Curwen, and later used by Curwen to attack Marinus Willett. The name was included in a copy of the chant chiseled on a wall under the site of Curwen's old house. [HPL Case (online text)] For more information on this incantation, refer to Sources of Necromancy in Charles Dexter Ward.


Of Uganda and M'gonga. HPL Winged (online text) bitten by the devil-fly, he was brought from Uganda to M'gonga and treated by Thomas Slauenwite 245, 246, cured 247, wife named Ugowe 247, helped Slauenwite search for specimens of the devil-fly 247-248.

Mexico, Mexicans

HPL Aeons (online text) Ghatanothoa cult penetrated Mexico 276; Electric (online text) 61-63, 68-71, 74, 79; Mound (online text) 96, 113, indians 117, 120, 137, 151; Test (online text) Mexican quarter, San Francisco 23 & 32, Mexican cook 40, Mexican boy 46; Yig (online text) 81.

RB Kiss (online text) 39-40; Notebook (online text) 235.

AWD Island 181; Keeper 140; Lurker 138.

REH Jade: A black bracero named Joe lived near Conrad and Kirowan, possibly in Texas.

HK Bells (online text) Mexicans 81-83.

Incl: Acolhua; Azteca; Aztecs; Chalca; Cthulhutl; Feldon, Arthur; Huitzilopotchli; Ipalnemoan; Jackson, Superintendent; Maximilian's army; Mictlanteuctli; Nahuans; Nahuatlacatl; Nezahualpilli; Niguratl-Yig; Old Ones (Misc); Quetzalcoatl; Tenochtitlan; Tepaneca; Tlahuica; Tlascalteca; Tloquenahuaque; Tonatiuh-Metzli; Xochimilca; Yog-Sototl

Aguas Calientes; Anahuac; Chihuahua; Fonda Nacional; Queretaro; Rio Grande; San Mateo Mountains; Sierra de Malinche; Seven Caves of Chicomoztoc; Tlaxcala; Tlaxcala Mining Company; Torreon; Veracruz?.

Mexico City

HPL Electric (online text) 62-64, 68, 71, 73, 75-76.

Elsie Probilski went to a private clinic outside Mexico City for cancer treatment. [RB Strange]

AWD Gorge 124.

Mezzamalech, Zon

Sorcerer of Mhu Thulan, Hyperborea. CAS Ubbo (online text) 50-55.


HPL Call (online text) 136.


Africa. HPL Winged (online text) a cotton and ivory trading post, 50 miles from the Uganda line, almost on the equator 245; Thomas Slauenwite did research there 245; 248, 249, 251;

Incl. Batta; Gobo; N'Kuru; Slauenwite, Thomas.

Mhu Thulan

Ultimate northern penninsula of the Hyperborean continent. CAS Coming (online text) 67, 71, 82; Door (online text) 18, 22, 24, 27-28, 40-41; Ubbo (online text) 50-54.

[CAS Testament (online text)] Commoriom received traders from Mhu Thulan.


A patriarch, who suppressed the Necronomicon [HPL History (online text) 2-3].


AWD Lurker 138; Witches Upper ___ incl. Potter family 300, 305, 307.

Incl: Potter family.

Michigan Avenue

Chicago. AWD Depths (online text) 237, 241-242.

Michigan, Lake

AWD Depths (online text) 225, (242); Seal (online text) 152.


AWD Island 179; Gorge 99.

Incl: Guam.

Mictlanteuctli, Mictlantecutli

"Mictlāntēcutli or Mictlantecuhtli (meaning 'Lord of Mictlan'), in Aztec mythology, is a god of the dead and the king of Mictlan (Chicunauhmictlan), the lowest and northernmost section of the underworld. He is one of the principal gods of the Aztecs and is the most prominent of several gods and goddesses of death and the underworld. The worship of Mictlantecuhtli sometimes involved ritual cannibalism, with human flesh being consumed in and around the temple." [Mictlāntēcutli, Wikipedia]

At a hidden cave on the wild slope of the haunted Sierra de Malinche, Arthur Feldon chanted to Mictlanteuctli and other deities (including Cthulhutl) shortly before apparently executing himself with an electric device. Later, it seemed that Feldon, or perhaps his ghost or astral projection, exclaimed "Mictlanteuctli, Great Lord," while menacing the Electric Executioner narrator. [HPL Electric (online text)]

Middle East

Kathulos regarded the Middle Eastern race only as a tool to advance his ultimate goal [REH Skull (online text)].

A dark-complexioned visitor from a Middle Eastern country persuaded Howard Lindsay, owner of the Lindsay Paint Company in Innsmouth, to produce something toxic that was later dumped in Deeprock Gorge [HC Coming].

Incl: Alhazred, Abdul; Arabia; Assyria; Astarte; Babylon; Egypt; Erech; Innanna; Iran; Irem; Ishtar; Ispahan; Lebanon; Magna Mater; Mesopotamia; Nameless City; Nina; Nineveh; Persia; Phoenicia; Teraz; Tyre.

Middle Ocean

HPL Doom (online text) 48.

Middle Temple Lane

London. AWD Lurker 4.

Midsummer Night

REH Black (online text) 57-58, 60, 64, 72.

See also: ceremonial days.

Mighty Messenger

Synonym for Nyarlathotep. RB Faceless 40-41, 46; Fane 134.

The tall man from Project Arkham remarked that the current spate of natural disasters and terrorist activity resembled Lovecraft's description of what will happen when the Mighty Messenger appears. [RB Strange]

AWD Dweller 137, 142, 151; Hastur 22.

Mighty Ones

HPL Mist (online text) 283.

RB Faceless Synonym for Great Ones 41.


Name used by Nepalese hill-tribes for the Outer Ones; see Outer Ones.

AWD Curwen 22; Lurker 84; Hastur those who serve (Cthulhu?) 21; Whippoorwills 47.

HH Guardian 299: The tiny man said that the Book includes secrets of the Mi-Go.

RFS Warder 164.

See: Outer Ones

Mile-End Cove

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 118.

Milky Way

HPL Colour (online text) 79; Mound (online text) 106.


California. HPL Test (online text) 23.

Miller, Dr

Of Philadelphia. HPL Test (online text) 51-52, 55, 57, 60.

Miller, Mike

A Federal agent working for Project Arkham. He pretended to be Ben Powers when he met Kay Keith while investigating the death of Albert Keith. He recruited Kay to infiltrate Reverend Nye's cult, and took her to a meeting of Project Arkham in Washington. He was sent on a nuclear submarine that was planning to destroy R'lyeh, but was killed in the attempt. [RB Strange]

Million Favored Ones

Children of Nyarlathotep. HPL Whisperer (online text) 226.

AWD Dweller 137.


Of Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) 20.


Wisconsin. HPL Haunter (online text) 92, 115.

RB Steeple (online text) 212-213.

Incl: Blake, Robert; Bloch, Robert; South Dearborn Street.


AWD Dweller 126.

Minoan fisher

HPL Haunter (online text) 106.

Minot, Joe

HPL Pickman (online text) 13.

Minot, (Dr.) William

HPL Aeons (online text) on February 18, 1933, was stabbed to death 265, conducted dissection of T'yog mummy 287.

Miocene Epoch

25-10 million years old. HPL Mountains (online text) 18.

CAS Ubbo (online text) 49.


A person. HPL Case (online text) 145.


DW Lady (online text) 105-108.

Miri Nigri

Strange dark folk of the Pyrenees (Chaugnar Faugn's toad men?) FBL Hills (online text) 288.

See also: Chaugnar Faugn's toad men.

Misericorde Cemetery

RB Grinning 52.


A barque. HPL Mountains (online text) 6, 9, 34.

Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition of 1930-31

Of Miskatonic University and Antarctica. AWD Space 244.

Synonym for: Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition of 1930-31.

Miskatonic Avenue

Arkham. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 271.

Miskatonic Club

HPL Doorstep (online text) 297.

Incl: Upton, Daniel.

Miskatonic River

Massachusetts. HPL Colour (online text) island 57; Dunwich (online text) 155; Silver (online text) 415; Mist (online text) 277, estuary 279, 280; Doorstep (online text) 277; WitchHouse (online text) island 263, 265, 274, 278.

AWD Attic 308; Curwen 4, 27, 41, 44-45; Fisherman 291; Lamp (online text) 254; Lurker 3, 7, 11, 19, 27, 29, 31, 41, 73, 91, 127, 139; Middle 352-353, 355, 358, 361-362; Seal (online text) 166; Shuttered 257-258, 264, 278, 281, 283, 286, 288; Watchers, course described 386, 387, 388, 394.

Miskatonic University

Arkham. HPL Colour (online text) 57; Dunwich (online text) 157, 168-169, 182; Herbert (online text) medical school 133, 138, 143, 149, 154; History (online text) 2; Innsmouth (online text) jewelry specimens 310, museum 362; Mountains (online text) 25, 61; Doorstep (online text) 278-280, 295; Time (online text) 369-370, 384, 406; Whisperer (online text) 209; WitchHouse (online text) 263, museum 285, University Spa 298.

AWD Beyond2 154, 159, 162, 164, 172, 175-176; Dweller 122, librarian 126, 128-130, 141, 148, 150; Gable (online text) 199, 202, 205; Gorge 98, 103, 112, 116; Keeper 146, 149; Lurker Hotel Miskatonic 5, Quadrangle 5, Library 19, 47, library 51, 75, quadrangle 76, library 76, 111, library 119-120, 125, 142, library 146; Hastur small restaurant nearby 6; Sandwin librarians belonging to same club 89, 97-98, 101, 105, 107, 112; Seal (online text) 168; Space 230, 233-234, 246; Shuttered, anthropology department includes Professor Bethnall 281; Watchers 402.

FL Terror2 269, 282-284, 286-291, 293-294, 305-306, 308-310.

RAL Settlers Dave Fenner studied Latin there and consulted Necronomicon before having a breakdown and dropping out (24, 26, 30), located near Massacussetts Bay and not far from Marblehead (25).

JVS Graveyard 232.

Incl: Alwyn, Tony; Armitage, Henry, Dr.; Ashley, Ferdinand C.; Atwood, Prof.; Bethnall, Professor; Derby, Asenath; Derby, Edward Pickman; Dexter, Prof.; Dyer, Prof. William; Ellery, Professor; Elwood, Frank; Freeborn, Tyler M.; Gilman, Walter; Halsey, Dr. Allan; Harper, Dr. Armitage; Keane, Prof. Martin; Lake, Prof.; Lapham, Dr. Seneca; Morgan, Dr. Francis; Pabodie, Prof. Frank H.; Peaslee, Nathaniel Wingate; Peaslee, Prof. Wingate; Rackham, Dr.; Rice, Prof. Warren; Upham, Professor; Waldron, old; West, Herbert; Wilmarth, Albert N.

Hotel Miskatonic; Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition of 1930-31; Miskatonic Club; Miskatonic University library.

Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition of 1930-31

HPL Mountains (online text) 4-etc.; Time (online text) 406.

FL Terror2 293.

Aka: Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition of 1930-31.

Incl: Atwood, Prof.; Boudreau; Carroll; Danforth; Daniels; Douglas, Capt. J. B.; Dyer, Prof. William; Fowler; Gedney; Gunnarsson; Lake, Prof.; Larsen; McTighe; Mills; Moulton; Pabodie, Prof. Frank H.; Ropes; Sherman; Thorfinnssen, Georg; Watkins; Williamson

Arkham brig; Miskatonic barque;

Miskatonic University library

Of Miskatonic University. Includes a 17th century copy of the Necronomicon (HPL History (online text) 53).

Wilbur Whately visited the Miskatonic University library to consult the Necronomicon. [HPL Dunwich (online text)]

AWD Attic 311, 327; Curwen 3-4, 21, (22-24), 25, 40-41, 43; Gable (online text) 201, 205, 211; Hastur 2-3, 5, 10, 15, gift of R'lyeh Text, Book of Eibon, and Pnakotic Manuscripts 25, 28; Six 124; Sky 58, 68, 86, 92-93; Space 246; Valley (online text) 125, 134, 138; Watchers 402; Witches 300-301, 305; Wood rare book collection 83.

Incl: Akeley Collection; Alwyn, Tony; Armitage, Dr. Henry; David; Llanfer, Doctor; Peabody;

Miskatonic Valley

HPL Dunwich (online text) upper Miskatonic valley 172, 176; Herbert (online text) 144; Picture (online text) 117; WitchHouse (online text) 294.


Head man of Wampanaug indians; also name of a stream. HPL Sorceries (online text).

AWD Lurker 15-16, related to Quamis? 30, 35, stream 73, 98, stream 127, 139-140, 146, stream 147.

Missale Romanum

The liturgy for Mass in the Roman Catholic church. John Conrad had a copy in his study. [REH Children (online text)]

Mission San Xavier

See: San Xavier.


AWD Gorge Delta 97, 118.

Incl: Natchez.


HPL Medusa (online text) 164, 168, 200; Yig (online text) 89.

AWD Lurker 137.

Incl: Barker's Crick; Bend Village; Cape Girardeau; Riverside; Trenton.

Mlolo, Lake

Of Uganda. Where Mevana was bitten by the devil-fly. Thomas Slauenwite led an expedition there to collect a specimen. [HPL Winged (online text) 248]


A land said to be "still, and remote from most other lands both of waking and of dream" [HPL Doom (online text)]. While the land of Mnar has a dreamlike quality, it seems to have had a physical existence on earth some 10,000 years ago. Thus, we are told that Ib existed long ago in the land of Mnar [Mountains (online text)], and that Sarnath stood in the land of Mnar when mankind was young [Nameless (online text)]. Also, Iranon searched Mnar in vain for his remembered city of Aira, only to discover that Aira was unreachable because it had only ever existed in his dreams. It would seem to follow Mnar was in the waking world [Iranon (online text)].

On the other hand, the men of Inganok in the dreamlands traded onyx to merchants from the cities of Thraa, Ilarnek, and Kadatheron, which were in Mnar [Kadath (online text)].

The idol of Bokrug, enshrined in the high temple at Ilarnek, was subsequently worshipped beneath the gibbous moon throughout the land of Mnar. [HPL Doom (online text)]

Upton Gardner said that he had been to Mnar after he was taken by Nyarlathotep [AWD Dweller].

When Misquamacus returned in the 1920's, he said that he had visited Mnar and Carcosa [AWD Lurker].

Ancient Mnar was the source of star-stones with protective powers [AWD Lurker, Sky].

Incl: Ai, River; Akurion; Bnazic Desert; Bokrug; Cydathria; Dothur; Falona; Gnai-kah; Ib; Ilarnek; Implan; Kadatheron; Lobon; Middle Ocean; Nargis-Hei; Nariel isles; Pnath; Rokol; Sarnath; star stones; Tamash; Taran-Ish; Thraa; Zo-Kalar; Zokkar.

Note: Iranon (online text) appears to take place in Mnar. Of the following refs in Iranon (online text), the ones marked with asterisks also appear in Doom (online text), a story definitely set in Mnar. Note also that Kadath (online text) does not refer to any of the places mentioned in Iranon (online text), save Lomar and some cities that are in Mnar; that is, Kadath (online text) did not induct this story into dreamland geography, as it did all the other dream tales. The story's theme of the unreality of dreams also argues against its taking place in the land of Dream.

Athok the cobbler; Iranon; Romnod; yath-trees;

Ai river*; Aira city; Bnazic desert*; Cydathria, cities of*; Drinen in the East; Illarnek*; Jaren city; Kadatheron*; Karthian hills; Kra river; Liranian desert; Lomar; Mlin, Tower of; Narthos, valley of; Nithra river; Olathoe*; Oonai; Sarnath*; Sidrak, Mt.; Sinara on the southern slope; Stethelos city; Teloth city; Thraa city*; Xari river; Zuro river;


Of Arabia; prophet of Islam. RFB Iram (online text) 118.


See Moira O'Brien.


A daemon? CAS Holiness (online text) 120.


Of Africa.

Thomas Slauenwhite did research there, but lost popularity with the government officials [HPL Winged (online text) 244 & 245]. Slauenwite planned to escape through Mombasa [254].

Incl:Sloane, Norman.

Mombasa Gazette

Reported news of the death of Henry Sargent Moore [HPL Winged (online text) 253].


Welsh island. RB DarkIsle 93.

Synonym for: Anglesey.

Monahan, William J

Of Providence. Patrolman, later Sergeant. HPL Haunter (online text) 111.

RB Steeple (online text) 215, 217-219.

Monas HieroglplyphicaMonas Hieroglyphica

By John Dee. First published in 1564, the work discusses the meaning of various archetypal pictorial symbols, and especially a certain glyph of Dee's own creation. [Monas Hieroglyphica, Wikipedia] The online text is available at the Twilit Grotto.

When James Conrad explored the house in the oaks near Old Dutchtown, N.Y., he found a copy of the Monas Hieroglyphica [REH House (online text)].

Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids

Asia. HPL Gates (online text) Mongol hordes 443.

AWD Beyond2 154, 164, 169, 171; Gable (online text) 199, 206; Keeper 140; Seal (online text) 168; Space Inner ___ 233.

REH Bear 36; Black (online text) 58, 61, 63; Children (online text) 150, 154: A race of mongoloid origin, the Children of the Night, were the original inhabitants of Britain; Dig (online text) 77: Ten years before his death, John Grimlan visited Mongolia; Lost 80-81; People (online text) Mongoloids 147; Ring (online text) inner Mongolia 63; Roof (online text) 3.

Mongoloid technique

Of hieroglyphics. HPL Diary (online text) 310.

Monk's Hollow

HK Frog (online text) 106-107, 109, 112, 114, 116, 118; Hunt (online text) 162.

Area includes: Benson, Will; Codman, Betsy; Dobson; Durkin, Ed; Hartley, Norman; Liggett, Byram; North Swamp; Pickering, Anam and Martha; Winthorp, Persis; Witch Stone; Wizard's House.

Montagny, Pierre-Louis

HPL Time (online text) 396.

The secular meditations of Pierre-Louis Montagny [FL Terror2 285].

Monthly Weather Review

AWD Lurker 137.

Montez, Ysola

AWD Curwen 29.


Vermont. HPL Whisperer (online text) 209.

Mont Saint-Michel

HPL Pickman (online text) 14.


HPL Man (online text) 209-210.


RB Shambler (online text) Ludvig Prinn was a gentleman retainer of Montserrat 180.


HPL Kadath (online text) 319, (320-321), 322, (323-324); Mountains (online text) 66.

AWD Island 181.

Incl: moon-things.

Moon of Yiggurath

RB Grinning 54.


HPL Kadath (online text) 369, moon-beasts 377, 378-380, 382-383, 385-386, 389, serve Nyarlathotep 397.

See also: toad-things.


Of the dreamland. In the enchanted wood grows a haunted tree unlike the others, that grew from seeds dropped from the moon. The zoogs make a wine from the fermented sap of a moon-tree. [HPL Kadath (online text) 309-310] Randolph Carter saw similar trees growing on the moon [320].

Moore, Henry Sargent, Ph.D.

HPL Winged (online text) Of Brooklyn, N.Y., a Professor of Invertebrate Biology at Columbia University, N.Y. 243, a classmate and friend of Thomas Slauenwite in American and Africa, he accused Slauenwite of stealing a theory from the late Sir Norman Sloane 244, author of Diptera of Central and Southern Africa 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, bitten by the devil-fly 252, coma and death 253, devil-fly escaped after his death 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262.

Moore, Major

HPL Yig (online text) 81.

Moore, (Dr.) Wentworth

Taxidermist of Cabot Museum; examined changes in T'yog mummy and attempted to preserve it with atringent spray. Witnessed the final dissection of the mummy. Disappeared in March of 1933. HPL Aeons (online text) 265, 281, 282, 287.


South Pacific island. Albert Keith speculated that he might find remnants of olden beliefs on Moorea. [RB Strange]


Moorish sorcerers and necromancers [RB Kiss (online text) 40].

Moorish sailors knelt when they saw the mummy of Kathulos and started chanting worshipfully [REH Skull (online text)].

Morales, Eduardo J.

A Los Angeles police lieutenant who was shielded the mayor during an assassination attempt. [RB Strange]


Family, Aylesbury area. AWD Valley (online text) 118, 137-138, Sereno More 140, Jared More and his boy 144 & 148.

Morgan, Dr. Francis

HPL Dunwich (online text) 173, 176, 185-187 etc., description 193, big game rifle 188.

FL Terror2 medicine and comparative anatomy 288, 293, 295, 301-302, 308-309.


Of Hyperborea. High priest of the goddess Yhoundeh. CAS Door (online text) 18-21, 23-24, 27-41.


Enchantress. (Averoigne area?) CAS Holiness (online text) 132-139, 142-143.


Name mentioned in Magna Mater invocation. HK Hydra (online text) 135.

Synonym for: Hydra.

Morni, the

Nickname of Bran Mak Morn. REH Dark (online text) 86-87.


AWD Gorge coast 108, 122.

Morris, Daniel

HPL Man (online text) 207-208.

Aka: Mad Dan.

Morrison Co

HPL Call (online text) 145.

Morrison, Professor

From Northwestern (University). AWD Depths (online text) 229-230, 232, 249.

Morris, Rose C

HPL Man (online text) (203, 206), oldest daughter of Osbone Chandler 208, 210-212, (213-214).


Author, Marvells of Science. [AB Snake; HPL Festival (online text)]

Mortensen, William

"William Herbert Mortensen (January 27, 1897 – August 12, 1965) was an American glamour photographer, primarily known for his Hollywood portraits in the 1920s–1940s in the Pictorialist style... During the 1920s and 1930s, he was inspired by horror films being adapted in studios, and ended up making portraits about them in his own style. His favorite photographic topics were of witches, dancers, demons, peasants, and Shakespearean actors." [William Mortensen, Wikipedia, 11/12/20]

RB Sorcerer (online text) 149, 151: David Niles was a devotee of the William Mortensen school of photography, including Mortensen's technique of "bending and twisting the negative so that prints showed elongated or flattened figures in nightmarish fashion."


Of Cambridge, Massachusetts. HPL Winged (online text) notified Thomas Slauenwite that Henry Moore had been bitten was was feeling run down 252, stopped writing to Slauenwite 253.

Morton, (Captain)

AWD Seal (online text) 180.

Morton, James

Of Partridgeville Chemical Laboratories. FBL Hounds (online text) 86.

Moscopulus, Emanuel

FBL Hounds (online text) 74.

Moses Brown School

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 110, 112, 163.

Most Ancient One

HPL Gates (online text) 433-436.

Synonym for: 'Umr at-Tawil

Mother Goddess

Epithet of Shub-Niggurath. Inspired by the Mother Goddess, T'yog wrote down a formula to protect himself from Ghatanothoa. HPL Aeons (online text) 273.


Of Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) 14-15, 18-19.

Mound Builders

Native Americans. REH Lost 81.

Mountains of Madness

Antarctica. AWD Dweller expedition 133; Lamp (online text) 252; Space 240, 246.

FL Terror2 300.

Mountain Top

A village. HPL Man (online text) 202, 212.

Mt. Vernon Street

Boston. Location of Cabot Museum. HPL Aeons (online text) 266.

Mowry, Selectman

HPL Innsmouth (online text) 336.

Moybridge, Judson

Of Los Angeles. A corporate attorney. His uncle Danton Heisigner persuaded him to raise Kay Keith's orphan son, Mark Dixon. Moybridge was living on Los Feliz when Dixon was a child. Moybridge wrote the book The Fall of Cthulhu to debunk rumors of the Black Brotherhood and discredit H. P. Lovecraft. However, Moybridge was secretly employed by the Brotherhood. Moybridge's research materials included a microfilm of extracts from the Necronomicon. Reverend Nye eventually doubted Moybridge's loyalty and had him murdered. [RB Strange]


Pearls from wave-washed Mtal. HPL Doom (online text) 48.


Visited by Zkauba. HPL Gates (online text) 447.


Continent and nation in the Pacific. HPL Aeons (online text) Naacal language 271 & 273, flourished 200,000 years ago 272, province of K'naa 272, all of Mu threatened if Ghatanothoa emerges 273, sinking of 275/276, taboo against attempts to imagine what Ghatanothoa looks like 277, occultists and newspapers connect cult stirrings with Mu legends 278 & 280; Medusa (online text) 193.

RB Faceless 41.

Mu was destroyed by the period of great earth upheavals called the Flood. [RB Strange]

CAS Testament (online text): Commoriom received tribute from the ocean harboring the immense continent of Mu.

AWD Island 184, 188; Keeper 170; Lurker 124.

REH Shadow (online text).

HK Invaders (online text) 70, first human race 73.

FL Terror2 286.

RFS Warder 164.


Imash-Mo; Nagob; Nug; Outer Ones; Shub-Niggurath; Thabon, King; T'yog; yakith-lizard; Yeb; Yig

Dhoric Shrine; Easter Island; Ghatanothoa; K'naa, province of; Melanesia; Naacal language; Nan-Matal; Nath-feast; Polynesia; Ponape; pthagon; Tahiti; tlath-wood; Yaddith-Gho, Mt.

See also: Churchward, Colonel.


Of Arabia. Son of Abu Sufyan, caliph in Al-Hijaz. RFB Iram (online text) 114-115, 118.

Muddy Dock Bridge

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 137, 140-141.


REH Black (online text) 72.


AWD Keeper 171.

Mulligan Light

Near Partridgeville and the Narrows. FBL Eaters (online text) 106.

Mulligan's Beach

FBL Eaters (online text) 97.

Mulligan Wood

Partridgeville. FBL Eaters (online text) 92, 97-98, 100-101, 103, 105, 107, 109-110, 114.


HPL Aeons (online text) Cabot Museum collection of mummies, including that of T'yog 264-267 & 269-271; Pyramids (online text) composite human/animal 234-235, 239-240.

Municipal Pier

Chicago. AWD Depths (online text) 241.

Murray, Margaret

(1863–1963) "an Anglo-Indian Egyptologist, archaeologist, anthropologist, historian, and folklorist. The first woman to be appointed as a lecturer in archaeology in the United Kingdom, she worked at University College London (UCL) from 1898 to 1935." She researched and lectured on Egypology and participated in or led a number of archeological digs. "Unable to return to Egypt due to the First World War, she focused her research on the witch-cult hypothesis, the theory that the witch trials of Early Modern Christendom were an attempt to extinguish a surviving pre-Christian, pagan religion devoted to a Horned God. Although later academically discredited, the theory gained widespread attention and proved a significant influence on the emerging new religious movement of Wicca." [Margaret Murray, Wikipedia, retrieved 07/04/2028]

Author, Witch-Cult in Western Europe. [HPL Call (online text)]

Mu Sang

Who prophecied about the White Acolyte and Chaugnar Faugn. FBL Hills (online text) 248, 252, 255-256.

Museum in College Street

HPL Call (online text) 146.

Museum of Fine Arts

Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 14.


Arabia/Middle East. AWD Keeper 148.


HK Bells (online text) 80-81, 84, 89, 92.


Country formerly known as Burma.


Author, Commentaries on Witchcraft. RB Mannikin 75.

Mysteries of the Worm

See: De Vermis Mysteriis.

mystic dreamer

HPL Haunter (online text) strange old man (188).

RB Shambler (online text) of New England 179, boyhood in Arkham 179, student of the classics 182.


AWD Hastur good vs. bad gods 11, elemental-like 11; Sandwin after-life 106, seals put upon them by the retreating Ancient Ones 106.

HK Invaders (online text) Earth's gods vs. Invaders 73.

FBL Hounds (online text) "unspeakable deed...before time" 81-82.

CAS Ubbo (online text) "gods who died before the Earth was born, leaving their lore inscribed on tablets of ultra stellar stone; and their tablets were guarded in the primal mire by the formless, idiotic demiurge, Ubbo-Sathla" 51.

See also: cosmology; chronology; reincarnation.

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