Of Philadelphia. HPL Case (online text) 195.

Ga, Chung

See: Chung Ga.

gable window

AWD Gable (online text) 200, 203-205.


Of Britain. RB Brood 92.

REH People (online text) 149, 151-153, 157.

Incl: O'Brien, Turlogh Dubh.


Type of saurian. AWD Survivor (online text) 152.

Gainesville Pike

HPL Statement (online text) 299-300.


An ethnic group in Africa. HPL Winged (online text) 245, five Gallas were hired by Slauenwite for his expedition 247.

Incl. Old N'kuru.

Gallery of Fiends

Photo series. RB Sorcerer (online text) 150.

Incl: Asmodeus; Azazel; Sammael; Beelzebub.

Galloway hills

REH Black (online text) 61.

Gallows Hill, Salem

HPL Gates (online text) 422; Pickman (online text) in Salem? 15, 19.

RB Satan 9.

HK Salem (online text) 250.

Galvez, Joseph D

HPL Call (online text) 138.

Gaol Lane

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114.


Of M'gonga. HPL Winged (online text) the factor's messenger, who Dr. Slauenwite intentially infected with the bite of a devil-fly 249, fell ill from the bite but was saved by Slauenwite with shots of tryparsamide 250-251 & 255.


Of Barnes St., Providence; an antiquarian of note. AWD Survivor (online text) 150-155.

Gamwell, Mrs

Of Providence. JVS Snouted 27.


An elephant-headed god-form of Hinduism, revered as the remover of obstacles.

In Jadhore, Ganesha seems to have associations far different than in the rest of Hinduism. According to the Rajah of Jadhore, Ganesha is not a benevolent god, but a master of dark forces, who has been variously worshipped as Chaugnar Faugn and as Tsathoggua [RB Elephant (online text)]. (The identification with Chaugnar Faugn is understandable, since the latter deity is also represented with an elephant head. However, the link with Tsathoggua seems less plausible, since Tsathoggua is held to be toad-like rather than elephantine.)

In Jadhore, there has been a temple of Ganesha for thousands of years. At the temple there is always a Sacred White Elephant that is regarded as the incarnation of Ganesha. [Elephant]

Ganesha was also the name given by the members of the Stellar Brothers Circus to the latest Sacred White Elephant of Jadhore. [Elephant]

See also: Chaugnar Faugn; Sacred White Elephant of Jadhore; Tsathoggua;


Author, Hydrophinnae. CJ Acquarium 305.


Town enroute Fitchburg to Athol. HPL Whisperer (online text) 244.

Gardner, Merwin "Mernie"

Youngest son of Nahum Gardner. HPL Colour (online text) 66-68, 71-74, 77.

Gardner, Nabby

Wife of Nahum. HPL Colour (online text) (63), 64, (65), 67, (68), 72, 77.

Gardner, Nahum

HPL Colour (online text) 57, 59-70, 72-75, 77, 79-81.

FL Terror2 300.

Gardner, Thaddeus "Thad"

Second son of Nahum Gardner. HPL Colour (online text) 62-68, 70-71, 77.

Gardner, (Prof.) Upton

Of the state university, Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 118-123, 125-127, 129-134, 138-139, 141, 145-146, (147), 148, 151-152.

Gardner, Zenas

Oldest son of Nahum. HPL Colour (online text) 65, 67-69, 71-74, 77.


By Edgar Gordon. A famous story, which was inspired by a dream. [RB Demon]


JVS Snouted 25-26.

Garlan, Ben

Of Maine. Father of Jim. RAL Settlers (online text) 26.

Garlan, Jim

Of Maine. Son of Ben. Tried to solve secret of Settler's Wall; studied Necronomicon in British Museum, and later died of brain fever. RAL Settlers (online text) 26-27.

Garrison, Henry

Sacrificed. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 335.

Garrison, Uriah

Of Arkham; great-uncle of Adam Duncan. AWD Attic 308-311, 314, 316, 320, 322, 325-327.

Garrison Street

Arkham (runs North). HPL WitchHouse (online text) 274.


Revenue ship. HPL Case (online text) 146.


HPL Aeons (online text) 278.

Synonym for: Ghatanothoa.

Gate of Deeper Slumber

HPL Kadath (online text) 308, 338-339, 389, 406.

Gate of Dreams, The

Bas-relief by Anton Fischer [FL Terror2 274, 283, 285, 298, 302, 306].

Gate of the Caravans

Inganok. HPL Kadath (online text) 363.


HPL Gates (online text) 440, 442.

AWD Whippoorwills 47, 51.

Gates, Absalom

Of Bridgetown. RB Mannikin 74, widowed sister 74, 76-77, 80.

Gates of the Silver Key

AWD Dweller 138.

Gauer, Harold

Of Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 104.


HPL Medusa (online text) 170.


AWD Lurker 84; Whippoorwills 47.

Synonym for: night-gaunts.


Type of saurian. AWD Survivor (online text) 152, 163.


See: Arkham Gazette.


An alternate spelling of "Jābir ibn Ḥayyān. . . the supposed[6] author of an enormous number and variety of works in Arabic often called the Jabirian corpus. The scope of the corpus is vast and diverse covering a wide range of topics, including alchemy, cosmology, numerology, astrology, medicine, magic, mysticism, and philosophy. . . in 13th-century Europe an anonymous writer, usually referred to as pseudo-Geber, started to produce alchemical and metallurgical writings under this name." [Jabir ibn Hayyan, Wikipedia]

One of the works produced by pseudo-Geber was De investigatione perfectionis ("On the Investigation of Perfection") [Pseudo-Geber, Wikipedia].

Mentioned as the author of Liber Investigationis. [HPL Case (online text)]


HPL Mountains (online text) 10, 17-18, 31-32, 36-39, 77, 80, 82, 86, 96, 101.

FL Terror2 310.

Gedney, Judge

Of Salem. HPL Case (online text) 150.


[REH Gods (online text) 199, 213, 226]


HK Invaders (online text) (narrator) 65, 68-70, 73, 75.


Bible book. AWD Hastur 11.

Genghir the Dreamer

A lord in an ancient middle-eastern kingdom, at least 5,000 years ago. He neglected his duties and delegated the governance to his vizier, Hassim el Wadir, then had the latter flayed for misuse of office. Genghir was interested only in magic and pleasures of the flesh. At last he imbibed the potion of the Black Lotus, which gave him three visions that culminated in his death. Old men told the story of Genghir in ancient Teraz, and still tell of him in the souks of Ispahan. [RB Lotus]

Genghis Khan

REH Bear 36.

Geoffrey, Eustace

(Elder?) brother of Justin Geoffrey. REH House (online text) 114-115.

Geoffrey, John

(Elder?) brother of Justin Geoffrey. REH House (online text) 114, 116.

Geoffrey, Justin

See: Justin Geoffrey.

Geoffrey, Mrs

Mother of Justin Geoffrey. REH House (online text) 115.

Geoffrey, William

Younger brother of Justin Geoffrey. REH House (online text) 114.


(3) general. AWD Gorge focal points of cult activities 108.

geometry, non-Euclidean or mystical

HPL Call (online text) 143; Gates (online text) 432; Medusa (online text) 193.

RB Sorcerer (online text) 159.

AWD Island 206.

HK Hydra (online text) 129-130, 137; Salem (online text) circles, triangles, pentagram 253.

FBL Hounds (online text) angles 80-83 & 85, curves 80 & 82-83.

See also: angles; curves.

George Street

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 115, 126.


Incl: Hancock County.


See: magneto-optic geoscanner.


Pennsylvania. HPL Case (online text) 132.


HPL Aeons (online text) Von Junzt a German scholar 277; the Necronomicon was printed, evidently in Germany, in the fifteenth century (History (online text) 53).

AWD Lurker 138; Spawn 26.

REH Black (online text) 56, 63.

CJ Acquarium 305.

Gervis, George

Of Singapore. A trapper and collector of circus beasts who knows the tropics like a book. RB Elephant (online text) 39-41.

Gethsemane, Garden of

HPL Case (online text) 132.


See: ghasts.


See: Ghatanothoa.

Ghazi, Ibn

See: Ibn Ghazi.

Ghizghuth, Ghizguth

An male offspring spawned by Cxaxukluth in a far star system and brought to Yuggoth. Ghizghuth's wife was Zstylzhemgni, and their son was Tsathoggua. They moved to deep caverns to escape the cannibalistic habits of Cxaxukluth. [CAS Pnom]


City of the Ydheems on Cykranosh. CAS Door (online text) 39-40.


Subterranean dwellers of Cykranosh. CAS Door (online text) 36.

Ghooric zone

HPL Fungi (online text) XXXII.

Ghost Cave

Of Lost Valley, Texas. REH Lost 64, 90.

Ghoth the Burrower

One of the Little People, a descendant of K'baa the Serpent. His union with Viburnia was a hellish and nameless tragedy, which gave birth to Llunwy of Wales, an ancestor of H. P. Lovecraft. [HPL Family (online text)]

Ghoul Feeding

Pickman painting. HPL Pickman (online text) 13-14.


See: ghouls.

Giant Stars

HK Eater (online text) 12.


Word. HPL Case (online text) 170.


AWD Island 181.


Teacher of David Niles. RB Sorcerer (online text) 151.

Gilbert Islands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands

Pacific island chains.

In the near future, the Gilbert and Ellice Island group is inundated by tsunamis related to the rising of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]

AWD Gorge 104.

Giles' brook

Harrop's Pocket. AWD Whippoorwills 57.

Giles family

A family in Dunwich. AWD Lurker 99, 140.

Giles, Lem, Abbey, Arthur, Albert (Bert), and Virginia

AWD Whippoorwills 36-37, Mrs. 37, Lem and Abby 44, Bert 57, Lem 57, Bert 58-59, Albert 60, Bert 67, Abbey 70.

Giles, Mis' (Mrs.)

Dunwich. AWD Lurker Dunwich resident? 32, 33, 37-39.


Family, Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 323, 329; Doorstep (online text) 289.

AWD Clay 375-376, 378; Sky 62, 64, 83; Survivor (online text) 161.


Of Innsmouth. AWD Island 191-192.

Gilman, Asaph

Great-uncle of Claiborne Bord. AWD Gorge 97, profession 98, (100), must not have known virtue of star-stones as he did not carry his (101), (102-103, 107-111), 112, (113), 114, (118, 120-125).

Gilman, Dr

Of Innsmouth. AWD Fisherman 291-292; Shuttered 277.

Gilman House

Hotel in Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 308, 319, 327, 341-350, 352, 355-356.

AWD Sky 73, 80, 83, 86, 88, 91.

Gilman, Hiram

Sacrificed to fish things. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 335.

Gilman, Walter

HPL WitchHouse (online text) 262-298.

FL Terror2 300, 309-310.

gingko trees

HPL Kadath (online text) 352.


HPL Pyramids (online text) 226, 238, 243.

See also: Pyramids.

Glanvill, Joseph

"Joseph Glanvill FRS (1636 – 4 November 1680) was an English writer, philosopher, and clergyman. Not himself a scientist, he has been called 'the most skillful apologist of the virtuosi', or in other words the leading propagandist for the approach of the English natural philosophers of the later 17th century. In 1661 he predicted 'To converse at the distance of the Indes by means of sympathetic conveyances may be as natural to future times as to us is a literary correspondence.'" [Joseph Glanvill, Wikipedia, retrieved 11/12/20]

Author of Saducimus Triumphatus [HPL Festival (online text)].


Joseph Curwen's library included a scientific work by Glauber. [HPL Case (online text)]

The reference may be to Johann Rudolf Glauber (1604–1670), "a German-Dutch alchemist and chemist. Some historians of science have described him as one of the first chemical engineers." Noteworthy publications include Opera chymica (1658–1659) and Opera omnia (Collected Works, 1669). [Johann Rudolf Glauber, Wikipedia, ret. 07/05/2024]


California. Frederick T. Beckman lived on Whitsun Drive in Glendale. [RB Strange]

Glimpses Into Prehistory

A book Clark Ulman was working on. FBL Hills (online text) 245.


Of K'n-yan. HPL Mound (online text) 140, 142-146.

Gll'Hthaa-Ynn mistakenly told Zamacona that only images of Tsathoggua, and not Tsathoggua himself, had emerged from the inner world [CAS Pnom].

Glossina palpalis

A species of African fly. HPL Winged (online text) 246, 248, 249.

Synonym for: devil-fly.


Massachusetts. AWD Island 212; Lamp (online text) inspiration for Ward Phillips' story about the strange high house in the mist 254.

Glover, Dudley Ropes

Of Dunwich. AWD Watchers 400.


Among the stars; home of the Elder Gods. AWD Lurker 83.


(judges?) of K'n-yan. HPL Mound (online text) 153.


High priest of Sarnath. HPL Doom (online text) 48.


Earth elementals. They own the kingdom of the North. They exert the melancholic influence over the temperament of man. Their sign is the Bull, and they are commanded by the Magic Sword. Their sovereign is Gob. The Hell On Earth narrator summoned a gnome, a little man. The narrator identified it with the ancient Pictish, Celtic Little People, with dwarfs, trolls, kobolds, brownies, and leprechauns. [RB Hell (online text)]

Axenos the Elder used the Star of Sechmet to command the gnomes. [RB Sorcerer (online text)]


AWD Lurker 135.

Synonym for: Rhan-Tegoth or "hairy-thing"; related to Gnophkehs?


Of Greenland. HPL Museum (online text) 230.


Related to Gnoph-Hek? HPL Kadath (online text) 310; Mound (online text) hairy, destroyed Lomar 141; Polaris (online text) 22.


Bearded and finny; in sea below Ilek-Vad. HPL Gates (online text) 424; Silver (online text) 420.

FL Terror2 310.

Goade, Aseph

Of Arkham, 1851. AWD Survivor (online text) 161.

Goat, Black

HPL Man (online text) 207.

Goat Hill

San Francisco. HPL Test (online text) 17, 20.

Goat of the Sabbath

Synonym for Satan [RB Hell (online text) 50].

Goat with a Thousand Young

HPL Aeons (online text) T'yog of K'naa, in ancient Mu, was guardian of the copper temple of Goat with a Thousand Young 273; Diary (online text) 321; Man (online text) 209; Museum (online text) 225, 232; Doorstep (online text) 296; Whisperer (online text) 226-227; WitchHouse (online text) 293.

AWD Dweller 137; Keeper 141.

FBL Awakening 101-114.

Synonym for: Shub-Niggurath.

Goat with the Hands

RB Sorcerer (online text) 157.


HPL Medusa (online text) 193.


Ruler of the gnomes, or earth elementals. The Hell On Earth narrator invoked Gob at the beginning of a spell to summon a gnome. [RB Hell (online text)].


An interpreter in M'gonga. HPL Winged (online text) 245.


See: Sho-Gath.

Godfrey, Gideon

Of Boston. RB Satan 5-19.

God of Blood

See full article at God of Blood.

God of Life

Synonym for God of Blood. AWD Those 117.

God of Ressurection

RB Faceless 39.

Synonym for: Nyarlathotep.

God of the Desert

RB Faceless 42, 45-47.

Synonym for: Nyarlathotep.

God of the Winds

Synonym for Ithaqua. AWD Wind (online text) a name that Allison Wentworth used to refer to Ithaqua.

Godolfo, Morella

RB Kiss (online text) 39-41, 49-50, 55-57.


See: "Appendix: Gods, Demons, and Other Singular Entities."

gods friendly to man

HPL Aeons (online text) T'yog felt the gods friendly to man could be arrayed against the hostile gods; he classed Shub-Niggurath, Nug, Yeb, and Yig among those who might aid humanity against Ghatanothoa 273.

gods of earth, Earth's gods

See: Great Ones (1).

gods of good and evil

Of Bel-Yarnak. HK Jest (online text) 61.

Godsworthy, (Captain) Elias

Author, Chronicles of Captain Elias Godsworthy [RB Satan 5].

Golden Ball Inn

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114.

Golden Bough, The

By Sir James Frazer; a classic of comparative religion and mythology, describing the fertility cults of primitive peoples. George Gammell Angell's notes on secret cults included references to the Golden Bough. [HPL Call (online text)]

Golden Goblin Press

Publisher of expurgated reprint of Nameless Cults in 1909. HPL Aeons (online text) 269, 271.

REH Black (online text) 56; Roof (online text) 4, 6.

Golden Hill

Haverhill. HPL Time (online text) 370.

golden mead

Of the Elder Gods. AWD Curwen 16, 19, 26, 28, 33, 36, 42, 44-46; Gorge 127, separates self from body (but contradicted by previous stories; slime on shoes etc.?) 131, (134); Keeper properties 143, 144, 146, 151, body remains behind? 147, part separated from counterpart 148, 162, 164, 173; Sky 69, in pellet form 81, 93.

golden pellets

AWD Sky 81, 87, 93.


The greatest god of Bal-Sagoth. A god of darkness, whose mighty statue sat in the Temple of Shadows, sinister and abhorrent, with inhuman features. Youths were sacrificed to Gol-goroth at the waxing and the waning, the rising and the setting of each moon. The high priest of Gol-goroth was Gothan. Brunhild, posing as the goddess A-ala, ordered Its image destroyed, but the hammers shattered, and those who wielded them were strangely injured. So Brunhild ordered the temple of Gol-goroth sealed. After Brunhild was overthrown, the priests of A-ala were sacrificed on the altars of Gol-goroth. After Brunhild's return to power, the statue of Gol-goroth fell forward and crushed her, shattering as it did so. [REH Gods (online text)]

John Kirowan admitted the former existence of cults such as the cult of Gol-Goroth, but doubted that they had survived to the present day [REH Children (online text)].

Aka: Black God.

Golgotha, Hill of

HPL Case (online text) 132.

Gomes, Tony

Portuguese mulatto. HPL Case (online text) 179, 186, (189-190, 193), 224.


Pictish high priest of the Dark Man. REH Dark (online text) 87.

Gonzalles, Juan

REH Roof (online text) 6.

Goodenough, George

See: Akeley, George Goodenough.

Gordon, Edgar Henquist

[RB Demon]: An author of fantasy horror stories that were based on his dreams. His works included Gargoyle, Night-Gaunt, The Principle of Evil, The Soul of Chaos.

He was a tall, thin, angular man pale face and deep-set eyes. His language was poetic and profound, and his mannerisms slow and dreamlike. He was descended from a Welsh wizard. He claimed to have seen Azozath, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, and Yuggoth in his dreams, prior to reading of their existence in such books as the Necronomicon, Mysteries of the Worm, and the Book of Eibon. Toward the end of his life, his library included occult works such as Cultes des Ghoules and the Daemonolorum.

An intelligence called the Dark One instructed Gordon to write his books, and distribute them to "those who know." Someday, Gordon expected to band together with them and unfold secrets of the cosmos. The Dark One also promised to become incarnate in Gordon, and eventually did so, so that Gordon's body became furry and hog-faced. The Dark Demon narrator shot him then, and later the authorities found only an empty suit of clothes.

Gordon, Evelyn

Wife of James. Née Evelyn Ash. REH Ring (online text) 49-56 etc.

Gordon, James

Husband of Evelyn Gordon. Grandson of Sir Richard Gordon. REH Ring (online text) (throughout), 54 used to work in psychopathic ward.

Gordon, Lady Elizabeth

Wife of Sir Richard Gordon. Of Argyle. REH Ring (online text) 53, etc.?

Gordon, Sir Richard

Of Argyle. Grandfather of James Gordon. REH Ring (online text) 50, 53.

Gorgioso's Invocation of the Devil

RB Hell (online text) 33.


Synonym for Hydra; named in Magna Mater ritual. HK Hydra (online text) 135.


HPL Medusa (online text) 187, 193, 196, 200.

RB Kiss (online text) 41, 49.


Of Bel-Yarnak, a type of fleet but repugnantly shaped reptile. HK Eater (online text) 13.


REH Gods (online text) 196-199, 201-203, (204), 205-208, 213, 215-217, 221-222, 224-225: High priest of Bal-Sagoth and of its greatest deity, the dark god Gol-Goroth. The most ancient men of the city said that Gothan was old when they were babes. The people believe him to be more god than priest, and he did terrible and mysterious things, beyond the power of a common man. In appearance he was very old; he alone of the people there was bearded, and his beard was as white as the long hair which fell about his shoulders. He was very tall and very lean, and his great dark eyes blazed as from a hidden fire. He wore no mantle, bore no weapons; his only garment was a plain loincloth. Gothan had delved too deep in forbidden secrets to remain altogether human. He had passed through doors that had cut him off from the dreams, desires and emotions of ordinary mortals. His subjects were beasts—serpents, spiders, and great apes; and men—red captives and wretches of his own race. Deep in his grisly caverns he made beasts of men and half-men of beasts, mingling bestial with human in ghastly creation. No man dared guess at the horrors that had spawned in the darkness, or what shapes of terror and blasphemy had come into being during the ages Gothan wrought his abominations; for he was not as other men, and had discovered the secret of life everlasting. He at least brought into foul life one creature that even he feared, a gibbering, mowing, nameless Thing he kept chained in the farthest cavern that no human foot save his had trod. When Brunhild was cast ashore and promoted as the goddess A-Ala by the priests, he taught her many strange and fearful things, but did not allow her any actual power. After Brunhild seized the queenship, Gothan eventually lead a successful revolt against her. Then when she returned to power, he sent his most dangerous monster, the nameless Thing to slay her. When the attempt failed, the Thing returned and tore Gothan to pieces. Even after his death, Gothan's face briefly appeared on the statue of Gol-Goroth before it toppled and crushed Brunhild.

Gothenburg, Sweden

HPL Call (online text) 149.


REH Black (online text) 57.


HPL Hound (online text) 172; Medusa (online text) 175; Pickman (online text) 14.


Of hamlet of the dog area, Maine. Called on the Other for his sorceries. Before dying, buried the earthly remains of the Other and cast on it the curse called the mantle of the sorcerer. RAL Graag (online text) (13), 14-15.


Spain. RB Kiss (online text) 40.

Granary Burying Ground

Boston. HPL Kadath (online text) 338.

Grand Cairo

Egypt. HPL Case (online text) 133.

Grand Canyon

HPL Mound (online text) 116.


Of Willie Osborne; Essex County? RB Notebook (online text) 232-233, 234, 236.

Grant Park

Chicago. AWD Spawn 233.


Of Darwich University. RAL Abyss (online text) 286, 290.

Granville, Thomas

FBL Gateway 3-9.

Graves, Rev. John

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 127.

Gray Friar

Spanish ship. REH Gods (online text) 232.

Gray Gulf of Yarnak

HK Eater (online text) where a brooding horror dwelt loathesomely 12-14, (15); Invaders (online text) 73.

Incl: Eater of Souls; Vorvadoss.

Aka: Great Gulf of Yarnak.

See also: Bel-Yarnak.

Gray's Inn

London. HPL Descendant (online text) 358-359.

Great Abyss

HPL Kadath (online text) (335-344), 371-372, 374, 380, 384.

Great Bear

Constellation. The Pennacook myths taught that the Outer Ones came from the Great Bear in the sky [HPL Whisperer (online text)].

AWD Lurker 16.

Great Bridge

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 115, 118-119, 123, (124), 137, 140-141.

Great Cthulhu

See: Cthulhu.

Great cubes

Sentient beings. AWD Brotherhood 340-342, 350.

Great God Pan

See: Pan.

Great Gulf of Yarnak

HK Eater (online text) reputed to be bottomless 13.

Syonym for: Gray Gulf of Yarnak.

Great Hill

Near Roodsford, Maine. RB Satan 17-18.

Great Messenger

A name for Nyarlathotep. [Whisperer (online text)]

Great Old One

Synonym for: Cthulhu. AWD Valley (online text) 137.

Great Old Ones (1)

A race of alien beings associated with Cthulhu, who is said to be their priest, and who preserved them with spells in the sunken land of R'lyeh so they can survive until the stars are "right" again. It is not known whether the Great Old Ones resemble Cthulhu [HPL Call (online text)]. For information on the cult of the Great Old Ones, see: Cthulhu.

According to Reverend Nye, the Great Old Ones created humanity to worship and obey them. The passing of huge comets caused earth upheavals and the submerging of continents, and a great Flood that trapped the Great Old Ones beneath oceans and polar ice. After the catastrophe, new priesthoods denied the existence of the Great Old Ones and masked their memory in the guise of demons. Yet a few faithful followers of the Great Old Ones remained. And the Great Old Ones survived, sleeping through the eons and sending forth dreams to invade the minds of believers and unbelievers. When they return, only the chosen will be spared. The Shining Trapezohedron is a gift of the Great Old Ones. Kay Keith dreamed that the Great Old Ones were watching her with millions of eyes, opening millions of mouths, and send millions of tentatcles toward her. The being possessing Orin Sanderson said the Great Old Ones feed off human emotion, especially fear. [RB Strange]

Compare with: Cthulhu spawn.

Great Old Ones (2)

A synonym for the crinoid Old Ones (1) of Antarctica, according to Prof. Dyer [Mountains (online text)]. These cannot be the same as the Great Old Ones associated with Cthulhu, for the crinoid Old Ones were enemies of the Cthulhu spawn. It is possible that Dyer read some of the lore about Cthulhu's Great Old Ones, and accidentally misattributed it to the crinoid Old Ones.

Great Old Ones (3)

A group of evil gods who rebelled against the benign Elder Gods (1). For further information, see Elder Gods and Great Old Ones: God Terminology in Derleth's Mythos Stories.

AWD Island = Ancient Ones 179, 181; Curwen 13, 20-22, 30; Dweller 133; Gable (online text) 207; Gorge 121-122, 126; Lamp (online text) 255; Lurker and Yog-Sothoth 48, includes Him Who is Not to Be Named 49, 51, 84, 123-125, 127-128, 131, 133-135, 137; Sky 68-69, 71; Valley (online text) 134-135; Whippoorwills 47; Wood 76-77, 81.

See also: Old Ones (5).

Great Old Ones (4)

AWD Lair 126; Seal (online text) first among universes 160-161;

Synonym for: Elder Gods (1).

Great One who must not be named

Peter Mace mentioned the "Great One who must not be named" in a prayer to resurrect Maureen Kennedy. [HC Isle (online text)]

Great Ones

See: Great Ones.

Great Pyramid

Outsider narrator attended feasts of Nitokris beneath. HPL Outsider 52.

The Great Pyramid was built using remnants of knowledge from the pre-Flood era when humanity worshipped the Great Old Ones. [RB Strange]

See Also: Pyramids.

Great Race

See: Great Race.

Great Race, enemies of

See: Elder Things, polypous.

Great Rite

HPL Man (online text) 207.

Great Russell Street

London. HPL Case (online text) 163.

Great Sabbat

On Sugar-Loaf in the Catskills. HPL Man (online text) 209.

Great Sandy Desert

Australia. HPL Time (online text) 404.

Greece, Greeks or Grecians

HPL Whisperer (online text) 214.

REH Fire (online text) 32.

FBL Hounds (online text) Greeks had a name for them 81, 86.

RFS Warder 164.

HK Hunt (online text) 168.

Incl: fauns, nymphs, Homer, Pan, satyrs

Greek language

HPL Diary (online text) 312. Rats (online text) 43. The Al-Azif was translated into Greek by Theodorus Philetas 950 A.D. (History (online text) 52). The Greek version was printed in Italy between 1500 and 1550, and was last seen in a Salem man's library that burned in 1692 (History (online text)53).

AWD Curwen 34.

REH Roof (online text) 3.

CAS Ubbo (online text) 49.

Greek, the

Gangster visiting Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 105.

Green, Daniel

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 137.

Green Deeps, The

Poem by Georg Reuter Fischer, included in his book The Tunneler Below [FL Terror2].

Green, First Mate

HPL Call (online text) 146.

Green, Herbert

Of Lynwold. AWD OutThere Farm laborer employed by Jasper Wayne. Killed by Something from Out There, which left his body icy cold and crushed.

Green, James

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 123.

Green, Mr

At the Elephant. HPL Case (online text) 162.

Greenbie, Alistair H

First Mate. AWD Island 186; Gorge 103-104, (105-106), 107, 110.

Green Decay

A spell in the Book of Eibon. HPL Man (online text) 209.


Vermont. Enroute from Boston to Brattleboro. HPL Whisperer (online text) 241, 243-244.


HPL Call (online text) 135, 142 (2); Museum (online text) 230.

CAS Ubbo (online text) 49.

Incl: Esquimaux.

Green Lane

Kingsport. HPL Festival (online text) 210.

Greenough Lane

Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 17.

Greenwich Village

New York. REH House (online text) 116.

Green Street

Baltimore. RB Poe (online text). Location of the Presbyterian Cemetery.


Old servant of Crawford Tillinghast; taken by entities from beyond, leaving only a heap of empty clothes. HPL Beyond (online text) 92, (95-97).

Gregory IX, Pope

Banned both Latin and Greek versions of the Necronomicon in 1232 (HPL History (online text) 53).

Grenier, Gilles

Lord of Averoigne. He was descended from Nush the Eternal, and was an ancestor of Hippolyte Le Sorcier. [HPL Family (online text)]

Grey, (Lady) Jane

HPL Museum (online text) 215.

Grey Eagle

Wichita chieftain. HPL Mound (online text) 103, 108-110, 112, 115, 124, 156-157, 161; Yig (online text) 91, 93.

Grey Gulf of Yarnak

HK Invaders (online text) 73.

See also: Yarnak.

Grh-yan range

Of low hills, in K'n-yan. HPL Mound (online text) 151.

Griffith Observatory

FL Terror2 312.

Griffith Park

California. HK Hydra (online text) 140.

FL Terror2 269.

Grimlan, John

Of the Grymlanns of Toad’s-heath Manor, Suffolk. Born John Grymlann, March 10, 1630. When he was 50 years of age, in 1680, he traveled to the dead city of Koth and sold his soul to Malik Tous to "gain hys heartes desire, ryches & knowledge beyond countinge & lyffe beyond mortal span even two hundred and fiftie yeares." His life was an evil and vicious one, and he was universally detested and feared. But he was also a highly educated, deeply cultured man. Late in his life, he was prone to seizures in which he would writhe on the floor gibbering curses and blasphemies. His only friend at that time was John Conrad, who found Grimlan interesting for his occult knowledge. Grimlan died, March 10, 1930. After Grimlan's death, John Conrad and Prof. John Kirowan performed a ritual according to Grimlan's instructions, which apparently consigned Grimlan's soul to Malik Tous in fulfillment of the original bargain. A stranger who appeared to assist at the ceremony seems to have been Malik Tous himself. [REH Dig (online text)]

Aka: Grymlann, John.


By Ludvig Prinn. Apparently a nickname for De Vermis Mysteriis [RB Philtre (online text) 294].


Lesser priest of the Dark Man. REH Dark (online text) 87.

Grosse, Marquis of

Carl Grosse, the author of the German Gothic novel Der Genius, which was translated to English as The Horrid Mysteries and published in 1796. [Horrid Mysteries, Wikipedia, 11/5/2020]

Referenced as the author of Horrid Mysteries [REH Children (online text)].


A giant, centuries-old bird on the Isle of the Gods. At one time there were many of Groth-Golka's species on the on the isle; they warred on the local people and devoured them by hundreds. But at last all the others of his kind were exterminated. Hosts of men came against Groth-Golka, but he was greatest of all the devil-birds and he slew all who fought him. So the priests made a god of him and left a small part of the island to him, on the far side of a shark-infested lagoon. Gothan left Brunhild as a sacrifice to Groth-Golka, but Athelstane the Saxon and Turlogh O'Brien intervened and slew the bird thing. The three of them took its head to the city of Bal-Sagoth as proof that they had slain the bird-god. [REH Gods (online text)]

Gruno, Alex

DW Fire2 (online text) 82, 84, 85, 87.


Family of Toads-Heath Manor, Suffolk. REH Dig (online text) 80.

Includes: Grimlan, John.

Grymlann, John

REH Dig (online text) 80, 83: Synonym for Grimlan, John.


HPL Aeons (online text) 278.

Synonym for: Ghatanothoa.


Of Micronesia, Pacific. Mike Miller was sent to Guam to meet a nuclear submarine headed to R'lyeh. [RB Strange]

Guardian of the Ancient Gateway

HPL Diary (online text) 317.

Guardian of the Gate

AWD Dweller 137.

Synonym for: 'Umr At-Tawil.

Guardian of the Threshold

Synonym for Yog-Sothoth. AWD Whippoorwills 70.


HPL Case (online text) 131, 197, 212-213.

Synonym for: Custodes.


HPL Yig (online text) 81.

REH Roof (online text) 6.


HPL Call (online text) 152.


See: gugs.

Guide, The

HPL Gates (online text) 430, 432, 433-436.

Synonym for: 'UMR AT-TAWIL.

Guillaume, Paul

Comte d'Erlette, but not the famous one. AWD Six 124.

Guinea blacks

HPL Case (online text) 124.

Gulf of Mexico

AWD Gorge 108.

Gulther, Fritz

RB Bargain (online text) (67-69), 70-76.


Of Yokahama. AWD Island 203.


Of Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) 27.


A town or city in Oklahoma. HPL Yig (online text) insane asylum in 80, 81.


Half-human unicorns. Singular is gyaa-yoth. HPL Mound (online text) servant beasts (118), footprints (123), 125, (127-128), reported his presence (129), transportation (134), hybrid beasts (138), 139-140, 143, 146, 151, 153.


See: Romani.

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