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KHPL Pyramids (online text) Vital principle of the deceased 222, life principle 234, meeting place of 239. Place in the Cold Waste; of dreamlands. HPL Dunwich (online text) 170; Kadath (online text) 307-308, 310, 312-313, 316, 318, 325, 329, 332, 334, 339, 347, 350, 352-353, 355, 358, 361, 370, 384, 388-391, description 395*, 396*, 397, 399, 400, 402-403, 407; Medusa (online text) 182; Mound (online text) 131; Mountains (online text) 71, 103; Other (online text) gods of earth have retired to unknown Kadath in the cold waste where no man treads 127, gods of earth still come from Kadath in ships of cloud to play on Hatheg-Kla 132; Mist (online text) 285. After Cthulhu returns, Kadath will surface with a risen continent. [RB Strange] AWD Curwen 22; Dweller 133, 138; Gable (online text) 207; Keeper 141, 160, 163; Lamp (online text) 252; Lurker 48-49, 82, 84, 134; Hastur 22; Seal (online text) 160-161; Space 241; Valley (online text) 135; Whippoorwills 47. Brick cylinders of; city in Mnar. A city along the river Ai in ancient Mnar, founded by dark shepherd folk. Travelers from Kadatheron visited Sarnath for the thousandth anniversary of the destruction of Ib. The brick cylinders of Kadatheron describe the green beings of Ib and their arrival from the moon in a mist. Men from Kadatheron marveled at the shining domes in Sarnath. The greatest palaces in Kadatheron were less mighty than the least palaces in Sarnath. [HPL Doom (online text)] Iranon visited Kadatheron in his travels. [Iranon (online text)] The beautiful wares of Kadatheron were traded for onyx from Inganok. [Kadath (online text)] HPL Polaris (online text) 21-22. HPL Mountains (online text) 71. Of Greece. HPL Whisperer (online text) 214. Priest of dreamland. HPL Kadath (online text) 307-308, 345. Secret name of Ephraim Waite. HPL Doorstep (online text) 287, 296. An outdated term for Pacific Islanders, especially ones who were sold into indentured servitude. HPL Call (online text) 146; Innsmouth (online text) 330-331, 333, 336-337. AWD Clay 378. Author, Magic and Black Arts. [HH Guardian 288] RB Mannikin 74. Bridgetown. RB Mannikin 74. HPL Mound (online text) 116. Incl: Arkansas river; Barton County; Rice County. Means the Black City. REH Fire (online text) (31), 32-33, 36, (37-39), 40, 50-51, 56. Aka: Beled-el-Djinn; Black City; City of Devils; City of Evil. Egypt. AWD Island 182. Egyptian underworld. RB Fane 141; Opener 156, 160. (Dream) HPL Iranon (online text) 111, 113-114. Kassonites A people of the world of Balrahar. Xathra incorrectly guessed that John O'Dare might be a Kassonite. [REH Door] Visited by Zkauba. HPL Gates (online text) 447. HH Guardian 291-296, 299: Inhabitant of Vhoorl. A mathematical prodigy, he sought knowledge of higher realities, and ventured outside space and time to the realm of the Evil Ones (2). They thrust him back to our world and warned that if he disclosed any of their secrets, his soul would be shattered into a million fragments and these tortured fragments scattered shrieking throughout the entire Cosmos.Nevertheless, he later wrote of his experiences, and by doing so, brought doom to his city of Bhuulm. He was found dead, horribly mangled and covered with tiny blue perforations. The pages that he wrote were later compiled by his friend Tlaviir into the Book. The tiny man hinted of a connection between Kathulhn and Kthulhu. See full article at Kathulos. A security officer who was present at the attempted assassination of the Los Angeles mayor. [RB Strange] A descendent of Yogash the Ghoul, and an ancestor of Ghoth the Burrower. [HPL Family (online text)] AWD Island (177), 178, 202, 206, ordained Rev. and death 212; Gorge possible reference (127); Keeper 160; Sky (narrator), 51, 53, 55-56, college student 57, 58, reads language of Necron.? 59, 60, fm. New Hampshire 62, 64, 67, 71, 89. Was living in Boston at the start of the story. Of Miskatonic University. AWD Witches 302-307. Of Boston. HPL Aeons (online text) Looked into T'yog's eyes with a magnifying glass after Richard Johnson, after the image of Ghatanothoa was well faded 285. New Hampshire. Town on the railroad from Bellows Falls, Vermont to Arkham. HPL Whisperer (online text) 228, 230. RB Opener 160. Synonym for Yog-Sothoth. AWD Whippoorwills 70. AWD Keeper 140, 142. Synonym for: Alhazred, Abdul. See: Peaslee, Alice. Of Los Angeles. Wealthy collector, briefly married to Kay Keith. Albert Keith bought a ghoul portrait by Richard Upton from Felipe Santiago. With his friend Simon Waverly, Keith looked for more of Upton's belongings. Following Waverly's murder and a large earthquake, he flew to Tahiti. Along the way, he met Ronald Abbott. The two of them hired the Okishuri Maru to travel to the location of R'lyeh. There, Keith was betrayed by Abbott and the crew, who fed him to Cthulhu. [RB Strange] Of Los Angeles. Former wife of Albert Keith. She worked as a model and was represented by Max Colbin. She was hired by Reverend Nye to model for photos to advertise the Starry Wisdom Temple. She was recruited by Mike Miller to infiltrate Nye's organization. After a narrow escape, she was taken by Miller to Washington, to a meeting of Project Arkham. She fell in love with Miller and later was flown to the South Pacific to meet him after an attempt to destroy R'lyeh. Her flight was diverted to Easter Island, where Nye gave her as a mate to Cthulhu. She later died giving birth to Mark Dixon. [RB Strange] RB Hell (online text) 21-52, 54, 56-59, 62, 64, 66-71. AWD Clay (narrator) 373. Aka: Jack (5). HC Isle (online text) 152, 155. England. AWD Spawn 21. sorcerer buried in Old Dethshill Cemetery. JVS Graveyard 237. RFS Mists 26-27. Of Cornwall. RB Brood 89-91, (92), 93-100. Of Texas. REH Lost 65. Kerry An Irish county. Lord Donald O'Dare was found dead in a fairy ring in Kerry. [REH Door] Salem. HK Salem (online text) 261. Alaska. AWD Island 179. Incl: Tlingits. Ketric REH Manor: The single servant of Tavarel at Dagon Manor. He had a bare, high skull, light eyes, and a thin hooked nose. Although his name was similar to Ketrick, the two were probably different people. Ketric was a servant, and disliked by John Conrad and the Dagon Manor narrator. Ketrick was of noble ancestry, highly intellectual, a good companion, and apparently a friend of both Conrad and John O'Donnel (until the latter went berserk after a head wound). [REH Children (online text)] An acquaintance of John Conrad. The Book of Peers recorded his descent from the Cetrics of Sussex. He had unusual, amber-colored, slanting eyes. Prof. Hendrik Brooler thought him to be a throwback to an unknown Mongoloid ancestor. After Ketrick accidentally struck John O'Donnel with an ancient Welsh flint mallet, O'Donnel became convinced that Ketrick was one of the Children of the Night, and attempted to strangle him. Though Ketrick was rescued on that occasion, O'Donnel remained determined to kill him some day. [REH Children (online text)] See also: Ketric. The English name for one or more alchemical texts attributed to Artephius, and known in Latin as Clavis Sapientiae or Clavis maioris sapientiae. It may date to around 1150, and is thought to have been originally written in Arabic by a Muslim author. [Artephius, Wikipedia, 1/17/2021] Joseph Curwen had a copy in his library [HPL Case (online text)]. Ambrose Dewart found a copy at Billington house [AWD Lurker]. Mentioned by Von Junzt. REH Black (online text) 57, 73; Roof (online text) 5-6, jewel-key 8, 9-11. 12th century biographer of Abdul Alhazred (HPL History (online text) 51). AWD Keeper 162. HK Invaders (online text) 70. HK Salem (online text) 262. RB Mummy 287. Antique and shadowy. Another name for Egypt. HPL Haunter (online text) 106, 114; the black Kem of Re and Amen, Isis and Osiris HPL Pyramids (online text) 221. RB Steeple (online text) 215. Reverend Nye/Nyarlathotep said he first assumed the semblance of man in ancient Khem. [RB Strange] 14th Dynasty Egyptian. HPL Time (online text) 395. HPL Pyramids (online text) pyramid of 222, statue of in Cairo Museum 222, restored Sphinx and replaced original face with his own 222, 227, 231, 232, 233, 235, lives underground with Queen Nitokris 235, 236-238, 240-242. "Khepri (Egyptian: ḫprj, also transliterated Khepera, Kheper, Khepra, Chepri) is a scarab-faced god in ancient Egyptian religion who represents the rising or morning sun. By extension, he can also represent creation and the renewal of life." ["Khepri", Wikipedia] The Probilski Foundation had a statue of scarab-skulled Khepri. [RB Strange] AWD Island Khmer civilization 178; Curwen 12. HPL Pyramids (online text) 221. Aka: Cheops. REH Fire (online text) 42. Area of Oklahoma. HPL Yig (online text) 85. Arabian man who stumbled upon Irem. RFB Iram (online text) 113, (114), 115. Ancestor of Job and Jonas Kiles. REH Dwellers 115, 125-126. Brother of Jonas Kiles, descendant of Captain Jacob Kiles. REH Dwellers 111-119, 121, 124, 127. Brother of Job Kiles, descendant of Captain Jacob Kiles. REH Dwellers 112-113, 115, 120-123, 127-130. Of Texas. REH Lost 65. An anthropologist. AWD Curwen 12; Lurker 116. FBL Kinarth (online text) 11. Compare with: Kynarth. HK Invaders (online text) 77. Synonym for: Vorvadoss. RWC Repairer (online text) 43-44. King in Yellow, The Name of a being and also the name of a play. See: King in Yellow. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 194. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 120, 127, same as St. John's 160. Cambridge. AWD Wood 72. Incl: Wecter, Jason. Kingsport See: Kingsport. South of Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 315-316; Mountains (online text) 8, (transmitter!) 20. HPL Time (online text) 395. RB Terror 227. On the coast, north of Plymouth. AWD Gable (online text) 199; Valley (online text) 116. HPL Diary (online text) 303; Man (online text) prob. in New York? 207. Incl: Typer, Alonzo. New England; Rhode Island? HPL Case (online text) 119. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114, 135, 188. Founder of Venice, a beach resort city which later was annexed by Los Angeles, California. FL Terror2 273, 285. Of Texas. REH Lost 69-70, 84. Jasper terraces of. HPL Kadath (online text) 348. REH Children (online text) 149, 151-154, 160-161: A friend of John Conrad. Kirowan had delved into the Latin version of the
Necronomicon, and had found there things not even a cold-blooded scientist could answer
or refute. He was skeptical that any of the nightmare cults described by Von Junzt, such as the Bran cult, still survive today. He disagreed with Clemant's theory of a distinct Alpine race, and argued instead that the Alpine peoples are a mixture of Nordic and Mediterranean blood. He believed that an early Mongoloid race of extremely inhuman aspect (the Children of the Night) was the source of troll and dwarf legends all over Europe; however, unlike Conrad, he did not believe that this race had preceded the Picts into Britain. Kirowan was present in Conrad's study when John O'Donnel attacked Ketrick. Last name indicates possible kinship to John Kirowan, though there is no explicit link. REH Dermod. HPL Mountains (online text) 42. See also: Sign of Kish. Maine. RB Satan 6. Atlantean high priest who preserved the Commoriom myth cycle. HPL Whisperer (online text) 254. Bought the lodge belonging to the late sorcerer Graag, near the hamlet of the dog, Maine. With his friends Paulsen, Roche, and Frank Hartley, discovered Graag's books and notes, and dug up the earthly remains of the Other. Died of the curse called the mantle of the sorcerer. RAL Graag (online text) 12-15. Transylvania. HPL Case (online text) 164. DW "perfumed jungles". HPL Gates (online text) 431, 440; Kadath (online text) 351; Silver (online text) 408. Street? in Prague. HPL Case (online text) 194. Author of Kryptographik (1). [HPL Dunwich (online text) 183] A province or kingdom of ancient Mu. Included Mt. Yaddith-Gho, and ruins left by pre-human races such as the spawn of Yuggoth (that is, the Outer Ones). Sacrifices were made to Ghatanothoa, whose priesthood was pampered and powerful. Other gods worshipped (and considered more friendly to man) were Shub-Niggurath, Nug, Yeb, and Yig. At the time of the Year of the Red Moon, the nation was ruled by King Thabon. It was then that T'yog made his tragic attempt to free humanity from the tyranny of Ghatanothoa. [HPL Aeons (online text)] Incl: Dhoric shrine; Imash-Mo; Ghatanothoa; Nath-feast; pthagon membrane; Thabon, King; tlath-wood; T'yog; Yaddith-Gho, Mt.. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. HPL Haunter (online text) 115. London. CJ Acquarium 300. HPL Mountains (online text) 13. Subterranean world. HPL Aeons (online text) Von Junzt implied the presence of the Ghatanothoa cult in K'n-yan 276; Mound (online text) (implicitly throughout the story), 131-133, 136-142, 144-150, 152-154, 159, 163; Whisperer (online text) 254. AWD Curwen 22; Dweller 138; Lurker 134. FL Terror2 301. CAS Pnom Tsathoggua emerged from the Gulf of N'kai to caverns closer to the surface (presumably Yoth and K'n-yan), where his cult thrived. After the coming of the ice, he returned to N'kai. Later, his legend was partially forgotten, so that Gll'Hthaa-Ynn mistakenly told Zamacona that only images of Tsathoggua, and not Tsathoggua himself, had emerged from the inner world. Incl: Gll'Hthaa-Ynn; gn'agn; gyaa-yothn; Nug; Shub-Niggurath; T'la-yub; Tsathoggua; Tulu; y'm-bhi; Yeb; Yig B'graa; Do-Hna; Grh-yan range; L'thaa; Nith, plain of; N'kai; Tsath Compare with: Nergu-K'nyan. Note:
While questioning Timoto Fernandez about a tentacled creature he saw in an underground lake mear Machu Picchu, Laban Shrewsbury asked whether the creature could be "the amorphous horror god of the ocean depths, Kon, Lord of the Earthquake, of the pre-Inca people" [AWD Curwen]. Shrewsbury's description of the god as "amorphous" might be a reference to Kon's lack of a skeleton. However, it is not clear why Shrewsbury associated Kon with the ocean depths. Kon's linkage with the term "Lord of the Earthquakes" appears to be quite indirect: it seems that Kon is confused at times with the later Inca creation deity, Virachocha; and the deity Viracocha, in turn, is associated with a statue of Christ that is kept at Cuzco Cathedral, which was built on the foundations of an ancient temple to Viracocha. This statue of Christ is credited with halting an earthquake when it arrived from Spain in 1650, and since then is known as Taitacha Temblores, the Lord of the Earthquakes. In ceremonies, the statue is offered petals of the ñucchu flower (salvia esplendes), used in ancient times as an offering to the gods Kon and Viracocha. [Legend of the Lord of the Tremors, retrieved 09/03/2024] Possibly synonymous with: Cthulhu. Of Lynwold. AWD OutThere His two sons, along with Albert Cloy, got lost in the caves under the priory near Malvern-by-the-Sea and found the body of Old Cramton. Lover of Brunhild, queen of Bal-Sagoth. REH Gods (online text) 197. HPL Case (online text) sign of 214; Kadath (online text) sign of 339, tower of 340, 342, 375. AWD GodBox sign of 122. A dead city. REH Dig (online text) 75, 83, 84, 86: John Grimlan hinted to John Conrad of the black cyclopean walls of Koth. Grimlan was the only mortal man to visit the dead city of Koth, where, in a grim and silent chamber, he sold his soul to Malik Tous, writing the contract in his own blood. "A mortal who reaches the black citadels of Koth and speaks with the Darke Lord whose face is hidden, for a price may gain his heart's desire, riches and knowledge beyond counting and a life of 250 years beyond the mortal span." The ritual performed after John Grimlan's death included the invocation "Ya—Koth!" A forgotten god, according to Nurreddin el Mekru. As the wizard Xuthltan died, he called on "the forgotten gods, Cthulhu and Koth and Yog-Sothoth, and all the pre-Adamite Dwellers in the black cities under the sea and the caverns of the earth." [REH Fire (online text)] REH Hyborian (online text) a kingdom of the Hyborian age. A river or stream in Dreamland. HPL Iranon (online text) 112, 116-117. HK Kralitz (online text) 2, 5-6. HK Kralitz (online text) narrator 2-9. Of Ulthar. HPL Cats (online text) old burgomaster of Ulthar 57, calls at cotters' house to investigate their disappearance 58. "Kryptographik Lehrbuch der Geheimschreibekunst (Cryptology: Instruction Book on the Art of Secret Writing) is an 1809 book on cryptography written by Johann Ludwig Klüber." [Kryptographik, Wikipedia] Dr. Armitage consulted Klüber's Kryptographik while attempting to decipher Wilbur Whateley's diary [HPL Dunwich (online text)]. By Thicknesses. Alijah Atwood wrote that he saw a copy of Thicknesses’s Kryptographik in the library of Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere [AWD Survivor (online text)]. Atwood may have conflated Klüber's Kryptographik with a 1792 work by Phillip Thicknesse called A Treatise On The Art Of Decyphering, And Of Writing In Cyphers,With An Harmonic Alphabet. [Philip Thicknesse, Wikipedia] HPL Aeons (online text) 278. Synonym for: Ghatanothoa. HH Guardian 299: The tiny man hinted that Kathulhn was identical with Kthulhu. AWD Gorge 109. Synonym for: Cthulhu. AWD Dweller 127. CAS Ubbo (online text) 48. Synonym for: Cthulhu. HPL Museum (online text) 234. DW Fire2 (online text) 82, 86, 90. A Siamese cat. CJ Acquarium 301-305. Kuddh Evidently a fearsome being of the world of Balrahar. Xathra invoked Zlaxdhtath to preserve him from the eyes of Kuddh. [REH Door] Name used by the Maya of the Yucatan for the feathered serpent deity, better known as Quetzalcoatl. The Mound (online text) narrator recognized a serpent carving from K'n-yan as a prototype of the Yig, Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan conceptions [Mound (online text)115]. The Curse of Yig narrator identified Yig as the older and darker prototype of Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan [Yig (online text) 83]. Of Valusia. REH Shadow (online text); Dark (online text) 87. AWD Gorge 130. Synonym for: Cthulhu. A dreamer. HPL Celephaïs (online text) 83-89; Kadath (online text) only sane visitor to star gulfs 309 & 402, 333, 354-356. Pacific islands? AWD Island 195; Gorge 103. JVS Dead 30. Synonym for: Cthulhu. AWD Gorge 108. Northwest Coast Indians, Quatsino Sound. AWD Survivor (online text) 159. Of dreamland. HPL Celephaïs (online text) 87. HPL Gates (online text) 451. Compare with: Kinarth. Source of the Hyperboreans; near Arcturus. HPL Gates (online text) 443-444. |
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