C., Mehitable

Of Salem. HPL Case (online text) 150, 194.

Cabala of Saboth

An occult book. We know little of its contents, but Cabala is an alternate spelling of Kabbalah, "a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy marked by belief in creation through emanation and a cipher method of interpreting Scripture." [Kabbalah, Meriam Webster] Saboth might be a variant spelling of Sabaoth or TZ'VAOT, which means "armies" or "hosts," and is sometimes used in the Jewish names for God, such as YHWH-Tsvaot and Adonai-Tsvaot.

Simon Maglore had a copy of the almost priceless Cabala of Saboth (Greek translation, circa 1686). [RB Mannikin]

Strange's father initiated him into the mysteries and arcana to be found amid the shuddery speculations of such blasphemies as the Cabala of Saboth. [RB Tomb (online text)]

Cabot, Lawrence

HPL Aeons (online text) trustee of Cabot Museum who was present at dissection of T'yog mummy 287.

Cabot Museum of Archaeology

Of Boston. A small and obscure museum with high standing in scientific circles. It specializes in non-artistic remains of ancient and unknown civilisations. Located in Mt. Vernon Street, near Joy, in Beacon Hill district of Boston. Housed in a former private mansion designed by Buffinch and built in 1819. Includes a hall containing mummies from many cultures, including Eyptian, Aleutian Islands, Pompeii. Also the mummy of T'yog, from ancient Mu, acquired in 1878 by Curator Pickman. Sensational press coverage of the mummy in 1931-1932 resulted in attempts by cultists to revive mummy, and the dissection that uncovered a living, pulsing brain. [HPL Aeons (online text) 264, 266-267, 269]

See also: Carver, Dr.; Johnson, Richard H.; Joy St.; Mason, Dr.; Minot, Dr. William; Moore, Dr. Wentworth; Mt. Vernon St.; Pickman; Saltonstall, Dudley; T'yog; Wells, Dr..

Caddo County

Oklahoma. HPL Mound (online text) 98; Yig (online text) 84.

Caddo Indians

Of Oklahoma. HPL Mound (online text) 104; Yig (online text) "Caddo Country" 83.

Cadogan Square

London. CJ Acquarium 310.


Britain. HPL Case (online text) 220.


"Count Alessandro di Cagliostro (. . . 2 June 1743 – 26 August 1795) was the alias of the occultist Giuseppe Balsamo . . . ; in French usually referred to as Joseph Balsamo). Cagliostro was an Italian adventurer and self-styled magician. He became a glamorous figure associated with the royal courts of Europe where he pursued various occult arts, including psychic healing, alchemy and scrying. His reputation lingered for many decades after his death, but continued to deteriorate, as he came to be regarded as a charlatan and impostor, this view fortified by the savage attack of Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) in 1833, who pronounced him the 'Quack of Quacks'. Later works—such as that of W.R.H. Trowbridge (1866-1938) in his Cagliostro: the Splendour and Misery of a Master of Magic (1910), attempted a rehabilitation." [Alessandro Cagliostro, Wikipedia]

Possible author of La Très Sainte Trinosophie.

RB Sorcerer (online text) absurd, posturing 155.

HK Hunt (online text) a charlatan 167.


Egypt. HPL Case (online text) 133; Pyramids (online text) 218, Gare Centrale 219, old Cairo 220, Saracen Cairo 221, Zoological Gardens 221, Cairo Museum 222, 223-224, 226, Cairo Museum 231.

RB Faceless 36; Fane 131, 133-135, 138; Mummy 286-287, 297; Opener 159, 164.

AWD Gorge 98, 108, 115; Lurker 125; Space 234; Shuttered 257.

Incl: Drogman, Abdul Reis el; Whateley, Abner; Ziz, Ali.


A Roman municipium in Spain. FBL Hills (online text) 287.


AWD Gorge 112.


RB Kiss (online text) 43.

AWD Island 211.

Caledonia County

Vermont. HPL Whisperer (online text) 209.


See: ceremonial days.


HPL Call (online text) 132; Electric (online text) 72; Test (online text) 16-17, 21, 28, 37; Whisperer (online text) home of Akeley's son 218, 225, 232, 234, 264.

RB Kiss (online text) 40.

In the near future, an earthquake causes the entire coastline from Baja California to San Francisco to be inundated. [RB Strange]

HK Hydra (online text) 126-127; Invaders (online text) 69.

FL Terror2 267.

Incl: Edmond, Paul; Fischer, Anton; Fischer, Georg Reuter; Hodgkins, Russell; Kinney, Abbott; Mutsunes; Reuter, Marie; Rodia, Simon; Ross; Serra, Junipero.

Alameda; Berkeley; California Historical Society; Coyote Canyon; Culver City; Fermin, Pt.; Glendale; Griffith Observatory; Griffith Park; Hollywood; Hollywood Hills; Hollywoodland; Huntington Library; Lancaster; Laurel Canyon; Long Beach; Los Angeles; Los Gatos; Malibu; Millbrae; Oakland; Pacific Coast Highway; Paradise Crest; Pinos Range; Sacramento; San Diego; San Francisco; San Jose; San Pedro; San Quentin; Santa Cruz Mountains; Santa Monica; Santa Monica Mountains; San Xavier; Sausalito; Skyview Terrace; Southern California; Tamalpais; UCLA; Venice; Vulture's Roost; White's Point.

Aka: Nueva California.

California Historical Society

San Francisco. HK Bells (online text) 80, 92.

Call of Cthulhu, The

By H. P. Lovecraft. (Online text)

Amos Tuttle had read the story, and noticed that the sentence "Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’ nagl fhtagn" also occurred in the R'lyeh Text. [AWD Hastur]

John Conrad held that "The Call of Cthulhu" is one of the three master horror tales. [REH Children (online text)]

Georg Fischer haunted secondhand bookstores, hunting down copies of magazines (mostly Weird Tales) with Lovecraft stories in them, including "The Call of Cthulhu." [FL Terror2]

Calvery Commandery

Former owners of the Masonic hall. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 336.


RWC Mask (online text) 46; Repairer (online text) 28, 37.


AWD Island 195, 211.

Incl: Angkor-Vat.


Massachusetts. HPL Aeons (online text) Widener Library Necronomicon 270; Dunwich (online text) 172; Mound (online text) 159; Winged (online text) 251.

AWD Gorge 113; Lurker 81; Sky 57; Wood 72.

Incl: King's Lane; Harvard University; Morton; Wecter, Jason; Widener Library.


Fragrant groves of. HPL White (online text) 40.

Campbell, George

HPL Challenge (online text) 1-17.


HPL Innsmouth (online text) 334.


HPL Challenge (online text) 1.

AWD Dweller 122; Island 179, 200; Beyond2 164; Gorge North Canada 108; Peabody, ref 185; Wind (online text) speaks of a mystery in Manitoba.

Incl: Manitoba; Quebec; Royal Northwest Mounted Police.

Canadian River

Oklahoma. HPL Yig (online text) 85-86.


HPL Dunwich (online text) 159, 172; Doorstep (online text) 298; Sorceries (online text).

AWD Lurker 17, 140.

See also: ceremonial days.

Canis Tindalos

Georg Reuter Fischer heard mysterious voices whisper of Canis Tindalos and their foul essence [FL Terror2 281].

See: Hounds of Tindalos.

cannibis indica

A plant related to cannibis sativa, marijuana. HK Hydra (online text) 128-129.

See also: marijuana

Canning, Arthur

RB Poe (online text). Collector of Poe manuscripts and memorabilia. Son of Christopher Canning, father of Launcelot Canning. An only child at the time of his father's death, he was sent to live with his mother's relatives in Baltimore. Later he became a well-known literary critic, possessed of an independent income, who privately added to his inherited Poe collection. He especially focused on acquiring and studying of Poe's letters. He may have been seeking evidence that his father was a blood relative of Poe.

Canning, Christopher

RB Poe (online text). Collector of Poe manuscripts and memorabilia. Father of Arthur Canning, grandfather of Launcelot Canning. He defended Poe in the literary controversies of the day. A leading patron of the arts in Baltimore, he helped arrange for Poe's body to be moved to the Presbyterian Cemetery so that a monument could be erected. In the process, he managed to steal Poe's coffin, which he then hid in a chamber under a newly built Poe-esque mansion. He retired from his life as a merchant and devoted himself completely to collecting Poe items and meeting or corresponding with people who had known Poe. Later he was found collapsed on the floor on the lower level, clutching a small box holding Poe's remaining bones. He lingered for six months, raving about images from Poe's stories, before dying.

Canning, Launcelot

RB Poe (online text). Collector of Poe manuscripts and memorabilia. Grandson of Christopher Canning, son of Arthur Canning. He undertook occult studies of such works as De Vermis Mysteriis and Liber Eibon, and succeeded in resurrecting Poe from the latter's essential salts. He kept the reanimated Poe locked in an underground room, but eventually fell in a struggle with the escaped Poe while the mansion burned around them.


A star or constellation. AWD Curwen 15; Gorge 105.


A passenger on an ocean liner who threw himself overboard shortly after viewing the Sacred White Elephant of Jadhore [RB Elephant (online text) 45].

Canton Asylum

HPL Innsmouth (online text) a sanitarium at Canton 364, 367.

FL Terror2 Canton asylum 299.

Cantrell, Clyde

Of Stamford-Norwalk area, Connecticut. Cousin of Frank. RAL Settlers (online text) (narrator), name mentioned 18-19 & 23 & 25 & 28 & 33 & 35, co-owner with Will Richards of Advertiser 17, investigates Settler's Wall 17-36.

Cape Adare

HPL Mountains (online text) 7.

Cape Ann

South of Kingsport Head. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 315.

Cape Girardeau

HPL Medusa (online text) 164, 166-167, 180, 186, 197, 199.


A star or constellation? AWD Lurker 106.

Cape Verde Islands

HPL Call (online text) 139.

Capito, Cnaeus Gabinius

Of Roman Britain. HPL Descendant (online text) ancestor of Lord Northam 360/361.


Of hamlet of the dog, Maine. Told Harvey a story of what happened, concerning Graag, 20 years back. RAL Graag (online text) 15.

Caravel, Henry

AWD Island 177.

Caravel, Philip

AWD GodBox 119-123.

Carboniferous period

345-280 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 69.


AWD Island 200.


AB Inhabitant (online text) 534-535. A city that was already ancient and famous in the time of one of its inhabitants, Hoseib Alar Robardin. Later, it crumbled to irregular mounds and tumuli extending to the horizon and was roamed by primitive people and wolves.

RWC Cassilda (online text); Court (online text) towers rose behind the moon 81; Mask (online text) 60; Repairer (online text) where black stars hang in the heavens 5, two suns 5, 17, 28, dynasty established in 36, 37.

AWD Curwen 22; Dweller 138; Keeper 141; Lurker 84, 109, 138-139; Hastur 12, 22.

DW Lady (online text) 105.

Includes: Hoseib Alar Robardin.

Cardiff Giant

HPL Aeons (online text) a popular sensation, contrasted with merely local fame of T'yog mummy 267.


Home of Delapores on banks of James in Virginia. HPL Rats (online text) 27, 31-32, 44.


CJ Acquarium 303.

The leader of Project Arkham said that the Caribbean could be one of the lairs of the Great Old Ones or their allies. [RB Strange]

Incl: Barbados; Blackbeard; Black Star; Jamaica; Port-au-Prince; Rover; San Juan; Santa Maria; Santa Rita; Senarbin Deep; Trinidad; West Indies.

Carlsbad Caverns

FL Terror2 296.

Carmody, Charlotte

Mother of Russell Carmody. Possibly of Arkham. JVS Dead 31-33, 35-37.

Carmody, Russell

Son of Charlotte Carmody. Possibly of Arkham. Buried in Old Dethshill Cemetery. JVS Dead 30-32, (36).


A ship. HK Hydra (online text) 127.

Carnby, Helman

CAS Return (online text) (35), 43, (45-46), 47.

Carnby, John

CAS Return (online text) 33-42, (43), 44-47.

Carew, Sam

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 152.

Carnoti, Dr.

RB Faceless Carnoti appears in some editions of this story, Opener 162.

Note: Dr. Carnoti appears in some editions of RB Faceless, but in the 1993 edition of Mysteries of the Worm, the name is given as Dr. Stugatche instead.

Caroline, H.M.S.

Lurker 136-137.

Caroline Islands, Carolines

Pacific. AWD Island 183-184; Gorge 98, 101, 104, 108, 110; Lurker 121-122; Wood 77, cult-art 79.

Caronmandall Coast

India. AWD Survivor (online text) 153.

Carr, Dr

Curator of the museum at Beloin University. RFS Warder 155-156.

Carrier's mowing

Part of someone's farm. HPL Dunwich (online text) 191.


Graduate student at Miskatonic University. HPL Mountains (online text) 10, 14, 42.


A writer of popular light romance novels who rented the house of the witch Abigail Prinn in Salem. Prinn fed on his life forces and tried to free the creature Nyogtha. Carson was saved by occultist Michael Leigh, but thereafter could write only novels that were too morbid and horrible for publication. One such unpublished work was called Black God of Madness. [HK Salem (online text)]

Carstairs, Doctor

Of Bridgetown. RB Mannikin 84.

Cartaret, Captain

Of Egypt. RB Fane 131-133, 135-146.

Carter family

Family. HPL Gates (online text) home 422, 423, 425, 427.

JVS Graveyard Arkham? Buried in Old Dethshill Cemetery 235.

Carter (1)

HPL Unnameable (online text) (narrator) (200-205), 206-207.

Synonym for: Carter, Randolph? (possibly)

Carter (2)

Grandfather of Randolph Carter. HPL Silver (online text) 412-413.

Carter, Christopher

Great-uncle of Randolph Carter. HPL Gates (online text) 423, 429, 437; Silver (online text) 412, 416-417.

Carter, Edmund

Ancestor of Randolph Carter; a wizard. HPL Gates (online text) 422-423, 427-428, 443; Silver (online text) 414.

Carter, John

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 135, 140, 142.

Carter, Martha

Wife of Christopher Carter. HPL Gates (online text) 428-429; Silver (online text) 416-417.

Carter, Obediah

Possibly of Arkham. Buried in Old Dethshill Cemetery. JVS Dead 30, 37; Graveyard 235.

Carter, Pickman

Descendant of Randolph Carter in 2169. HPL Gates (online text) (year 2169) 443.

Carter, Randolph

HPL Case (online text) 214; Gates (online text) 421-458; Kadath (online text) 306-307, and Pickman 336, and Kuranes in life (309), from Boston 355, 356; Silver (online text) 408-420, French Foreign Legion in Great War 411, successful novelist 412, dabbles in occult 412, Boston home 412, lives south of Arkham 415, wounded in Great War at Belloy-en-Santerre 419, change at 10 yrs old 418; Statement (online text) 299 etc.

RB Sebek 120.

FL Terror2 298.

JVS Graveyard 236.

Aka: Chandraputra, Swami, Zkauba. Possibly same as Carter (1).

Carter, Randolph, Sir

In Elizabeth's time. HPL Silver (online text) 414.

Carter house

Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 104.


HPL Medusa (online text) Carthaginian magic 170.

Incl: Tanit.

carven mountains

HPL Kadath (online text) 393, etc., 394.

Carver, Dr

Of Cabot Museum staff; present at dissection of T'yog mummy. HPL Aeons (online text) 287.


Factory inspector. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 308.


RWC Cassilda (online text); Mask (online text) 60; Repairer (online text) 37; Yellow (online text) 106.

Castaigne, Hildred

RWC Repairer (online text) (narrator); Yellow (online text) 104.

Castleton, Joseph X

Of Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 119.


A star or constellation? AWD Lurker 106.


HPL Call (online text) 140 (was 130?).

Cathedrals of England

by (M. R.?) James. AWD OutThere Geoffrey Malvern was carrying a copy when he went to visit Hydestall Cathedral.

Cathedral of St. John

Providence. AWD Brotherhood 351.

Cathuria, Land of Hope

HPL Kadath (online text) 318; White (online text) 39-41.

Cato, M. Porcius

Author, De Re Rustica. FBL Hills (online text) 291.


See: cats.

Catskill Mountains

New York. Home of Joe Slater and Peter Slater [HPL Sleep (online text) 26, 30, 33].

HPL Man (online text) 209.

REH House (online text) 117.


HPL Rats (online text) 37.

Causeway, The

HPL Mist (online text) 278-279.

cavern of flame

HPL Kadath (online text) 307, 338-339.

Cavern of the Archetypes

Beneath Mt. Voormithadreth, Hyperborea. CAS Seven (online text) 60, 62, 65.

Zyhumë still lives in the Cavern of the Archetypes [CAS Pnom].

Cavern of the Children of the Night

REH People (online text) 152, 161.

Synonym for: Dagon's Cave.

Cedar St

In an unknown city. RB Demon 68.


See: Celaeno.

Celaeno Fragments

See: Celaeno Fragments.


Island in Indonesia. In the near future, Celebes suffers damage from earthquakes related to the rising of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]


Of dreamlands. HPL Celephaïs (online text) 85-89; Kadath (online text) 309, 333-334, 338-339, 345, 347, 350, 352-354, 356-358, 360.

celestial objects

AWD Beyond2 stars not right for Hastur 170.

Incl: Acquarius; Alcyone; Aldebaran; Algol; Altair; Andromeda; Antanôk; Antares; Arcturus; Argo Navis; asteroid belt; Betelgeuse; black star near Aldebaran; Canopus; Capella; Carcosa; Castor; Celaeno; Coma Berenices; Corona Borealis; Cygnus; Dark Star; Deneb; Dog-Star; Electra; Fomalhaut; Glyu-Vho; Great Bear; Hyades; Jupiter; Hali, Lake of; Hyades; Hydra; Kythanil; Leo; Maia; Mars; Mercury; Milky Way; Moon; Neptune; Nova Persei; Nython, the triple star; Orion; Pleiades; Pluto; Polaris, Pole Star; Pollux; Rigel; Saturn; Shaggai; Sirius; Southern Cross; Sun; Taurus; Taygeta; Vega; Venus; Vhoorl; Yuggoth.


Of Britain. HPL Rats (online text) 44.

REH Black (online text) 61; Gods (online text) 187, 199; Little A Bronze Age culture that displaced the Picts; People (online text) 147.

RB Brood Celtic myths 89.


RB Brood 97.

Center of Ultimate Chaos

Home of Azathoth. HK Hydra (online text) 139.

Central America

AWD Gable (online text) 199; Sky 76.

REH Roof (online text) 6, 10.

Incl: El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nahuatlacatl; Yucatan.

Central Hill

Kingsport. HPL Festival (online text) 216; Silver (online text) 416; Mist (online text) 280.

Central Square

Partridgeville. FBL Hounds (online text) 84-85.

Central Station, Bloemfontein

HPL Winged (online text) 242.

Incl. De Witt, Ian.

Central Station, Providence

Providence; a police station. RB Steeple (online text) 215.

Ceram, Seram

Island in Indonesia. In the near future, Ceram suffers damage from earthquakes related to the rising of R'lyeh. [RB Strange]

ceremonial days

Incl: Candlemas; Hallowe'en; Lammas; May-Eve; Midsummer Night; Roodmas; St. John's Eve; Walpurgis; Yule.

Cerenerian Sea

HPL Celephaïs (online text) 86; Kadath (online text) 334, 348, 350-352, 357, nameless island 358-359, 407.


Ships from there ply the Arctic islands in Hyperborean times. CAS Coming (online text) 67, flower-girdled 74.

Cetrics of Sussex

REH Children (online text) 150: Ketrick was descended from the Cetrics of Sussex, who are recorded in the Book of Peers. No slightest trace of Mongoloid intermixture appears in the genealogy.


HPL Electric (online text) 68.

Chaldane, Arthur

Of Manitoba. CAS Offspring (online text) 10, 12.

Chaldane, Henry

Of Manitoba. CAS Offspring (online text) (8-9), 10, (11-17), 18, (19), 20, (21-25).


HPL Aeons (online text) Ghatanothoa cult had penetrated Chaldea 276.

RB Opener 159.


Of Darwich University. RAL Abyss (online text) 286, 290.

Chalmers, Halpin

See: Halpin Chalmers.

Chambers, Ezekiel

Of Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 107.

Chambers, Robert W

Rumors of the Necronomicon are said to have inspired Chamber's early work The King in Yellow (HPL History (online text) 53).

AWD Dweller 127; Hastur 12.

DAW Review (online text) Chambers is said to have consulted the Necronomicon when writing some of his earlier and more fantastic works.

Chambers house

Of Pringle Street, Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 107.

Chambers Street

Boston. Where Randolph Carter lived as Zkauba. HPL Gates (online text) 452.


A ship. AWD Curwen 15.

Chandler, Osborn E

HPL Man (online text) 208, Osborne E. 212.

Chandos Street

London. HPL Descendant (online text) 360.

Chandraputra, Swami

A disguise of Randolph Carter. HPL Aeons (online text) visited Cabot museum and was profoundly moved by hieroglyphs on scroll 270; Gates (online text) 425-427, (429, 434), 435, (446), 447, 450, (452-453), 454-457, (458).

Chapman farmhouse

Arkham. HPL Herbert (online text) 135-136.

Chapman's Brook

Near Arkham. HPL Colour (online text) 60, 78.

Charging Buffalo

An indian. HPL Mound (online text) 117, 119-123, (125), 130, 137-138.

Charing Cross

London. HPL Museum (online text) 237.


RB Philtre (online text) 293-294.


AWD Survivor (online text) 161.

Incl: Balacz family.


In or near Boston. HPL Case (online text) 163.

Charles' Wain

A constellation. HPL Kadath (online text) 357.

Charriere house

Benefit Street, Providence. AWD Survivor (online text) 148-150, (151), 152.

Charriere, Dr. Jean-Francois

Of Bayonne, Paris, Pondicherry, Providence, and Quebec. AWD Survivor (online text) 150-165, 167.

Charter Street, Boston

HPL Pickman (online text) 24.

Charter Street, Salem

HPL Kadath (online text) 340.

HK Salem (online text) 258.

Charter Street Burying Ground

HK Salem (online text) 258, 260.

Chateau Faussesflammes

See: Faussesflammes, Chateau.


HPL Celephaïs (online text) 88.

Chaugnar Faugn

See: Chaugnar Faugn.

Chaugnar Faugn's brothers

FBL Hills (online text) 246, 254-255.

Chaugnar Faugn's toad-men

FBL Hills (online text) 254.

See also: miri nigri.

Chaupin, Prof. Alexander

RB Grinning 51, (52-55), 56-59.

Chavin Stone

AWD Curwen 10.


Providence. HPL Case (online text) 123.

Checkley, Dr

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 120, 122, "Parson"? 152.


HPL Mound (online text) 115; Pyramids (online text) 221, 224.

Aka: Khufu.


Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 119.

Chequamegon Bay

Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 117.

Chequamegon pike

Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 116.


Author, "Lepanto." RB Kiss (online text) 38.


Maine. A town. HPL Doorstep (online text) 287, 293-294.

Chewer of Corpses

RB Brood 99-100.

Synonym for: Bubastis.

Chhaya Ritual

A half-legendary occult manuscript. Will Benson had a copy [HK Hunt (online text)]. Scott had read the Chhaya Ritual, and hinted at the hidden meanings behind the veiled hints in it [Hydra (online text)].

Chian language

AM White2 (online text) 125.

AWD Lurker 134.


Illinois. HPL Gates (online text) 424.

AWD Depths (online text) 225, 236.

RB Steeple (online text) 212, 220-221, 223.

Incl: Aspinwall, Ernest B.; Harbinger, John; Holmes, Jordan; Jackson; Jameson, Dr.; Fiske, Edmund; Morrison, Professor; Sharp; Tennant, John;

Chicago University; Fair Grounds; Field Museum; Grant Park; Michigan Avenue; Michigan, Lake; Municipal Pier; Northwestern?; Soldier's Field; World's Fair.

Chicago Tribune

AWD Lurker 138.

Chicago University

AWD Depths (online text) 229.


HPL Electric (online text) 68.


HPL Electric (online text) 63.

Child of a Disordered Brain

By Earl Hines. DWR Music (online text) improvisation, reminiscent of music of the stars 297.

Children of Mabon

Apparently a synonym for Druids. RB DarkIsle 97.

Children of the Fire Mist

HPL Gates (online text) only in old versions of story; replaced by reference to Winged Ones in corrected Arkham edition.

Children of the Night

REH Children (online text) 157-159, 161, 163: The first humanoid inhabitants of ancient western Europe and Britain, until they were overrun and driven into obscurity by the Picts. They were of Mongoloid origin, but were not like some cleanly Chinaman or Mongol of recent times. The Children of the Night were short, with deformed dwarfish bodies, yellow skin, and hideous faces with slanted, amber eyes. Their language sounded like the hissing of snakes. In later times, the Aryan tribes regarded them as reptiles. One of these tribes, the Sword People, hunted by day in the forest where the Children of the Night lived. The Children lived in dark forests and subterranean dwellings, and snuck forth to shoot cattle or lone humans with flint-tipped arrows, or to steal human children. In modern times, Ketrick was an unexplained throwback with characteristics of the Children of the Night. John Conrad set an old, small flint mallet head from the Children in a wooden handle, and the resulting weapon was oddly balanced and difficult to control.
People (online text) (148), serpent-like hissing (152 & 153), 153-154, described 155, (156), 157-158, 160, 163-164, 167.

Synonym for: Little People.


HPL Aeons (online text) Eridanus bound for Chile 265.

Incl: Valparaiso.


RB Brood 97.

Chimu civilization

AWD Curwen 12; Lurker 116.


HPL Aeons (online text) Ghatanothoa cult penetrated China 276; Call (online text) 140; Test (online text) 17, 43, 47.

RB Sorcerer (online text) 155.

Project Arkham suspected the Black Brotherhood of causing the sudden death of China's number two man in the Peking goverment. [RB Strange]

AWD Curwen 12; Lair 122, 124, 136; Lurker 116; Seal (online text) 150, 153, 162.

REH Bear 36.

FBL Hounds (online text) 76, 81; Gateway 7; WereSnake (online text) there are altars to Ishtar in China.

Incl: Chou dynasty; Cochin-China; Hankow; Lao Tze; Liao drug; Peking; Sinkiang province?

Chinamen, deathless

HPL Call (online text) 140-141.

Chinese language

HPL Diary (online text) 313, 320.


By Robert Fludd. A volume, apparently containing one or more of Fludd's short treatises about palmistry [See Utriusque Macrocosmi et Microcosmi Historia, at www.johnnyfuncham.com]. A copy was in the library of Launcelot Canning. [RB Poe (online text)]


Area, N.Y. HPL Diary (online text) 304-305, in walking distance from Attica (306), villagers (311), (320).

Chosen Ones

AWD Whippoorwills 70-71.

Chou dynasty

FBL Gateway 7.

Choynski, Paul

Of Arkham. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 271, 276, 284, 293, 295.


See article at Christ.

Christ Church

Philadelphia. HPL Case (online text) 138.

Christchurch Cemetery

Arkham. HPL Herbert (online text) 135, 138, 142.

Christianity, Christian Mythos

See Christ.

Christian Science Church and Christian Science Dome

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 115, 165.

Christian Trinity

See: Christ.


HPL Festival (online text) 208; Man (online text) 209.

Synonym for: Yuletide.

Chronicle of Nath

By Rudolf Yergler.

See: Chronike von Nath

Chronicles of Captain Elias Godsworthy, His Trips & Explorations upon the Continent of North America

Printed by Haverstock in London, in 1672. Includes the first mention of Roodsford, which it describes as "a fishing Towne of fourteen Houses, the Inhabitants of which wear doleful, ungodly Look in Keeping with Their meagre Dwellings." [RB Satan]

Chronike von Nath

By Rudolf Yergler. It contained odd musical rhythm patterns designed to summon certain star-born monsters from the earth’s core and from other worlds and dimensions. The first edition of 1653 was publicly suppressed. A translation was published by James Sheffield in 1781 as Chronicle of Nath. Although Sheffield modified the text, it was still wild beyond imagination. In modern times, Rambeau found a copy of the English translation in a Spokane bookshop. Frank Baldwyn referred to this copy to aid him in composing the music of the stars. Baldwyn found that the translation was not very clear. A correspondent, Lancaster in Providence, finally admitted that he’d read the original Chronike, which is infinitely more terrible than the translation. After Baldwyn's death, his copy was burned by special court order. [DWR Music (online text) ]


See: Appendix: Notes on Chronology.

Chung Ga

High priest of Chaugnar Faugn. FBL Hills (online text) 248, 252.

Church, Dr

RFS Mists 25-28.

Church, Sherman

Of Battle Creek, Michigan. AWD Lurker 138.

Church Street, Arkham

HPL WitchHouse (online text) 274.

AWD Attic 311.

Church Street, Innsmouth

Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 325.

Churchward, Colonel

And Naacal language. HPL Aeons (online text) Sleazy reporter Stuart Reynolds had a fondness for the writings of Colonel Churchward 269; Gates (online text) 425.


See article at Chushax.


HPL Mound (online text) 116.


On the Pecos. HPL Mound (online text) 116.

Cieciorka, Jon

Of Boston; foreman. AWD Peabody 190.


HPL Time (online text) 396.

HK Invaders (online text) 73.

REH Hyborian (online text).


HPL Aeons (online text) A Cingalese attempted to get at T'yog mummy by tampering with the lock of the case 280.


Museum guard killed by Chaugnar Faugn. FBL Hills (online text) 266.

Circle Court

Kingsport. HPL Festival (online text), 210.

Circular Quay

Sidney. HPL Call (online text) 148.

City Hall

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 112, 159-160.

City of Devils

REH Fire (online text) 32.

Synonym for: Kara-Shehr.

City of Evil

REH Fire (online text) 32.

Synonym for: Kara-Shehr.

City of Pillars

Synonym for: Irem, in Arabia. HPL History (online text) 51.

AWD Gorge 108; Keeper 148; Lamp (online text) 249, 252; Lurker 84; Whippoorwills 47.

City under the Desert

AWD Whippoorwills 47.

Clan of Mabon

Apparently a synonym for Druids. RB DarkIsle 93.

Clapham-Lee, (Major Sir) Eric Moreland

HPL Herbert (online text) 156-157, 160, 162.

Clare Market

London. HPL Descendant (online text) 360.

Clarendon, (Dr.) Alfred Shuyler

HPL Test (online text) 16-39, 41-53, (54), 55-60.

Clarendon, Frances Shuyler

HPL Test (online text) gentle mother of Alfred 39.

Clarendon, Georgina

HPL Test (online text) (16), 17, 19-20, 25, 28-31, 35-52, 57-60.

Clarendon, Old

HPL Test (online text) 17-18.

Clark, Parson ("Passon")

HPL Picture (online text) 121, 123.

Clark, Wesson

RFS Casket 11-14.

Clark's Corners

In or near Arkham. HPL Colour (online text) 61-62.

Clark and Nightingale

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 123.

Clarke, Asa

Innsmouth store owner. AWD Seal (online text) 153.


Virginia. FL Terror2 295.

Clarney, Steve

REH Fire (online text) 29-30, 32-49, 52-56.

Clave, (Sir) John

Of England. HPL Rats (online text) 31.

clavicle of Nyarlathotep

Georg Reuter Fischer heard voices mention the clavicle of Nyarlathotep as part of a list of books [FL Terror2]. In this case, "clavicle" is probably not a reference to a collarbone, but is used like the Latin word Clavicula, meaning a key. The title is reminiscent of the Key of Solomon (Latin: Clavicula Salomonis), a Renaissance-era book of magic that was misleadingly attributed to the Biblical King Solomon. One can surmise that the Clavicle of Nyarlathotep is a Renaissance-era book of spells that are attributed to Nyarlathotep. When originally issued, the book may have had a Latin title like Clavicula Niarlathotepus.

Clavis Alchimiae

Clavis Philosophiae et Alchymiae (1632), by Robert Fludd. The work discussed alchemy as a spiritual path, and attempted to defend the Rosicrucian brotherhood from its Catholic critics. In 1632, the whole edition of the work was destroyed in Frankfurt by the militia; but the work was reprinted the following year. [Robert Fludd: A Picture in Need of Expansion by Ron Heisler, at www.levity.com; Problems of Mysticism, by Herbert Silberer, at www.aiwaz.net; Fludd, Robert at matemius.free.fr.; Language of the Birds at www.occultopedia.com.]

Joseph Curwen had a copy in his collection [HPL Case (online text)].

Ambrose Dewart found a copy at Billington House [AWD Lurker].

Clay, Ed and Walker

HPL Mound (online text) 104-105.

Clayton-Maddox, Lord

An archaeologist who ignored haunted ruins, and in turn was ignored by the Royal Society [FBL WereSnake (online text)].

Clegg, Doctor

Doctor to Avis Long. RB Unspeakable 165, 168-177.


REH Children (online text) 149, 152-153, 160: A successful author of swashbuckling novels, who found his real artistic expression as an editor of the bizarre poetry magazine The Cloven Hoof. A tall, lean, reticent man, his face lined by early struggles with poverly. He smoked a pipe with especially strong shag tobacco. In college, Clemants had a roommate who spoke of the Bran cult in his sleep. In a discussion with John Conrad, Clemants upheld the theory of a separate, distinct Alpine race. Clemants was present at Conrad's place when John O'Donnel attacked Ketrick.


CAS Holiness (online text) 122-123, 138, 141.

Clement, (Prof.) James

Of Richmond, Virginia. REH Roof (online text) 5.


Ohio. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 363-364.


A monk, author of Confessions of Clithanus [AWD Depths (online text)].

Clithanus was regarded as somewhat deranged. While living at Hydestall, he explored sea caves along the coast and unleashed one or more entities that had to be reimprisoned or banished by St. Augustine. One of these beings is referred to as Something From Out There, the other as a spawn of Cthulhu, but these might actually be references to the same creature. [AWD OutThere; Passing]

clock, coffin-shaped

HPL Gates (online text) 421, 425, 427, 434, 446, 455-458.


HPL Medusa (online text) 189-190.

AWD Gorge 109.

Synonym for: Cthulhu.

Cloven Hoof

In the world of Balrahar, a being that was feared by Xathra. [REH Door]

Cloven Hoof, The

A poetry magazine, edited by Clemants, whose bizarre contents had often aroused the shocked interest of the conservative critics. [REH Children (online text)]

Cloy family

Of Lynwold. AWD OutThere Albert, son of Jibber, along with the sons of Henry Kopps, got lost in the caves under the priory near Malvern-by-the-Sea and found the body of Old Cramton.


HPL Winged (online text) megalithic ruins in Uganda were said to have been an outpost of the evil god Clulu 247.

Synonym for: Cthulhu.

Cobbett, Mrs. Hepzibah

Of Providence. AWD Survivor (online text) 155-156.


HPL Diary (online text) 304.

Cocidius, Sylvanus

HPL Case (online text) 138.

Codman, Betsy

Of Monk's Hollow. HK Frog (online text) 106.

Coeli God

Phrase in incantation. HPL Case (online text) 170.

Coffin Club, The

RB Sebek 118.

Incl: Delvin, Doctor; de Marigny, Etienne Laurent de; Royce, Richard; Vanning, Henricus; Weildan, Prof..


Of Darwich University. RAL Abyss (online text) 286-290.

Cold Flame

Location in another dimension. HK Hydra (online text) 140.

Cold Harbor

Manitoba. AWD Ithaqua 105-108, 110-112, 115-116.

Cold Spring Glen

Near Dunwich. HPL Dunwich (online text) 166, 177-181, 188.

Cold Waste

Where Kadath stands. AWD Dweller 133, 138; Lamp (online text), Kadath in the ___ 252; Lurker 48-49, 82; Space 241; Valley (online text) 135; Whippoorwills 47.

Incl: Kadath.

Cole, Howard

Of Dunwich. AWD Middle, farm north of Dunwich 368.

coleopterous species

Race(s?) of beetles immediately following mankind. HPL Time (online text) 395.

See also: beetle civilization.

College Hill

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 154; Haunter (online text) 109, 113.

College Street, Arkham

AWD Lurker 76.

College Street, Providence

HPL Haunter (online text) 93.

RB Steeple (online text) 212, 215.

JVS Snouted 27.

Collins, Capt

HPL Call (online text) 146.

Colbin, Max

Talent agent who represented the model Kay Keith. He sent her to the Starry Wisdom Temple for a modeling job. Kay told Reverend Nye that Max Colbin was black. Mike Miller persuaded Colbin to allow Fred Elstree to stand in for the original photographer, Al Bedard. [RB Strange]

Colman, Laurel

Girlfriend of Mark Dixon. She had an Irish father and a Japanese mother. She lived near Parkland Cemetery at 1112 Parkland Place. She was decapitated by a ghoul in Parkland Cemetery. [RB Strange]


France. RB Shambler (online text) De Vermis Mysteriis printed there 181.

Colony House

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 114, 123.

Colorado River

When Kay Keith was five years old, she saw long-dead body dragged up from the Colorado River. [RB Strange]

colored gases

A life-form in distant space. HPL Kadath (online text) 356.

Colour Out of Space

HPL Colour (online text) throughout, esp. 71-72, 81; Mountains (online text) 106.

DW Lady (online text) 105.

Colum, Nayland

Of London. A man of more than ordinary courage, who took part in two exploring expeditions. In his thirties, while living in a humble flat in Soho, he published the novel The Watchers on the Other Side, which achieved a minor success. Shortly after, he noticed that he was being followed by "the dregs of Whitechapel, Wapping or Limehouse," presumably meaning dockworkers or merchant mariners. He was recruited by Laban Shrewsbury and accompanied the latter to the Nameless City. There they saw the dormant bodies of Andrew Phelan, Abel Keane, and Claiborne Boyd. Then Colum watched Shrewsbury interrogate the spirit of Abdul Alhazred and recover a lost Arabic manuscript of Al Azif. While returning in a ship on the Red Sea, they were menaced by something more powerful than the Deep Ones (presumably one of Cthulhu's immediate servitors). They called the Byakhee to make their escape. The ship's captain reported them as lost at sea. [AWD Keeper] There are some unanswered questions about this journey such as (1) Why did Shrewsbury want to go overland to the Nameless City, instead of simply calling the Byakhee to take him there? (2) Why was Nayland Colum's presence needed for the trip? (3) Where did the Byakhee take them at the end; was it back to the Nameless City they'd just come from? Did they go into stasis then and proceed "astrally" to Celaeno?

Later, Colum went on an expedition with Shrewsbury to find the Black Island. First they stopped in Singapore to recruit Horvath Blayne. They traveled to Ponape and then abord a naval destroyer to the last reported location of the Black Island. Colum helped to mine Cthulhu's portal and later witnessed when an atomic bomb was dropped on Cthulhu. [AWD Island]


Brig, out of Innsmouth, owned by Obed Marsh. AWD Clay 378; Shuttered 271.

Aka: Columby.


HPL Test (online text) 53, 56.

Columbia University

New York, NY.

HPL Diary (online text) 303; Winged (online text) 243, 244, 252.

RAL Settlers (online text) In 1930-31, Will Richards and Dave Fenner were fraternity brothers there 24 & 30-31.

Incl: Dyson; Fenner, Dave; Moore, Henry Sargent; Richards, Will; Slauenwite, Thomas; Typer, Alonzo.


AWD Island 181.


HPL Innsmouth (online text) 329.

Synonym for: Columbia.

Coma Berenices

Constellation. HPL Medusa (online text) 171.

Comanchian period

Circa 135 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 16-19, 33, 52, 71.

Commentaries on Witchcraft

By Mycroft. Simon Maglore had a copy of the book. [RB Mannikin]

Commercial House

A place with a bar, Arkham. HPL Herbert (online text) 141.


Old capital of Hyperborea. An opulent city with mountainous walls and alabastrine spires, surrounded by jungle. Commorom received tribute from as far as Atlantis and Mu, and traders from as far as Mhu Thulan in the north and the peninsula of Tscho Vulpanomi in the south. [CAS Testament (online text)]

Commoriom was a day's march from Mount Voormithadreth in the Eiglophian Mountains. [CAS Seven (online text)]

Commoriom was abandoned when the unkillable Knygathin Zhaum ran amok in town. [CAS Testament (online text)] The new capital city Uzuldaroum was founded a day's journey away from Commoriom. [CAS Tale (online text)]

Later, it was incorrectly rumored that Commoriom was abandoned because of the prophecy of the White Sybil of Polarion. Strange tales were told, of horrors that haunt forevermore the shrines and mausoleums and palaces of Commoriom. [CAS Testament (online text); Tale (online text)]

After the human residents of Commoriom had left, one of them returned and found the city inhabited by the fissional spawn of Knygathin Zhaum [CAS Pnom]. On another occasion, Satampra Zeiros and Tirouv Ompallios visited the ruins of deserted Commoriom and encountered a black slime creature living in a basin in a temple of Tsathoggua [CAS Tale (online text)]. This creature may have been one of the spawn of Knygathin Zhaum.

HPL Mountains (online text) 47; Whisperer (online text) Commoriom myth-cycle 254.

DW Lady (online text) 105.

Incl: Athammaus; Cunambria; djongua-beans; eighon-wood; foum-wine; Homquat; Loquamethros; pazoors; suvana-fruit; Thal, Manghai; Vooz, Ralibar;


HPL Gates (online text) 434-435.

Compton, Clyde

HPL Mound (online text) 99, 102-103, 106, 107, 110, 114, 155-157; Yig (online text) 87.

Compton, Grandma Sally and Joe

HPL Mound (online text) 99, 102, 105-107, 110, 114, 156-157.

Conan of the reavers

(Not Conan of Cimmeria.) Earlier incarnation of John O'Brien. REH People (online text) 149, (150-160), 161-164, 167-168.

Conanicut Island

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Location of Dr. Waite's private hospital, where Joseph Curwen, in the guise of Charles Dexter Ward, was committed. HPL Case (online text) 193, 231.


Massachusetts. HPL Whisperer (online text) enroute Waltham to Ayer 244.

AWD Watchers 385.


See: cone-creatures.

Confessions of Clithanus, Confessions of the Mad Monk Clithanus

By Clithanus. Originally published in Rome. Soames Hemery found a copy. Includes an account of St. Augustine visiting the priory near Hydestall Cathedral after Clithanus set free the creature Something from Out There. Augustine banished Clithanus to Rome and succeeded in imprisoning the creature with a star-stone, on which he wrote a Latin inscription. [AWD OutThere]

Eric Holm purchased a copy from Sanderton and Harker, printed in Latin. Includes a formula to invoke a Cthulhu spawn, another formula to send it back to the sea, and yet another to send it back upon the person who first invoked it. [AWD Passing]

The Field Museum library has a copy. The work includes a prayer for banishing the Cthulhu spawn to their prison. Interestingly, although Clithanus was a Christian monk, the prayer is addressed to the Elder Gods (1). [AWD Depths (online text)]


REH Bear 36.

Congdon Street

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 113.

Conger, Enoch

Of Falcon Point. AWD Fisherman 289-293.


HPL Picture (online text) Congo region 119; Winged (online text) 248

Incl: Nyangwe (possibly).

Congregational Church, Dunwich

HPL Dunwich (online text) 158.

AWD Watchers 401.

Incl: Hoadley, Rev. Abijah.

Congregational Church, Innsmouth

HPL Innsmouth (online text) 318, 350.

Congregational Church, Providence

HPL Case (online text) 118.

Congregational Hospital

Kingsport. HPL Silver (online text) 416; Mist (online text) 281.


HPL Unnameable (online text) 201.

Congregational Steeple

Central Hill, Kingsport. HPL Silver (online text) 416.


HPL Case (online text) 145, 165.

Incl: Cantrell, Clyde; Richards, Will; Stamford-Norwalk area; Darien.

Connecticut River

Enroute Greenfield to Brattleboro, after Northfield. (page and story ref. lost)


Curwen 9.

Conrad, James

REH House (online text) 113, (114), 115-124, (125-129), 130.

Synonym for: Conrad, John?

Conrad, John

REH Children (online text) 149-154, 160: A scholar and collector who was fascinated by the unknowable, obscure, and mystic. He had a bizarrely fashioned study, with queer relics from all over the world. There, of weird fiction vied with works on witchcraft, voodoo and dark magic. The volumes included Von Junzt’s Nameless Cults, the Mandrake Press edition of Boccaccio, and a Missale Romanum, bound in clasped oak boards and printed in Venice, 1740. His collection of weird fiction included Walpole's Castle of Otranto and a "nightmare" of Joris-Karl Huysman's (perhaps the novel Là-bas). To his mind, the three master horror tales were Poe’s "The Fall of the House of Usher", Machen's "Novel of the Black Seal" and Lovecraft’s "The Call of Cthulhu". His friends or acquaintances included Prof. John Kirowan, John O'Donnel, Clemants, Ketrick, and Taverel. He believed that the Picts were preceded into Britain by a Mongoloid type, deformed and inhuman appearing, with a neolithic culture (see Children of the Night). He was given a flint mallet head from the Welsh hills and fitted it to a handle of his own carving; he seems to have been a skilled woodcarver. He was present when John O'Donnel went berserk and attacked Ketrick.
Dig (online text) 71-86: John Conrad was the only friend that John Grimlan had. Conrad agreed to perform a ritual over Grimlan's body, in which Grimlan's soul was consigned to Malik Tous.
Jade: Together with John Kirowan, he investigated the killing of their neighbor William Dormouth by the Jade God.
Dwellers 111-123, 127-130;
Manor: Conrad and a friend (possibly John Kirowan or John O'Donnel) went to visit Tavarel (possibly the same as Taverel) at Dagon Manor and were greeted by the sinister Ketric.
Voice of El-Lil--a different John Conrad?

Aka: Conrad, James?

Conscious Lover

Play by Steele. HPL Case (online text) 188.

Considine, (Constable) Robert

Manitoba area; Royal Northwest Mounted Police. AWD Ithaqua 116.

Considine, Thomas M.

RB Hell (online text) 22, 30, 40, 43-47, 49-50, 54, 56, 71.


Included Philetas, Theodorus (HPL History (online text) 52).


See: celestial objects.

Constitution Wharf

Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 17.

continental shelf

AWD Seal (online text) 158.

Cook Islands

AWD Island 185, 187-188, 195, 198; Gorge 100.

Incl: Fisherman's God; Manihiki.

Copley Square

Library in Boston. HPL Case (online text) 159.

Copp's Hill

North End of Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 15, 20.

Copp's Hill Burying Ground

HPL Pickman (online text) 18.

Coptic Period

Period, Egypt. HPL Aeons (online text) Cabot Museum includes mummies from Coptic period 266.


Trapeze artist at the Stellar Brothers Circus [RB Elephant (online text) 46-51].

Cordillera de Vilcanota

AWD Curwen 10, 15, 18, 29, 38; Gorge 125, 134.

Corey family

Of Dunwich. AWD Lurker 99-100.

Corey, Abaddon

HPL Diary (online text) 306, 322.

Corey, Benijah

Carter family servant. HPL Gates (online text) 423, 428; Silver (online text) 416-417.

Corey, George

HPL Dunwich (online text) 177, 191.

Corey, Jeffrey

Of Paris, and of Innsmouth area; sculptor of Rima, the Bird Girl, and of Sea-Goddess. AWD Clay 371-381.

Corey, Lute and Jethro

(Harrop's?) Pocket. AWD Whippoorwills 38, 44, 57, cows 58-59, Jethro 59, cows 67.

Corey, Mis'

Of Dunwich. AWD Shuttered 274.

Corey, Mrs

Wife of George Corey. HPL Dunwich (online text) 177, 189.

Corey, Nathaniel

Of Vienna, Boston, and Arkham. AWD Space 229, (230-242), 247.

Corey, Wesley

HPL Dunwich (online text) 193.

Corey, Wilbur

AWD Lurker 48-49, 52, 100, 127, 140.


Britain. HPL Rats (online text) 30.

RB Brood 89, colonized by Egyptians 92, 95; Sebek 124.

AWD Lurker 122; Watchers 386.

Incl: Kent, Malcolm.

Coronado, Fracisco Varquez de

HPL Mound (online text) 98, 113-114, 116-117, 119, 138.

Corona Borealis

The constellation may be associated with the god Hypnos. [HPL Hypnos (online text)]

See also: celestial objects.

Corsi, Bartolomeo

HPL Time (online text) 395.

Cortland, Tom

HPL Test (online text) 56.


Ship. AWD Seal (online text) 158, 167.


HPL Kadath (online text) 406; Whisperer (online text) 228, 240, 254, 256.

AWD Lamp (online text), levels of being in other time continua, older than earth itself, tracing back through the Ancient Ones to Hali in the start and even beyond 254.

HH Guardian 293, 296, 299. Kathulhn learned whence the Cosmos came, and why, and its unpleasant ultimate destiny. The entire cosmos was spewed forth by an evil thought in the mind of a monstrous Thing in the Darkness. The Evil Ones (2) are forces of pure Evil, the source of all the evil that ever was, and is, and will be. Sometimes They reach in to our universe. There is a purpose. The Evil Ones (2) are performing rites involving the Cosmos in a monstrous catastrophe.

FBL Hounds (online text) time 76, deed before time 81-82, angles and angular time 80-83 & 85, curves and curved time 80 & 82-83.

CAS Ubbo (online text) great circle of time 48.


An strong, athletic American youth, and an amateur boxer of ability, with a terrific punch in either hand. He went on a tour of Europe with his flapper sister, Joan. He lectured her about the history underlying legends of the Little People, and Machen's story The Shining Pyramid. [REH Little]

With his boxing proclivities, Costigan bears some resemblance to Sailor Steve Costigan. Perhaps they are relatives. [Sailor Steve Costigan, Wikipedia, 1/11/2021]

Costigan, Joan

A young American flapper, sister of Costigan. While touring Europe with her brother, she became intrigued by an old stone cromlech and decided to spend the night there. She was attacked by a horde of Little People, but saved by the spirit of a Druid priest. [REH Little]

Costigan, Stephen

A drug-addicted WWI veteran who briefly served Kathulos and later turned against him. [REH Skull (online text)]

cotter and wife

Of Ulthar. HPL Cats (online text) given to trapping and slaying cats 55-56, found dead after the prayers of Menes bring revenge for the cats 58.

Cotton, Dr

's hill church, Providence. HPL Case (online text) 123.

Cotton, Jeremy

Of Lynwold; a schoolmaster. AWD OutThere Found Geoffrey Malvern in the priory near Malvern-by-the-Sea estate, and discussed the star-stone with him.

Council of Sages

Of the zoogs. HPL Kadath (online text) 309.

Court House

Salem. HPL Case (online text) 150.

Court-House Parade

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 126.

Court of Oyer and Terminer

Salem. HPL Case (online text) 150; WitchHouse (online text) (Salem not mentioned?) 263.

Cowan, Sherrif

Of Wisconsin. AWD Dweller (123), 124-125.

Coyote Canyon

California. HK Bells (online text) 81.

Cramton, Old

Of Lynwold. AWD OutThere A solitary fisherman who lived in a hut near Lynwold. Was killed by Something from Out There. Body was found under priory near Malvern-by-the-Sea, icy cold and crushed.

Crandall, Harry

HC Death (online text) (narrator) 360, 362, 364, 367.

Crane Street

Arkham. HPL Herbert (online text) near Miskatonic University campus 143; Time (online text) 371, 374, 376, 417.

Cranston line

Near Providence/Pawtuxet. HPL Case (online text) 178.

Crary Road and Bridge

Dunwich area. AWD Middle 361.


A Providence family. HPL Case (online text) 122, 126.

Crawler of Midnight

Synonym for the Snake-God. RB Serpents 261.

crawling chaos

See: Nyarlathotep.

Creek country

Oklahoma. HPL Yig (online text) 85.

creeper in the crypt

Of Arkham; related to ghouls? RB Creeper (online text) invoked by Jonathon Dark (108), long nails or claws, wheezing laughter, victim moans for long after commencement of attack (110).


HPL Gates (online text) 424, 457.

RB Sebek Creole district, New Orleans 116.

AWD Gorge 97-98, 102, 112, 118.


Transylvania. AWD Gorge 98.

Cretaceous period

135 million to 65 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 17, 22, 53, 60, 69.

Crimson Desert

Synonym for: Roba El Khaliyeh. HPL History (online text) 52; Test (online text) 47.

AWD Keeper 148.

crinoid things of Antarctica

See: Old Ones (1)

Crippen, Dr

HPL Museum (online text) 215.

Crocodile Cult

RB Mummy 286.

See also: Sebek.

crocodile-headed beast

HPL Medusa (online text) with three legs and a dorsal row of tentacles 193.

crocodile-like beings

AWD Keeper 154.

Synonym for: Nameless City denizens.


HPL Medusa (online text) 190.


RB Sebek 121, 125-129.


Genus of saurians. AWD Survivor (online text) 152, 162.


God of the Irish. REH People (online text) 161.


15,000 BC. HPL Time (online text) 396.

FL Terror2 chants of 285.

Crooker decorating firm

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 156.

cross, reversed

RB Satan 15.

cross, sign of the

FBL Eaters (online text) 88, (107), 108, 110, 112, 114.

Compare with: crux ansata; looped cross.

crotala, rattle of

HPL Kadath (online text) 368.

Crown Coffee House

Providence. HPL Case (online text) 188.


An old house on the outskirts of Arkham, High Street, home of Edward and Asenath Derby. HPL Doorstep (online text) 282-285, 292, 298*, 299.

Crown of Horns

RB Satan 18.

Croydon Aerodrome

AWD Curwen 33.

Crubinthorpe, Judge

RB Notebook (online text) 233.


Keziah Mazon recoiled in panic when Walter Gilman showed his crucifix to her. [HPL WitchHouse (online text) 292]

RB Hell (online text) 30, 57-58, 68.


RB Fane 142.

crux ansata, crux ansantor

RB Hell (online text) 30.

HK Salem (online text) 264-265.

JVS Snouted 25.

Aka: ankh; looped cross.

Crypt, The

A story written by Edgar Allan Poe after his death and reanimation by Launcelot Canning. The story was never published and presumably was destroyed in the fire that burned Canning's mansion. [RB Poe (online text)]

Cryptomenysis Patefacta

"Cryptomenysis Patefacta, or Art of Secret Information Disclosed Without a Key is a 1685 non-fiction book written by John Falconer, it was only the second text written in English on the topic of cryptography. In 1693 it was republished as Rules for Explaining and Deciphering All Manner of Secret Writing." [Cryptomenysis Patefacta, Wikipedia, 12/20/2020] The 1685 edition edition is available online at the Internet Archive.

Dr. Henry Armitage consulted the Cryptomenysis Patefacta for help in deciphering Wilbur Whateley's diary. [HPL Dunwich (online text)]


A fire being, one of the Great Old Ones. See full article.


An alien being, said to be the priest of the Great Old Ones. See full article.

Cthulhu in the Necronomicon

Laban Shrewsbury's second book, which he began dictating to Andrew Phelan shortly before they both disappeared in 1938. Phelan found it utterly incomprehensible, being a book written for savants by a savant, but with occasional strangely stirring passages. [AWD Curwen]

Abel Keane consulted a copy of the manuscript in the Miskatonic University Library. He found it filled with learned and scholarly paragraphs concerning the lore of the Arab, Abdul Alhazred, most of them utterly beyond his comprehension. There was also a quotation from the R'lyeh Text. [AWD Sky]

Cthulhu Mythos

AWD Island 179; Keeper 150.

Cthulhu Mythos fiction

AWD OutThere One of Geoffrey Malvern's friends found parallels to occult truth "in the fiction of certain British and American writers."

Cthulhu, spawn of

See: Cthulhu, spawn of.


HPL Electric (online text) 74, 77.


See: great cubes.

Cult des Morts, Le

A perilous treatise of whose missing portion only four copies are reputed to exist. Peter Mace had copy of the missing portion in his hut on Faikana. [HC Isle (online text)]

Cultes des Ghoules, Cultes des Ghouls, Cultes des Goules

See: Cultes des Ghoules.


See: Esoteric Order of Dagon.

Cultus Maleficarum in Libri quattuor

See: Sussex Manuscript.

Culver City

California. FL Terror2 270.

Cunambria, Queen

Of Hyperborea? CAS Tale (online text) jewels stolen by Satampra Zeiros and Tirouv Ompallios 3.

Cunningham, Inspector

Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) assigned to investigate the desecration of the grave of Ezra Weeden 177.

Currie, (Dr.) William

Of Lynwold. AWD OutThere (narrator) Investigated the cause of Geoffrey Malvern's sudden loss of sanity. Together with Soames Hemery and Duncan Vernon, succeeded in reimprisoning the creature Something from Out There.

Curtin, Professor

AWD GodBox 119-123.

curves and curved time

FBL Hounds (online text) 92; Eaters (online text) 105.

Curwen, Ann

HPL Case (online text) 127.

See: Potter, Ann Tillinghast.

Curwen, Eliza

(nee Tillinghast). Ancestor of Charles Dexter Ward. HPL Case (online text) 116, 125-127, 148.

Curwen, Joseph

HPL Case (online text) 110-112, 116-124, 126-133, 135-161, 167, 171, 174, 183, 185, 190, 192, Joseph C. 194, J.C> 195, 196-200, 202-205, 208, 211, 213-218, 220-221, 223-228, 230, 232-234.


Family, of Salem. HPL Case (online text) 120.

Curwen Street

Arkham. AWD Curwen 3-4, 8, 14, 19, 24, 26, 29, 36, 39-40, 43, 45, one of the river streets in Arkham; Lurker 138; Sky 72.


HPL Case (online text) 212, 215.

See: guards.


FL Terror2 dreams of 272, minions 281, dreams in Rulay 288, 291, 298, 306.

Cut-Throat Cove

Terror 219, 227, 229, 235, 246, 248, 250, 251.

Incl: Terror of Cut-Throat Cove.


Evolutionary theorist. FBL Hills (online text) and Chaugnar Faugn 257.


AWD Curwen 10, 15; Gorge 125-126, 129.


See article at Cxaxukluth.


See article at Cybele.


HPL Doom (online text) Cydathrian groves 48; Iranon (online text) cities of Cydathria 116.


An armed schooner. HPL Case (online text) 133.


Stars. HPL Colour (online text) 78.


Name for Saturn in the tongue of Mhu Thulan. CAS Door (online text) 22-27, 30-32, 34-35, 40.

Hzioulquoigmnzhah moved from Yaksh (Neptune) to Cykranosh, whose inhabitants long worshipped him [CAS Pnom].

Aka: Saturn.

Incl: Djhenquomh; Djhibbis; Ephighs; Ghlomph; Ghlonghs; Hzioulquoigmnzhah; Vhlorrh; Ydheems.

Cymric style

In architecture. HPL Rats (online text) 27.

Czanek, Joe

HPL Terrible (online text) 272-274.

Czanek, Mary

HPL WitchHouse (online text) 288.


HPL Case (online text) 164.

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