Shambler From the StarsA familiar or servitor from beyond the stars that can be summoned with an orison or spell from De Vermis Mysteriis. The long and sinister invocation begins with "Tibi, Magnum Innominandum, signa stellarum nigrarum et bufoniformis Sadoquae sigillum...." Per Google Translate, this apparently means something like "To thee, Great Nameless One, the signs of the black stars and the toad-shaped seal of Sadoqua (Tsathoggua)". When a mystic dreamer in Providence read the spell aloud, the creature's arrival was heralded by extreme cold and the sound of cunning laughter. The creature was initially invisible when it lifted up the dreamer, tore his neck, and drank his blood. Then the creature's blood-filled outlines became visible as "an immensity of pulsing, moving jelly; a scarlet blob with myriad tentacular trunks that waved and waved. There were suckers on the tips of the appendages, and these were opening and closing with a ghoulish lust.... The thing was bloated and obscene; a headless, faceless, eyeless bulk with the ravenous maw and titanic talons of a star-born monster." We are left to infer that the mystic dreamer had neglected some necessary safeguard that really ought to be used when summoning this creature. In any event, the thing departed without harming the only witness, Robert Blake. [RB Shambler (online text); HPL Haunter (online text)] |
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