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DAWD Gorge 98. AWD Dweller 124. HPL Aeons (online text) 274. Synonym for: Ghatanothoa. Daemonialitas See: Daemonialitas. By Heber. Gideon Godfrey had read the queer verse sequence of Heber’s Daemonic Presences with its sly hints and subtle allusions to the Fable of the Tree and the Fruit. [RB Satan] By Remigius. "Daemonolatreiae libri tres is a 1595 work by Nicholas Rémy. It was edited by Montague Summers and translated as Demonolatry in 1929. Along with the Malleus Maleficarum, it is generally considered one of the most important early works on demons and witches. The book was drawn from the capital trials of roughly 900 persons who were tried and put to death in a fifteen-year span in the Duchy of Lorraine for the crime of witchcraft." [Daemonolatreiae libri tres, Wikipedia, 11/12/2020] The Festival narrator found a copy of this "shocking" book at the home of his people in Kingsport. [HPL Festival (online text)] In his delirium after reading Wilbur Whateley's diary, Dr. Henry Armitage called for the Daemonolatreia in the hope of finding a spell to check the imminent peril. [HPL Dunwich (online text)] Alijah Atwood found a copy of Daemonolatria among Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere's books. [AWD Survivor (online text)] Little information is available about this work, but from its Latin title, it seems likely to have been a work about demons. Wiktionary defines lorum variously as "thong (leather strap); reins of a bridle; whip, lash, scourge; girdle; slender vinebranch." Hence, Daemonolorum might mean something like "Lash of the Demons," which would somewhat parallel the title of the famous Malleus Maleficarum, "Hammer of the Witches." If so, the work seems likely to be directed at Inquisitors or other churchmen who try to oppose demons. However, the Online Latin Dictionary adds more possible meanings for lorum, including "dog leash" or "reins." If the title means "Reins of the Demons," then it might connote something like "how to control demons, to make them do your bidding." Malcolm Kent said "Somewhere in the old Daemonolorum it is written that there was a sect of Egypt which believed literally in their gods; believed that Anubis, Bast, and Set could assume human form." [RB Brood] Edgar Gordon had a copy of the Daemonolorum; the narrator of "The Dark Demon" thought that the work was not conducive to a healthy state of mind. [RB Demon] Dagon See full article at Dagon. A race of mostly aquatic beings. They are gelatinous with irregular tentacles, with heads that are "fish-like in contour, with parrot-like beaks and great staring eyes covered with a filmy glaze." They have lived underwater since the earth was covered by ocean. Once their underwater kingdom stretched from pole to pole, but was greatly diminished when the continents arose. They hate humanity and regard us usurpers. Their goal is to sink all the continents so that humanity will be wiped out. They worship Dagon and want no other gods to be worshipped. They hoped to sink Atlantis but were opposed by the wizard Zend. [HK Spawn2 (online text)] Compare with: Dagon, spawn of; Deep Ones. Innsmouth. AWD Island 193; Clay 378. Synonym for: Order of Dagon Hall. Dagon Manor REH Manor: Accursed home of Tavarel. Described as a "sullen dark bulk," with a dreary and lonely setting in the moors. The nation is not named, but seems likely to be Ireland or Britain. John Conrad and a friend (possibly John Kirowan or John O'Donnel) went to visit Tavarel at Dagon Manor and were greeted by the sinister Ketric. REH People (online text) 145-146. Aka: Cavern of the Children of the Night. A curious fish-like seal used to gain admittance to the ceremonies at the Order of Dagon Hall. [AWD Sky] The being possessing Orin Sanderson said that matings had been arranged between humans and the spawn of Dagon. [RB Strange] Compare with: Dagon, children of; Deep Ones. REH Dwellers 112, 114, 122, 127. Desert in Arabia. HPL History (online text) 52. AWD Keeper 148. Synonym for: Roba El Khaliyeh. A city(?) of Lomar. HPL Polaris (online text) 22. REH Gods (online text) 187. Incl: O'Brien, Turlogh Dubh. Of Manitoba. AWD Ithaqua 105, 116; Wind (online text) (narrator) division chief of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police. Flew to Navissa Camp to investigate the discovery of Robert Norris's body. Concluded that Norris's written statement about being pursued by Ithaqua was literally true. RFS Warder 157. HPL Test (online text) 16-18, 20, 26-33, 44-45, 47, 49-60. See: Clarendon, Georgina. Alhazred dwelt in Damascus in his last years (HPL History (online text) 51). AWD Lurker 123. RB Fane 133. RB Brood 92. By Ambrose Bierce. HK Invaders (online text) 64. Pilbarra, W. Australia. HPL Time (online text) 404. Arabia/Middle East. AWD Keeper 152-155, 169, 171. (1545–1609) An Italian geographer and theologian. Aside from his work on geography, he also authored a theological work titled De Natura Daemonum. [Giovanni Lorenzo d'Anania, Wikipedia, 1/3/2021] Author, De Natura Daemonum. [AWD Attic; Peabody] Miskatonic University graduate student. HPL Mountains (online text) 8, 29, 32-37, 40, 42, 48-50, 52, 54, 59, 61, 64, 70, 77, 79-80, 83, 85, 87, 95-98, 100-101, 103-106. FL Terror2 295, 300, 309-310. Miskatonic University Antartic Expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) 11. REH Black (online text) 60, 72. Massachusetts. HPL Case (online text) 149; Innsmouth (online text) (asylum?) 309; Danvers asylum Pickman (online text) 15. Formerly called: Salem-Village. City in Connecticut. Clyde Cantrell hiked there to buy science fiction magazines. RAL Settlers (online text) 20. HPL Mound (online text) 122. Of Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 107-108, 110. See article at Dark Demon. REH Children (online text) 153: Said to be a revival of an older, darker empire dating back into the Stone Age. Possibly a synonym for the Bran cult. HPL Aeons (online text) 273-274. Synonym for: Ghatanothoa. RB Faceless 40. Synonym for: Nyarlathotep. REH Dig (online text) 84: A synonym for Malik Tous. Of the Haute Vienne Coven. HPL Case (online text) 131. Dark Man (2) A statue of the ancient Pictish king, Bran Mak Morn. See: Bran cult. South of Townsend Village, Vermont. HPL Whisperer (online text) 217, 225, Henry Akeley's home is halfway up 249, 257, 264. Darkness See article at Darkness. See article at Dark One. CAS Return (online text) 43. Fading mystic Irish race, akin to faeries. [REH Twilight] Synonym for: De Danaans HK Jest (online text) 61. Synonym for: Droom-avista. HK Bells (online text) 86. Synonym for: Zushakon. See: black star near Aldebaran. DW Fire2 (online text) 77. HPL Call (online text) 145. RAL Abyss (online text) 285. Incl: Colby; Chalmers; Dureen; Granville; Norden, Graf; Held, Dr.. HPL Whisperer (online text) 210, 216-217. AWD Sandwin narrator, named 89-90, 94, 96-97, 107-108. HPL Yig (online text) 84-95. HPL Yig (online text) 84-93, 95. The day that T'yog started up Mount Yaddith-Gho to free humanity from Ghatanothoa. HPL Aeons (online text) 275. Nephew of Michael Leigh. RB Kiss (online text) throughout; great-great-grandnephew of Morella Godolfo 39. A town in north central Massachusetts, on the Aylesbury Pike. If you take the wrong fork on the Aylesbury Pike just beyond Dean's Corners, the road takes you to Dunwich. [HPL Dunwich (online text)] From Arkham, the Aylesbury Pike proceeds west and northwest to Dean's Corners and then to the lonely Dunwich country. [AWD Lurker] If you follow the Aylesbury Pike from the Boston area to the west, you reach a hamlet called Dean’s Corners. Just past it is a junction, and a left turn takes you to Dunwich. [AWD Watchers] See: South Dearborn Street. CAS Coming (online text) souls 79, ghosts 80, 82. Synonym for Ithaqua. Used for Ithaqua by his worshippers at Stillwater. Mentioned by Allison Wentworth in his delerium. [Wind (online text)] FBL Hounds (online text) 74. HPL Picture (online text) 119. de Casseres, Benjamin A writer whose poem "The Closed Room" was read by John O'Dare [REH Door]. See Benjamin De Casseres (Wikipedia, retrieved August 16, 2022). For the poem, see the edition of The Shadow-Eater at Project Gutenberg. HPL Medusa (online text) 171. A fading mystic race, kin to the faeries, which had occupied Ireland before the coming of humans, some of whom still dwelt in caverns along the sea and deep in unfrequented forests. [REH Twilight] Aka: Dark people. Massachusetts or Rhode Island. HPL Case (online text) 152. Author of magical works including the Monas Hieroglyphica. Dee translated the Necronomicon into English, but the translation was never printed, and now only fragments of the original manuscript remain [HPL History (online text)]. Dee is mentioned briefly as translator of the Necronomicon in HPL Dunwich (online text), FBL Dee, and FBL Eaters (online text). Halpin Chalmers' book collection included something by John Dee [FBL Hounds (online text)]. A Middle Eastern guide regarded John Dee as a great seer who surpassed the ancient East in wisdom [FBL WereSnake (online text)]. FBL Hounds (online text) 81-82. Deep Ones See: Deep Ones. A remote valley in Massachusetts with dangerously tainted water. Howard Lindsay, owner of a paint factory in Innsmouth, had been approached by a a certain "dark-complexioned" visitor from a Middle Eastern country. (From the description, this visitor could have been an avatar of Nyarlathtep, the "strange dark one to whom the fellahs bowed" [HPL Fungi (online text) XXI]). Lindsay started producing something new in his factory, and sent his employees to dump barrels of waste products in Redrock. But they misunderstood and did their dumping at Deeprock Gorge. Later, Rev. Ralph Beckford brought some of his parishioners to Deeprock Gorge to pray, and they encountered local people who had become monstrously mishapened and hostile. [HC Coming] By Howard. A story that resulted in 110 letters of indignation from local readers when it was published in the Partridgeville Gazette. [FBL Eaters (online text)] By Giambattista Porta. A book on cryptology, first published 1563. See Porta's De furtivis literarum notis (1563). A scan of the first edition in Latin as available at the Internet Archive. Dr. Henry Armitage consulted the work when attempting to decipher Wilbur Whateley's diary. [HPL Dunwich (online text)] There was a copy in the library of Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere. [AWD Survivor (online text)] Australia. HPL Time (online text) 406-407. See: Gods. Literally "The Philosopher's Stone." The phrase occurs in the titles of a number of alchemical works by various authors. John Merritt recalled seeing a copy of De Lapide Philosophico by Trithemius at Joseph Curwen's farmhouse [HPL Case (online text]. However, Merritt's memory may have been at fault, since I can find no evidence that Trithemius ever wrote a work of that title. Merritt may have seen the De Lapide Philosophico by Johannes Isaac Hollandus, or De Lapide PhilosophicoTriga Chemicum by Nicolas Barnaud, among others. James Conrad found a copy of De Lapide Philosophico in a deserted farmhouse in Old Dutchtown, New York. The author's name is not mentioned. [REH House ] Family. HPL Rats (online text) 29, 44. HPL Rats (online text) 30. HPL Rats (online text) 30. HPL Rats (online text) 30. HPL Rats (online text) 26, 32, 43. For the early family history, see Exham Priory. After murdering his family and fleeing Exham Priory ca. 1610-1625, Walter de la Poer emigrated to Virginia. There he established a proud and honourable, if somewhat reserved and unsocial line of plantation owners, with a home named Carfax on the banks of the James. The Delapores were reticent about the history of their family prior to their arrival in Virginia. The only tradition handed down was recorded in the sealed envelope left by every squire to his eldest son for posthumous opening. The last plantation squire and the envelope both perished during the burning of Carfax by Federal troops during the Civil War. That squire's son died in 1904, but without any message to leave his son Delapore, or the latter's son Alfred. Delapore knew nothing of the early history of his family, beyond the fact that his first American forbear had come to the colonies under a strange cloud. [HPL Rats (online text) 26-28] HPL Rats (online text) (narrator): An American descendant of Walter de la Poer. Spent his early youth in Virgina, in the family home Carfax on the banks of the James River. He was seven years old when Federal soldiers burned his home; this was probably during 1864. When the war ended, the family moved north, whence Delapore's mother had come; and Delapore grew to manhood, middle age, and ultimate wealth as a manufacturer in Bolton, Massachussetts. He was a widower with one child, Alfred. Inspired by letters from his son during WWI, Delapore bought the remains of the the de la Poer family home, Exham Priory in 1918. When Alfred returned from war a maimed invalid, Delapore placed his business under the direction of partners and devoted himself to his son's care for two years until the latter's death. In 1921 Delapore resolved to devote himself to restoring Exham Priory. He adopted the ancestral spelling of his family name as de la Poer. He moved in to the Priory on July 16, 1923, taking with him his eldest cat “Nigger-Man” and several others. An apparent haunting by rats led to the subsequent discovery of cult remains and cannibalism at the Priory, and culminated in Delapore's deranged murder of his neighbor Capt. Norrys. Thereafter Delapore was confined to a barred room at Hanwell. HPL Rats (online text) 28. Of Carfax. HPL Rats (online text) 31. REH Gods (online text) 232; Hun 151-153. A cook. HPL Medusa (online text) 174. Of New Orleans. RB Sebek 120, 122, 126. Famous New Orleans mystic. HPL Aeons (online text) wrote a learned article in Occult Review, asserting identity of scroll hieroglyphs with some in Nameless Cults 270-271; Gates (online text) 424-426, 434, 446, 452-458. RB Sebek 120, brown eyes 122, 123, 126. FL Terror2 (296). See: clock, coffin-shaped. De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulus By Michael Ranft. While discussing the corpses of disinterred vampires, Montague Summers says the following of this book: "It was not infrequently seen that the dead person in his grave had devoured all about him, grinding them with his teeth, and (as it was supposed) uttering a low raucous noise like the grunting of a pig who roots among garbage. In his work, De Masticatione Mortuorum in tumulis, Leipzig, 1728, Michael Ranft treats at some length of this matter. He says that it is very certain that some corpses have devoured their cerements and even gnaw their own flesh. It has been suggested that this is the original reason why the jaws of the dead were tightly bound with linen bands. Ranft instances the case of a Bohemian woman who when disinterred in 1355 had devoured the greater part of her shroud. In another instance during the sixteenth century both a man and a woman seemed to have torn out their intestines and were actually ravening upon their entrails. In Moravia a corpse was exhumed which had devoured the grave-clothes of a woman buried not far from his tomb." (See Montague Summers, The Vampire: His Kith and Kin.) Simon Maglore had a copy of this book. The Mannikin narrator gives the date of the book as 1734, rather than 1728 as Summers does. [RB Mannikin] Author, The Horla. HK Invaders (online text) 64. Of New Spain, viceroy. HPL Mound (online text) 119. HPL Museum (online text) 215, 230. "French priest and poet. He is primarily known for writing the encyclopedic poem L'Image du Monde. Evidence from the earliest editions of this work suggests his actual name was Gossouin rather than Gautier." [Gautier de Metz, Wikipedia, 1/16/2021] Mentioned as the author of Image du Monde. [HPL Nameless (online text)] RWC Repairer (online text) cloudy depths of 37. See article at Demon Messenger. By Giovanni Lorenzo d'Anania, aka Anania. Published Venice, 1570. "In it, d'Anania posits the existence of demons, malevolent beings behind the works of astrologers and necromancers and who are responsible for any diseases which can be cured by the intercession of saints. De natura daemonum saw many editions, including that produced by Aldus Manutius. In 1654 Gian Lorenzo's nephew, Marcello Anania, prepared an edition titled De substantiis separatis, which contained the previously unpublished De natura Angelorum." [Giovanni Lorenzo d'Anania, Wikipedia] Adam Duncan found a copy in the library of his late grand-uncle Uriah Garrison. [AWD Attic] Asaph Peabody had a copy in his library. [AWD Peabody] Ancestor of Graham Dean. RB Kiss (online text) 40. Elephant-trainer at the Stellar Brothers Circus who committed suicide. [RB Elephant (online text) 46, 51] A star of Cygnus. HPL Colour (online text) 79. Artist. AWD Wood 82. REH Gods (online text) 200, 218-219. Incl: Wormius, Olaus. Of San Xavier area. HK Bells (online text) 81, 83-92. de Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon Collin (1793–1881) A French occultist, demonologist and writer; he published several works on occultism and demonology. [Jacques Collin de Plancy, Wikipedia, 1/13/2021] Author, Dictionnaire Infernal. [HK Hunt (online text)] HPL Museum (online text) 215. RB Sorcerer (online text) 155, "Gilles de Retz" 161. HPL Doorstep (online text) 276, 280-281*, her Packard 284, incarnation of Ephraim 288, 294. HPL Doorstep (online text) 276-etc., childhood 277, Azathoth,etc. 277, death of mother 279. FL Terror2 267, 284, local poet (289), 310. Home of Mr. Derby & family. (Story & page refs lost; must be in HPL Doorstep (online text).) Father of Edward Pickman Derby. HPL Doorstep (online text) 282, 285. Obiit. 1719. HPL Kadath (online text) 340. Salem. HK Salem (online text) 250-251, 253. CAS Holiness (online text) horns of 119. REH Black (online text) 57. By M. Porcius Cato. FBL Hills (online text) 291. RB Hell (online text) 45. An eccentric French nobleman who wrote the ghastly work, Cultes des Ghoules [AWD Island ]. His personal name may have been Paul Henri, though the only evidence is in the spurious catalog created by the forger Alastair White [AWD Six]. See also: Cultes des Ghoules. d'Erlette, Comte Paul Guillaume A possibly fictional successor to the title of Comte d'Erlette. The forger Alastair White created a spurious catalog, which purported to list books for sale from the library of Paul Guillaume, Comte d'Erlette. [AWD Six 124] Uriah Garrison's library included a work by de Rochas. [AWD Attic] This may be a reference to Albert de Rochas, or more fully Eugène Auguste Albert de Rochas d'Aiglun (1837–1914), "a French parapsychologist, historian, translator, writer, military engineer and administrator . . . Rochas is now best known for his extensive parapsychological research and writing, in which he attempted to explore a scientific basis for occult phenomena. His first book on the subject, Les Forces non définies ("Undefined Forces", 1887), was followed by numerous books and articles over the course of nearly thirty years, on subjects such as hypnotism, telekinesis, 'magnetic emanations' reincarnation, spirit photography, etc." His works include such juicy titles as La Science des philosophes et l'art des thaumaturges dans l'antiquité ("The science of philosophers and the art of miracle workers in ancient times", 1882), Les Forces non définies, recherches historiques et expérimentales ("Undefined forces, historical and experimental investigations", 1887), and La Suspension de la vie (1913). [Albert de Rochas, Wikipedia, ret. 07/05/2024] Family. HPL Medusa (online text) 169, 172. HPL Medusa (online text) (throughout) (166-167), 168, 195-200. HPL Medusa (online text) 169-183, 185-186, (187), 188-193, 196, (199), 200. (Nee Bedard) See: Bedard, Marceline. RB Fane 133; Sebek 124; Shambler (online text) Libyan 180. HPL Museum (online text) 215. RB Hell (online text) 45. AWD Island 181. From Touraine. A disguise of Jehan Mauvaissoir. CAS Holiness (online text) 125-129, 140. Artist. HPL Medusa (online text) 175. Physicist. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 264. RB Sorcerer (online text) 155. "Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux (1805–1876) was a French writer, antisemite and journalist. In 1860 he wrote La magie au dix-neufième siècle, and in 1864 Les hauts phénomènes de la magie." [Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux, Wikipedia, 07/05/2024] Kenneth Scott's library included work by the ill-famed Gougenot des Mousseau. [HK Hydra (online text)] French-Canadian lodger in WitchHouse. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 283-284, 288, 293, 295. See: Old Dethshill Cemetery. De Vermis Mysteriis See: De Vermis Mysteriis. Author, Traite des Chiffres. HPL Dunwich (online text) 183. Also known as Ambrogio Vignato, Ambrosius Vignatus. "Originally from Lodi. - Jurist, taught at the University of Turin and Bologna. - Active in 1468." [Ambrogio Vignati, BnF, ret. 2/20/21; trans. by Google Translate] "Ambrosius de Vignate was a well-respected magistrate and legal scholar, a doctor of both canon and civil law, who lectured at Padua, Bologna, and Turin between 1452 and 1468. On several occasions he participated in the trials of accused witches: he tells us that he had heard men and women alike confess – both freely and under torture – that they belonged to the sect of witches ('secta mascorum seu maleficorum') and that they, and others whom they implicated, had done all sorts of strange and awful things. The presiding inquisitors at these trials accepted this testimony as substantially true, and began prosecutions on this basis. Ambrosius, however, had grave doubts as to whether such bizarre crimes were plausible or even possible. . . . Ambrosius, for one, refused to accept the reality of the composite model of witchcraft and insisted upon treating each element individually. While men and women might indeed be guilty of working maleficium, their transformation into animals, he believed, was impossible. Therefore, when magistrates were faced with the confessions of accused witches, he required that they distinguish carefully between testimony which was possible and probable and that which was not." [The 'Malleus Maleficarum' and the construction of witchcraft: Theology and Popular Belief, by Hans Broedel, at Google Books] Author of Quaestio de Lamiis. [AWD Attic] Synonym for Satan. RB Satan 8, 16. Of Africa. HPL Winged (online text) habits 245, death fly with scientific name Glossina palpalis (246), soul of a dead victim passes into it 250-251, human intellect 258. Aka: Glossina palpalis. HPL Aeons (online text) 275-277. Synonym for: Ghatanothoa. Off Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 304, 306, 309, 317, 321, 329, 334, 352-353. AWD Island 191-193, 212; Curwen 15, 30, 43; Fisherman 290-292; Gable (online text) 208; Clay 373, 377, 380-381; Lamp (online text) 254; Hastur 6, 15, 21; Sandwin 108; Seal (online text) 160, 163-164, 175-176; Space 242-243; Shuttered 271, 273, 277; Sky 60, 64, 69, 79-80, 82-83, 85, 91; Survivor (online text) 162; Valley (online text) 135, 137; Wood 83, Devil's Reef 87. HPL Dunwich (online text) 158, 178. HPL Man (online text) 213-214. A steep, boulder-strewn road leading into Deeprock Gorge, Massachusetts. [HC Coming] Britain. HPL Mound (online text) 115. AWD Watchers 386. Boston psychiatrist. AWD Curwen 16, 33, 36-37, 39. See article at The Devourer. AWD Lurker 5, description 5-6, 7-10, 13-14, 16-21, 24-48, 50-72, (73), 74, (75), 76, (77), 78-80, 85-87, 88-91, 93-96, 99, (103-104), 105, (106), 107-110, 117, 119, 126-132, 141-147. AWD Lurker 4, (7), (41). HPL Winged (online text) Police constable of Central Station, Bloemfontein 242, 262, 263. A reputable but superstitious physician with a taste for odd folklore. Dr. Dexter threw the Shining Trapezohedron and its box into Narragansett Bay, and averred that he had rid the earth of something too dangerous to rest upon it. [HPL Haunter (online text)] Dr. Ambrose Dexter was a lifelong resident of Providence, with a home in Benefit Street. He was unmarried, a general practitioner, and a member of several medical socities. He was consulted by Robert Blake in late July, 1935. While discussing Blake's insomnia, Dexter learned of Blake's investigations at the Starry Wisdom sect. After Blake died, Dexter paid Tom Jonas to row him to the deepest channel of Narragansett bay. Dexter seemed intoxicated, muttering in a foreign language and staring at the Shining Trapezohedrom before throwing it overboard, with the lid of the box open. Shortly after, Dexter evidently was possessed by the spirit from the Shining Trapezohedron, an avatar of Nyarlathotep called The Haunter of the Dark. Dexter left town and began researching nuclear weapons technology, hoping to help humanity create the means of its own destruction. In 1945, a journal of astrophysics reported that Dr. Dexter had delivered an address called "Practical Applications in Military Technology." In late spring of 1951, Dexter returned to his house on Benefit Street. He was said to be recovering from a severe illness contracted during government service. Dexter had a very deep suntan, which he attributed to radiation exposure at Los Alamos. The lights in his house were kept burning twenty-four hours a day. Dexter had copies of De Vermis Mysteriis, Liber Ivonis, and the Necronomicon, which he had taken from the Starry Wisdom sect's church. In late summer, Dexter was visited by Edmund Fiske. Dexter knew of H. P. Lovecraft but claimed never to have met him. Dexter killed Edmund Fiske by turning off the lights and thus revealing himself in his true, phosphorescently glowing form. [RB Steeple (online text)] Of Providence; parents of Rose Dexter. AWD Brotherhood 351. Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 117. Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 162. A zoologist at Miskatonic University. (Page and story ref lost.) Of Providence; daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Elisha Dexter. AWD Brotherhood 328, 330-333, 337-338, 347-351. HPL Dunwich (online text) 184. AWD Space 359. See also: Dho-Hna formula; Dhol Chants. HPL Dunwich (online text) 184. AWD Middle 359. See also: Dho formula; Dhol Chants. A text attributed to malign and non-human Leng. Museum proprietor George Rogers claimed to have read the Dhol chants. [HPL Museum (online text] Wilbur Akeley had a copy of the Dhol Chants in his library. [AWD Gable (online text)] Winfield Phillips read in the Dhol Chants, which he got from Seneca Lapham [AWD Lurker]. Amos Piper consulted the Dhol Chants while possessed by a mind of the Great Race [AWD Space]. See also: Dho formula; Dho-Hna formula. Of planet Yaddith. AWD Curwen 22; Lurker 133; Seal (online text) 161; Sky 68; Valley (online text) 135. Compare with: bholes (in corrected Arkham edition of Lovecraft); Dhols; doels; dols. AWD Lurker 84; Whippoorwills 47. Compare with: bholes; dholes; doels; dols. K'naa. HPL Aeons (online text) Ghatanothoa's priests stood while King Thabon knelt at the Dhoric shrine 273. Synonym for: Boston Dial. RB Sorcerer (online text) 155, 161. HPL Call (online text) 137. A St. Bernard, beloved of Georgina Clarendon. HPL Test (online text) 25, 29-30, 43-46. Of Britain; author. AWD Watchers 389. (English: Infernal Dictionary) By Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy. A work that gave an account of various types of demons, arranged in hierarchies. First issued in 1818, and revised by the author for several later editions through 1863. [Dictionnaire Infernal, Wikipedia, 1/13/2021] The 1863 edition, which is popular due to the many quaint illustrations of demons, is available online (in French) at the Internet Archive. Andreas Benson had read the Dictionnaire Infernal. [HK Hunt (online text)] HK Hunt (online text) 169. Synonym for: Iod. HPL Museum (online text) (231-233), 234. HPL Electric (online text) 70. Diptera of Central and Southern Africa HPL Winged (online text) 245, 251, 256, (257, 258), 261. A book used by the Spanish Inquisition as a manual of procedure. [Directorium Inquistorum,Wikipedia, 06/21/2024] Launcelot Canning had a copy, described as "a rare and curious book in quarto Gothic that was the manual of a forgotten church" [RB Poe (online text)]. Family of adepts who translated the Song of Yste. RAL Abyss (online text) 285. Fabled, Cyclopean deserted city of ebon stone. HK Hydra (online text) 138; Jest (online text) the City of Iron 63. Synonym for: Bel-Yarnak. The French witch-hunter's Bible, published in Lyons in 1608. It was written by Henry Boguet, Supreme Judge of the St. Claude district of Burgundy. Boguet subjected many accused witches to torture by gruesome means such as red-hot pincers, and sentenced them to be burned at the stake. Among other quaint notions, Boguet believed that sorcerers are incapable of shedding more than three tears from the right eye. [Henry Boguet, the Witch-Finder of Burgundy at www.shanmonster.com] The Peabody Heritage narrator found a copy of Discours des Sorciers in the house of his great-grandfather, Asaph Peabody [AWD Peabody]. Arkham area. AWD Witches 299. Incl: editor of Arkham Gazette. Arkham area. AWD Witches 294, 307. Incl: Williams, Mr.; Potter, Andrew; Dunlock, Wilbur. Son of Cthulhu and a human, Kay Keith, who died in childbirth. Dixon was raised by Judson Moybridge, who found him through a foster-parent program. They lived on Los Feliz Boulevard in Los Angeles. Moybridge gave the child his own mother's maiden name of Dixon. Dixon worked as a junior researcher for the Los Angeles Times. He witnessed an attempt to assassinate the Los Angeles major by a possible member of the terrorist Black Brotherhood. After a major earthquake, Dixon escaped with his girlfriend Laurel Colman through Parkland Cemetery, only to find that she had been killed by ghouls. Dixon later found Moybridge murdered and discovered that he had been working for the Black Brotherhood. Dixon was attacked by Deep Ones who drowned him in the swimming pool at Moybridge's house, but he survived the drowning. His captors then took him to the Santa Cruz mountains, where the Black Man (Reverend Nye/Nyarlathotep) showed him the Shining Trapezohedron. The light from the stone caused him to transform into Great Cthulhu, and he went forth to rule the world. [RB Strange] Future national mother of the Bhlemphroims. CAS Door (online text) 33, 35, 37. An apterous and Stylitean bird people of Cykranosh. CAS Door (online text) 36. Prototype of all the djinn, and ruler of the salamanders [RB Hell (online text) 61] RB Hell (online text) 53, 61; Sebek 124; Shambler (online text) 180. See also: djin. djongua-beans A food eaten in Commoriom. [CAS Testament (online text)] HH Guardian 295. See Abhorred Continent of Dluuhg. Of Monk's Hollow. Caretaker of the house with the Witch Stone. HK Frog (online text) 107-111, 116. Dock Street A street in Innsmouth that parallels the Manuxet River on the north side. Although not referenced in HPL Innsmouth (online text), Dock Street appears on HPL's sketch map of Innsmouth. RB Mannikin 79. Pseudo-Akeley revealed the true nature of the Doels to Albert Wilmarth [HPL Whisperer (online text) 256]. FL Terror2 281. FBL Hounds (online text) 85, 87. Compare with: bholes; dholes; Dhols; dols. Creator-god; "it". FBL Hounds (online text) 87. RB Opener 160. See: dogs. Valley in K'n-yan. HPL Mound (online text) 134. Chief clown at the Stellar Brothers circus [RB Elephant (online text) 47, 50-51]. A place in Russia. AWD Lurker 136. AM White2 (online text) 125. Compare with: bholes; dholes; Dhols; doels. Landlords of the WitchHouse. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 276, 279, 283-285, 293, 295-296. Of Texas. REH Lost 64. Of Texas. REH Lost 65. REH Ring (online text) 52, 56-60. HPL Descendant (online text) 361. HPL Call (online text) 152. Magician of Thulask. CAS Coming (online text) 71-72, 74-75, 77-78, 80. A great black portal through which John O'Dare was sucked into another world. It might also be the means by which Lord Donal O'Dare visited the world of Balrahar. If so, the Door may be accessible through fairy ring on a hill in County Kerry, though apparently it can also open at other locations. [REH Door] AWD Gorge 132. AWD Island 190. AWD Curwen Doorway to Cthulhu 18, 37. Aka: Avenues to Outside. The artist. HPL Museum (online text) 228; Pickman (online text) 13. Of Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 120-136, 138-141, 145-151. Monarch of Cathuria. HPL White (online text) 40. An eccentric and taciturn neighbor of John Conrad and John Kirowan, who was killed violently and whose last words were a reference to the Jade God statue. [REH Jade] Author, Magyar Folklore. [REH Black (online text)] Author, Remnants of Lost Empires. [REH Black (online text)] Of Dunwich? AWD Lurker 98, 140. Widow of John Doten of Duxbury. HPL Sorceries (online text). AWD Lurker 17-18, 140. Of Duxbury. HPL Sorceries (online text). AWD Lurker 17. Oil of, in Mnar. HPL Doom (online text) 46. Providence. (Page 122; story ref lost: perhaps HPL Case (online text)?) Later Elizabeth Gordon. REH Ring (online text) 54. Of Partridgeville. FBL Hounds (online text) 86. HPL Mountains (online text) 6, 14-16, 20, 23, 27. Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 188. England. AWD Spawn 26. Cousin of Will Benson. HK Hunt (online text) 162-168, 170-178. Of Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 103. HPL Unnameable (online text) 201. RB Hell (online text) 26, 29-30. RB DarkIsle Dragon's tongue venom 111, Dragon 112-113. Outside Hankow. REH Bear 35-37. (Ascending node.) HPL Case (online text) 204, 216-217. (Descending node.) HPL Case (online text) 204, 216, 234. RB Terror 219, 221-223, 230, (231), 232-237, 239-240, 243, 245-249, 251. AWD Curwen 12. HK Hunt (online text) wrote with a peculiar horror of Iod 169. England. AWD Spawn 33. AWD Spawn 33. AWD Lair 116, 120-121, 124, 126, 132-133. When Randolph Carter's steps led him down to the Cavern of Flame, and thence down to the Gate of Deeper Slumber and into the enchanted wood, he entered a world that was fabulous in more than one sense. The places and inhabitants are exotic enough, but even stranger and more elusive are the qualities of the world itself—its origin and nature, and the many means of entrance and exit. What follows is a catalog of these oddities, in no particular order. First of all, it is clear that Randoph Carter enters this world by falling asleep. But the transition from waking to dream state is marked by a description of physical movement, rather than of a changing state of mind, and he continues to be self-aware and coherent in the trip to the land of dream. Furthermore, when he arrives there he finds a familiar place, which he has visited evidently many times before, and of which he retains much useful knowledge. While there, he follows a series of adventures with a beginning, middle, and end, and never loses sight of his central goal. This is all far removed from the ordinary experience of dreaming, as a normally only half-remembered state that proceeds illogically through a series of events that seem to make sense, but in fact make no sense at all when you think about it later. The conscious passage from the waking experience to the dream state is also missing from our ordinary experience. What is dream-like about this world? There are two main aspects to the story that are dreamlike. The first is the great extravagance of the places and characters Randolph Carter meets. All the cities have exotic names, like Dylath-Leen and Ulthar. And beings such as night-ghaunts, shantaks, and almost-humans form no part of our waking world. Then also there is the lack of realistic or exact detail in the narrative. All the conversations are paraphrased instead of quoted exactly, except for the long monologue by Nyarlathotep at the end. Carter arranges for voyages, but the need to pay for his passage is generally ignored. The ships never tack upwind or do anything particular with their sails: they simply go where the plot leads them. Another point to note is that this dream land is a shared reality, not private to Carter himself; as Nyarlathotep calls it, it is "the world of all men's visions" (399). Further, Carter meets people he had known in waking life, such as Kuranes, "a man he had known by another name in life" (309). The land of dream is spoken of as having a physical location within our waking universe, for of Kadath, Nasht, and Kaman-Thah tell him that "no man had ever suspected in what part of space it may lie; whether it be in the dreamlands around our world, or in those surrounding some unguessed companion of Fomalhaut or Aldebaran" (308). The "unguessed companions" would presumably be planets inhabited by conscious beings like ourselves; in other stories, Lovecraft mentions the existence of many civilisations and races on other planets. Presumably, these races also dream, and in their dreams visit their attendant dreamlands. Though the dreamlands are a shared reality, they appear to be different from waking reality in that they are created by our minds, by the shared feelings and fancies of beings with a similar outlook on life. The creative role of the dreamer is illustrated by Kuranes, who deliberately created a small tract of English countryside east of Celephaïs, by dreaming about it (354). In fact, "it was he who created Ooth-Nargai in his dreams, on which account he was now to be appointed its chief god for evermore" (Celephaïs (online text), 88). These creations took place within the shared dreamland that Randolph Carter also visits. Carter himself created a separate dreamland, the marvelous city for which he quests throughout the story. But this world was never wholly private, for the Great Ones left Kadath to go play in Carter's city. More oddly, they were able to prevent him from entering it himself. Yet on closer examination it seems that "dreamland" might be a misnomer, because the entries to this world are many and strange, and do not necessarily involve falling asleep. When the ghouls of the waking world throw away bones, they fall into the Vale of Pnath in the Great Abyss beneath the dreamland. Ghouls in general seem to move easily between the "waking" and "dream" worlds via subterranean tunnels (336-338). Beyond the Tanarian Hills of dreamland lie "forbidden ways into the waking world and other regions of dream" (352). It is also said that the enchanted wood "at two places touches the lands of men...it is well that [the zoogs] cannot travel far outside the world of dream" (308-309). Also, Basil Elton, "a light-house keeper in ancient Kingsport" (317) traveled to dreamland from his lighthouse in a white ship (White (online text) 36-42). The Vaults of Zin can be reached from the ghouls' burrows under dreamland (339) and the pit in Leng by the throne of the high priest is said to also lead down to these vaults (373); yet in the waking world the Vaults of Zin also exist, beneath the underground realm of K'n-yan in Oklahoma (Mound (online text)). For that matter, Professor Dyer suggests that the land of the Antarctic Old Ones "must indeed be the fabled nightmare Plateau of Leng which the mad author of the Necronomicon was reluctant to discuss" (Mountains (online text) 70). Thus, Leng exists both in the waking world and dream--albeit in very different forms. Regarding the "reality" of the dreamland, it is worth noting that Kuranes continued to live in the dream land, though he "could not go back to...the waking world because his body was dead" (354). Time is subject to strange distortions in the land of dream. The black kitten on p. 314 is a grown cat on p. 346. And Kuranes was told that "there is not time in Ooth-Nargai, but only perpetual youth" (Celephaïs (online text), 86). The earth and the moon appear in the land of dream; "earth" itself is the only overall name for the land that Carter travels. But it is evidently not spherical, for by sailing between the Basalt Pillars of the West and over the cataract, the almost-humans are able to sail to the moon. One last point to note is that the dreamer can fall asleep and dream within the dreamland. Atal and Carter both fall asleep (314), and Carter dreams "terrible dreams within dreams in the small hours" (359). Note other connections: Kadatheron, Thraa, Pnath, Illarnek. Time relativity: Iranon (online text) 115; Romnod ages while Iranon does not; but set in Mnar? NEW NOTES: The characteristics of dream should not be presented as so well defined or universal. Much is probably characteristic simply of Carter's own temperament. Note also, the ending (escape from a doom by waking up) is a typical ending for nightmares; except that Carter's doing it consciously and deliberately is reminiscent of a lucid dream experience (especially as most such experiences cause the dreamer to awake). Connections to ours: Cavern of Flame -> Gates of Deeper Slumber -> Enchanted Wood; Ghouls -> Vale of Pnath; beyond Tanarians -> waking world and other regions of dream; Vaults of Zin; Basil Elton lighthouse -> Southern Sea. Time- see p. 346 kitten grown to adult cat; but 350 very old cat-live a long time? Kuranes remained in dreamland after death; created a tract of countryside with his dream 354. Connections: Sarnath in both (HPL Iranon (online text) 114); also Olathoe in Lomar. Relativity of time- HPL Iranon (online text) 115; Romnod ages while Iranon does not. See also "The Real World and the Dream World in Lovecraft," in The Horror of it All, ed. Robert M. Price, Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, 1990. Incl: Akariel; Aran_Mt.; Baharna; Basalt Pillars of the West; Cathuria; Cavern of Flame; Celephaïs; Cerenerian Sea; Dorieb; Dylath-Leen; Enchanted Wood; Gate of Deeper Slumber; Gate of the Caravans; Great Abyss; Hatheg; Hatheg-Kla, Mt.; Hlanith; Ilek-Vad; Ilarnek; Inganok; Ired-Naa; Kadath; Kadatheron; Kingsport; Kiran; Kled; Koth; Lathi; Lelag-Leng; Plateau of Leng; Lerion, Mt.; nameless monastery; nameless rock; Naraxa, River; Narg, River; Ngranek, Mt.; Nhhngr; Nir; North Point; Ogrothan; Olathoe; Oriab; Ooth-Nargai; Oukranos; Palace of the Seventy Delights; Parg; Pharos; Pnath, Vale of; Rinar; Sarkomand; Selarn; Serannian; Six Kingdoms; Skai, river; Sona-Nyl; Southern Sea; St. John's Eve; Street of Pillars; Tanarian Hills; Temple of the Cats; Thalarion; Thok; Thorabonia; Thraa; Thran; Thurai, Mt.; Ulthar; Urg; Xura; Yath, lake of; Zar; Zin, Vaults of; White Ship; Tharp, Year of; Almost-humans; Atal; Athib; Azathoth; Barzai the Wise; Bholes; Buopoths; Carven mountains; cats; colored gases; cotter and wife; Elton, Basil; Ghasts; Ghouls; Gingko trees; Gnophkehs; Gnorri; gods of earth; Great Ones; Gugs; high priest not to be described; Hsan; Kaman-Thah; Kranon; Kuranes; Kynaratholis, King; Lathi; Lygath trees; Magah birds; Menes; Moon-things; Moon-trees; Narath; Nasht; Nath-Horthath; Night-gaunts; Nith; Nodens; Nyarlathotep; Other Gods; Pickman, Richard Upton; Pnakotic Manuscripts; Purple spiders; Sansu; Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan; St. John's Eve; Shang; Shantak-birds; S'ngac; Snireth-Ko; Thagweed; Thal; Thon; Thul; toad-things; Urhags; Veiled King; Vooniths; Wamps; Yogash the black; Zath; Zenig of Aphorat; Zoogs. HPL Call (online text) 132. Chapter of Magyar Folklore by Dornly. REH Black (online text) 58. HPL Mound (online text) of Old Ones 133. RB Demon 62-64, 66-67, 69. HPL Iranon (online text) 116. See: Reis el Drogman, Abdul. HK Jest (online text) 61-63. Aka: Dweller Beyond; Dark Shining One; Jester. Of Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 103. HPL Rats (online text) 27, 29. RB Brood 91; DarkIsle 93, 96-99; Notebook (online text) 235-236, 238, 248; Sorcerer (online text) 155. AWD GodBox 120-121; Lurker 73, 78, 116, 122; Wood pre-Druidic music 76. REH Little: The spirit of a Druid priest saved Joan Costigan from the Little People. CAS Holiness (online text) 131-132, 134, 136-138, worship Taranit 131, 137. Aka: Children of Mabon; Clan of Mabon. Of Arkham. AWD Lurker 19-26, 67-68, 70-71, 119, 126-127, 141. HPL Whisperer (online text) 214. In Alice in Wonderland. AWD Curwen 12, 46. AWD Seal (online text) 171. Of Brattleboro? and Arkham. Great-nephew of Uriah Garrison, nephew of Aunt Sophia, fiance of Rhoda Prentiss. AWD Attic (narrator) 309-310, 312, 315, 318-319, 321-322, 325-327. New Zealand. HPL Call (online text) 145, 147, 154. Arkham area. AWD Witches 294, 302. Of District School Number Seven, Arkham area. AWD Witches 295, 297, 299, 303. Of Dunwich. AWD Middle Baptist minister 365. HPL Case (online text) 148; Mountains (online text) 11; Nameless (online text) 103. England. AWD Lurker 138. Incl: Wadham, Leonard. Massachusetts. See: Dunwich. HPL Dunwich (online text) description 194. FL Terror2 300, 309-310. HPL Winged (online text) Thomas Slauenwhite researched there 244, Slauenwite planned to escape through Durban 254. Of Darwich University. RAL Abyss (online text) 284-290. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 126. Of Monk's Hollow. HK Hunt (online text) 162. Artist. HPL Medusa (online text) 175. Location of first publication of Von Junzt's Nameless Cults, in 1839. HPL Aeons (online text) 269, 271, 277. REH Black (online text) 56; Hoofed 156; Roof (online text) 3. Massachusetts. A coastal city near Plymouth. HPL Sorceries (online text). AWD Lurker 17-18. HK Jest (online text) 61. Synonym for: Droom-avista. HK Hunt (online text) 168. Synonym for: Iod. AWD Dweller 127, 138, description 142, 149, 151-152. Synonym for: Nyarlathotep. HK Salem (online text) 261. Synonym for: Nyogtha. By Gaston Le Fe. CJ Acquarium 305. HK Invaders (online text) 71. Synonym for: Invaders. REH Dwellers (122, 124-128, description 129, description 130, 131). Of College Hill, Providence. HPL Case (online text) 154-155. Of Miskatonic University; geology; leader of Antarctic expedition. HPL Mountains (online text) (narrator) name mentioned 20, 22, age 28; Time (online text) 406-407, 409-410. A city. Kadath (online text) 313, 315-316, 320, 324-325, 327, 334, 345, 360-361, 365, 369-370, 375-376, 380, 385. Of Columbia University. HPL Winged (online text) notified Slauenwite that Moore received the flies 252, later stopped writing to Slauenwite after Moore told him of his suspicions 253, awakened by a devil-fly when Moore died 255 & 258. Rajah of Jadhore. RB Elephant (online text) (40), 41, (42-43), 44-48, 51-54. |
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