POf Salem. HPL Case (online text) 150, 194. Of Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition, Engineering. HPL Mountains (online text) 4-6, 9-13, 15-16, 20, 22, 26, 33-34, 39-40, 50, 66, 85. FL Terror2 269, co-inventor of the magneto-optic geoscanner 293, 298. California. The Probilski Foundation was located near Pacific Coast Highway, north of Malibu. [RB Strange] HPL Aeons (online text) risen island (part of ancient Mu) 265, bygone Pacific civilisation (of Mu) 267, Ghatanothoa cult flourished chiefly in Pacific regions 276, Pacific setting of Mu legends 277, T'yog mummy is Pacific specimen 279 & 281; Mound (online text) 122. RB Kiss (online text) 44. AWD Beyond2 islands 154, 169, 176; Island 210, 212; Curwen 18, 35, 40, 46; Dweller island 134; Sandwin 104; Seal (online text) 164; Sky 70; Space 242. HK Bells (online text) 81, 88. FL Terror2 306, 309. Incl: Caroline Islands; Deep Ones; East India; Easter Island; Gilbert and Ellice Islands; Guam; Humboldt Currents; Marquesas Islands?; Marianas Islands; Micronesia; Melanesia; Nan-Matal; New Caledonia?; New Hebrides?; New Zealand; North Pacific; Polynesia; Ponape; R'lyeh; South Pacific; Tonga Islands? Aka: Western Ocean. Innsmouth. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 326-327, 347, 349-350. Palace of the Seventy Delights Celphaïs. HPL Kadath (online text) 354, (355). HPL Nameless (online text) 103; Time (online text) 385, 398. RWC Mask (online text) 59; Repairer (online text) 5, 37; Yellow (online text) 106. HPL Mound (online text) 155. "In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, wooded glens, and often affiliated with sex; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring." [Pan, Wikipedia] Henry Armitage vaguely compared Pan to Yog-Sothoth when he said "Shew them Arthur Machen’s Great God Pan and they’ll think it a common Dunwich scandal!" [HPL Dunwich (online text)]. The analogy is to the storyline of Machen's story "The Great God Pan," in which Pan impregnates a human woman, who gives birth to an abominable child; just as Yog-Sothoth impregnated Lavinia Whateley, who gave birth to Wilbur Whateley and the Dunwich Horror. Phillips Keith identified the Great God Pan as a synonym for Satan, the archetype of evil. Gazing at the creature, Keith experienced what the old priests of Pan used to call ecstasy. [RB Hell (online text)] HPL Mountains (online text) 6. HK Hydra (online text) 127. Vermont. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 306. Tahitian city. Ronald Abbott said that Papeete is quite safe for tourists. [RB Strange] HC Isle (online text) 147-161. AWD Island Papuans 185; Gorge 101. HPL Time (online text) 407. Of Egypt. "The Ipuwer Papyrus (officially Papyrus Leiden I 344 recto) is an ancient Egyptian hieratic papyrus made during the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, and now held in the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, Netherlands. . . . In the poem, Ipuwer . . . demands that the Lord of All (a title which can be applied both to the king and to the creator sun-god) should destroy his enemies and remember his religious duties. This is followed by a violent description of disorder: there is no longer any respect for the law and even the king's burial inside the pyramid has been desecrated. The story continues with the description of better days until it abruptly ends due to the missing final part of the papyrus." [Ipuwer Papyrus, Wikipedia] "Fringe historians often compare the content of this papyrus with Exodus, the second book of the Bible. Similarities between Egyptian texts and the Bible are easily found, and it is reasonable to assume Egyptian influence on the Hebrews, given their at times close contacts. But to conclude from such parallelisms that the Ipuwer Papyrus describes Egypt at the time of the Exodus, requires a leap of faith not everybody is willing to make." [The Admonitions of Ipuwer, Internet Wayback Machine, retrieved 01/20/2019] Laban Shrewsbury interpreted the calamities in the Papyrus Ipuwer as evidence of the war between the Elder Gods and the Great Old Ones. [AWD Island] (c. 1493–1541) "born Theophrastus von Hohenheim (full name Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), was a Swiss physician, alchemist, lay theologian, and philosopher of the German Renaissance. He was a pioneer in several aspects of the 'medical revolution' of the Renaissance, emphasizing the value of observation in combination with received wisdom. He is credited as the 'father of toxicology'. Paracelsus also had a substantial influence as a prophet or diviner, his 'Prognostications' being studied by Rosicrucians in the 17th century . . . As a physician of the early 16th century, Paracelsus held a natural affinity with the Hermetic, Neoplatonic, and Pythagorean philosophies central to the Renaissance, a world-view exemplified by Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola. Astrology was a very important part of Paracelsus's medicine and he was a practising astrologer, as were many of the university-trained physicians working at that time in Europe. Paracelsus devoted several sections in his writings to the construction of astrological talismans for curing disease." [Paracelsus, Wikipedia, ret. 07/05/2024] The online text of The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus is available at Google books. Joseph Curwen's library included Paracelsus [HPL Case (online text)]. Isaac Voorden said that Paracelsus sought to see the Infinite and to walk between the worlds [RB Sorcerer (online text)]. Alijah Billington's library had several sets of Paracelsus which bore the marks of much usage [AWD Lurker]. An unincorporated community in California. Formerly known as Vulture's Roost. Later absorbed into Los Angeles. [FL Terror2 268, 312] Includes: Fischer, Anton; Fischer, Georg Reuter; Reuter, Marie Paralda is the sovereign of the sylphs or air elementals, according to Eliphas Levi's Transcendental Magic, Its Doctrine and Ritual. [The online text is at Internet Archive] The Hell On Earth narrator read about Paralda. [RB Hell (online text)] Parchments of Pnom See: Pnom. Dreamworld city. HPL Kadath (online text) 316, 321, 325. France. HPL Call (online text) 132; Case (online text) 164; Medusa (online text) 170, 173-174, 178, 187, 191. RB Sorcerer (online text) 155. RWC Repairer (online text) 5. AWD Gable (online text) 206; Gorge 98, 119; Clay 371-372, 375; Lurker 81, 125; Six 124; Space 234-235; Spawn 18-19; Survivor (online text) 153. Incl: Bibliotheque Nationale; Charriere, Dr. Jean-Francois; Corey, Jeffrey; Latin Quarter; Rue St. Jacques; St. Clair Academy; Sorbonne; Wiseman, Richard. HPL Call (online text) 152. Newburyport. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 315. On Parkland Place, Los Angeles area. After a major earthquake, Mark Dixon and Laurel Colman tried to escape across Parkland Cemetery. The earthquake had revealed the burrows of many ghouls, and Laurel was decapitated by them. [RB Strange] Los Angeles area. Laurel Colman lived on Parkland Place, across the street from Parkland Cemetery. [RB Strange] London (or Croydon?). AWD Curwen 33-34. Servant of Randolph Carter. HPL Gates (online text) 422-423; Silver (online text) 417, 419. Boston? HPL Pickman (online text) 12. Antarctica. HPL Mountains (online text) 7. A person; Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 127-128, 130-132, (133), 134, 141, 146-149, 151. Egyptologist who found the third priest of Sebek. RB Sebek 126. New England. FBL Eaters (online text) 88, 111. Incl: Chalmers, Halpin; Douglas, Detective Sergeant; Frank (1); Hancock, L.E.; Hortense; Howard; Morton, James; Smith, Dr.; Wells, Henry; Wren, Christopher Angell Hill; Brewster; Central Square; First Baptist Church; Mulligan Beach; Mulligan Light; Mulligan Wood; Narrows; Partridgeville Chemical Laboratories; Partridgeville Gazette; Partridgeville Glue Works; Partridgeville Reserve (police); Smithwick and Isaacs; Partridgeville Chemical Laboratories FBL Hounds (online text) 86. FBL Hounds (online text) 84-85; Eaters (online text) 89. FBL Hounds (online text) 84. Police. FBL Hounds (online text) 86. Wisconsin; a place. AWD Dweller 116, 123, 125, 134-135. Synonym for Bast; Bubastis. [RB Brood] RB Mannikin Near Bridgetown 79; Satan 6-10, 15, 17. Incl: Wakimis; Caledonia County, Vermont. HPL Whisperer (online text) 209. New Jersey. HPL Call (online text) 145. Doctor of glandular therapeutics. FBL Hills (online text) 264. Massachusetts. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 275. Pawtuxet? HPL Case (online text) 152. Of Springfield. AWD Watchers 400, 404. A Roman commander. RB DarkIsle 98. Shortly after divorce, visited Maine and unburied the Other with Roche, Hank Klarney, and Frank Klarney. Died two weeks later in a delirium. RAL Graag (online text) 12-15. HC Isle (online text) 147. RB Opener 162. En route Connecticut to Rhode Island. HPL Case (online text) 165. Oklahoma. HPL Yig (online text) 83. Incl: Tirawa. Pawtuxet road, river, farm, village, valley Rhode island. Joseph Curwen farm at. HPL Case (online text) 111, 118-119, 122, 124, 127-129, 132, Pawtuxet river 134, farm 136, road 137, farm 137, road 139, road 141, village 144-146, farm 148-149 & 151 & 154, valley 155, bungalow 168, farm 171, 175, 177-178, bungalow 178-180, 181, 182, 184, bungalow 185, 188-189, 191, 198, 200, 209, 224-225. Incl: Fenner, Arthur; Fenner family; Fenner, Luke; Slocum, Charles Lockwood Street; Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet A heretical Christian sect? CAS Holiness (online text) 122. A type of coin used in Hyperborea. [CAS Tale (online text); Testament (online text)] Attendant at Miskatonic University Library. AWD Curwen 23-24; Sky 60-61. Of Wilbraham; great-grandfather of Peabody Heritage narrator. AWD Peabody 179, 182, 186, 189, 194-198. Little brother of Mary Peabody. Possibly of Arkham. Buried in Old Dethshill Cemetery. JVS Dead 29, 30, 35. Of Arkham. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 362-363. [AWD Peabody] Of Wilbraham; ancestor of Asaph Peabody and of Peabody Heritage narrator. AWD Peabody 182, 191, 194-195. Lives near Old Dethshill Cemetery. Possibly of Arkham. Older sister of Benjamin Peabody. JVS Dead 28-31, 35, 37. Arkham. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 278. HPL Time (online text) 370. HPL Time (online text) 370. HPL Time (online text) 370. HPL Time (online text) 369, etc; address 371. HPL Time (online text) 370. Of Miskatonic University. HPL Time (online text) 369, 373, 376, 384, 406, 408-412. FL Terror2 288-289, 293, 296. Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 192, 196. A place in America. HPL Mound (online text) 116, Picos Pueblo villages 120. See: Peking. The tall man of Project Arkham suspected the Black Brotherhood of killing China's number two man in the Peking government. [RB Strange] AWD Lair 123. China. REH Bear 36. Column in the Brattleboro Reformer. HPL Whisperer (online text) 215-216. AWD Wood religious carvings of 73. Indian tribe. HPL Whisperer (online text) 212-213. HPL Case (online text) 132. AWD Valley (online text) hex country 124. Pennsylvania Historical Society HPL Case (online text) 139. HPL Case (online text) 215. RB Hell (online text) 26, 29-30, 32-33, 41. AWD Gable (online text) Wilbur Akeley drew a five-pointed star before looking through the gable window at distant scenes. He would break the design whenever he was menaced by creatures from beyond the window. HK Hunt (online text) 163-166, 168, 170-172. Compare with: star, six-pointed. HPL Case (online text) 151. AWD Whippoorwills 46. A poem or book written by the mad poet, Justin Geoffrey, and apparently inspired by the Black Stone in Stregoicavar, Hungary. Some lines quoted at the start of The Black Stone are probably from this poem. [REH Black (online text)] Justin Geoffrey wrote The People of the Monolith and died screaming in a madhouse in 1926 after a visit to a sinister, ill-regarded village in Hungary. [HPL Doorstep (online text)] Crewman on the Rover. RB Terror 229, 232-235, 237, 243-246, 248. Of Los Angeles. One of the officers who protected the Los Angeles mayor from an assassination attempt by the Black Brotherhood. [RB Strange] Incl: Arkham Gazette; Aylesbury Transcript; Journal of American Folklore; Providence Journal. Family, Arkham area. AWD Valley (online text) 118; Witches 294. AWD Valley (online text) 121-122, 130-133, 138, 140, 142-143, 145-148. Germany. AWD Lurker 138. 280-230 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 16, 67, 95; Time (online text) 383. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 162. HPL Aeons (online text) Ghatanothoa cult in 276. AWD Island 181. REH Fire (online text) 31-32. FBL WereSnake (online text) there are altars to Ishtar in Persia. REH Fire (online text) 31-32. Australia. HPL Time (online text) 404-406, 411-412. South America. HPL Aeons (online text) Ghatanothoa cult in 276, 281; Time (online text) 395. AWD Curwen 13, 15, 29; Gorge 97, 108, 122, 124, 127, 134; Keeper 140, 160; Lurker 116; Sky 76; Space 233, 238; Wood 77. Incl: Incas; Lima; Machu Picchu. HC Isle (online text) 148, 159-160. Synonym for: Mace, Peter. Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 118, 122, 124-125, 130, 134-136, 145. A soul in a bottle. HPL Terrible (online text) 273. Alias of Richard Upton Pickman. HPL Pickman (online text) 13, 17. Of Los Angeles. A young black man who pretended to be a nurse, taking care of the fake Simon Waverly. He attempted to rob Albert Keith, but was killed by an earthquake. [RB Strange] Of Providence. HPL Case (online text) 126. AWD Gorge 105. AWD Curwen 32, 34-36. A valley. HPL Mountains (online text) 48. Of H.M.S. Advocate. AWD Gorge 106. One of seven Olympian spirits "mentioned in several Renaissance and post-Renaissance books of ritual magic/ceremonial magic... Phaleg (or Phalec, Pharos) [is] 'the War-Lord'. His planet is Mars. He rules 35 provinces." [Olympian Spirits, Wikipedia] One of the Seven Stewards of Heaven invoked in White Magic. [RB Hell (online text)] A style. HPL Case (online text) 212-213, 215. RWC Repairer (online text) 37; Yellow (online text) was laid 106. An alien entity. HK Hydra (online text) 135. In Celephaïs. A beacon or lighthouse? HPL Kadath (online text) 357. See: Elder Pharos. AWD Island (177), 178, 181, 196, 202-203, 212; Curwen (narrator), 3, 5, 11, age race & birthplace 16, from Boston (30), visited Croydon Aerodrome 33, Andrew 40, Andrew 42, 44, Boston address 47; Gorge possible reference (127); Keeper 160; Sky (52), 53, (54), 55-57, vanished Sept 1938 57, 58-61, 67-81, 86-93. Passenger who died on the third day of an ocean voyage, on a liner that was transporting the Sacred White Elephant of Jadhore [RB Elephant (online text) 45]. HPL Case (online text) 138-139, 195; Test (online text) 51. HC Isle (online text) 152. Of Constantinople. Translated the Al-Azif into Greek, under the title Necronomicon in 950 A.D (HPL History (online text) 52). HPL Innsmouth (online text) 334. AWD Sky 66. HPL Call (online text) 132. Family, of Innsmouth. AWD Seal (online text) 150, 153, most died in '28 154, 156, 158-159, 166, 176. Of Providence. AWD Brotherhood (narrator), 328, 339, 341, 345-347, 351. Married name of Ada Marsh. Phillips, (First Mate) Cyrus Alcott AWD Seal (online text) 158, 167. AWD Seal (online text) 158. Brother of Sylvan, father of Marius Phillips. AWD Seal (online text) 153. AWD Those 112-117. AWD Seal (online text) (narrator), family (149-150), childhood (152), named 155 & 157. AWD Seal (online text) 145-152, 154, 157, (158), 159-161, 166-167, (170), 171, 176. Of Angell Street, Providence. "An elderly eccentric of Providence, Rhode Island." Grandson of Whipple Phillips. HPL Gates (online text) 424-427, 446, 452-454, 456-457. AWD Lamp (online text) 248, parents' early death 249, knowledge of Arabic 250, 251, 254-256. Author, Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-English Canaan. Pastor of the Second Church in Arkham, in the Massachusetts-Bay. [HPL Sorceries (online text)] Alijah Billington expressed disapproval of Phillip's book, stating that "there are things in existence better left alone and kept from the common speach." Phillips retorted that Billington "knows whereof he writes." Phillips wrote an open letter to the Arkham papers, offering to lead an investigation into the sounds heard in Billington's Wood. He visited Billington's house and woods in company with John Druven and Deliverance Westripp. Afterwards, Druven disappeared, while Phillips and Westripp lost their memories of the visit, save that their host had been polite and served a lunch prepared by his Indian servant, Quamis. Shortly after, Alijah Billington departed and Phillips reported that the noises near Billington's Wood subsided. Phillips brought a lot of discredit on himself by trying to gather copies of his book Thaumaturgical Prodigies and burn them. Phillips didn't live very long after. [AWD Lurker] The Rev. Ward Phillips was an ancestor of Winfield Phillips. [AWD Lurker] AWD Lurker 111, (112-114), 115, (116-119), 120, (121-123), 124-125, (126-129), 130, (131-141), 142. Of Angell Street, Providence. Grandfather of Ward Phillips. AWD Lamp (online text) 248-249, 254-256. A boys' school? HPL Test (online text) 56. HPL Case (online text) 119. HK Jest (online text) 62. Aka: Elixir; Stone of the Philosophers. Of Newburyport. HPL Case (online text) 135. Historical person. HPL Pickman (online text) 18. HK Hunt (online text) Iod is Dweller beyond 168. Aka: River of Flame. Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn A ritual phrase chanted by the Cthulhu cultists, both in Greenland and Louisiana, and translating to "In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." [HPL Call (online text) 136] AWD Hastur 13-14. RB Brood Phoenicians built galleys 92. Incl: Tyre. Parts of the ritual over John Grimlan's body where in a language faintly suggesting the Phoenician [REH Dig (online text)]. A ring that was owned by Xathra, then Lord Donal O'Dare, and later John O'Dare had tiny, hieroglyphic-like characters that resembled Phoenician. [REH Door] HPL Rats (online text) priest 29, tongue of Phrygia 43. One of seven Olympian spirits "mentioned in several Renaissance and post-Renaissance books of ritual magic/ceremonial magic... Phul [is] 'lord of the powers of the moon and supreme lord of the waters'. He rules 7 provinces. His 'planet' is the Moon." [Olympian Spirits, Wikipedia] One of the Seven Stewards of Heaven invoked in White Magic. [RB Hell (online text)] Providence. RB Steeple (online text) 218. Of Monk's Hollow. HK Frog (online text) 114-117. Curator of Cabot Museum, ca. 1878. HPL Aeons (online text) traveled to Valparaiso and Pacific to search for risen Mu island 266. JVS Snouted 25-26, 28. Of Salem. Rumored to possess a 16th century Greek copy of the Necronomicon, which vanished with the disappearance of Richard Upton Pickman (HPL History (online text) 53). HPL Mountains (online text) 6. HPL History (online text) 2; Kadath (online text) (336), 337, *338, 339, 345, 376, 378-379, 381-390, 393; Pickman (online text) 12-25. Character from Lovecraft's story Pickman's Model (HPL Pickman, online text), who was based on the real Boston artist Richard Upton. [RB Strange] AWD Six 124. See also Pickman family; Upton, Richard. Of Britain. RB Brood 89, 92. REH Hyborian (online text); REH Shadow (online text); Black (online text) 61; Children (online text) =Little People? 153, 154, 156-158, 161, 163: Small, dark, garlic-eating Neolithic people of Mediterranean blood; predominantly Celtic—a mixture of Gaelic, Cymric, aboriginal and possibly Teutonic elements. They were short and had dark hair, eyes, and skin. The Picts conquered ancient Britain from the Children of the Night; they were unable to exterminate them completely, but never mated with them. Later, the Picts in turn suffered invasion by Iron Age Aryan tribes such as the Sword People. Dark (online text) (70-73, 82-85), 86-89, 93; Gods (online text) 187; Little: Costigan believed that the Little People were descended from the prehistoric Europeans known variously as Picts, Turananians, Mediterraneans, and Garlic Eaters; People (online text) 152, 154. Aka: Flint People. Includes: Bran Mak Morn; Brule the Spear-Slayer. In November, 1896, he had been traveling for some time by bicycle amongst the people of the Miskatonic Valley in quest of genealogical data. While proceeding down an apparently abandoned road toward Arkham, he was overtaken by a severe rainstorm and sought refuge in a decrepit house nearby. There he had an unnerving encounter with the Picture in the House old man, but escaped after the house was struck by lightning. [HPL Picture (online text)] An old man who lived in a rundown house on a little-used road in the countryside outside Arkham until 1896. He seems to have been alive since the Revolutionary War, his life unnaturally prolonged by a cannibal diet. He was at least six feet in height, stout and powerfully built, with a ruddy complexion, bloodshot blue eyes, white hair and long beard. His clothes were a mass of tatters surmounting a pair of high, heavy boots, and his lack of cleanliness surpassed description. He had a collection of antique books, including an 18th century Bible, a copy of Pilgrim's Progress with grotesque woodcuts, and Cotton Mather’s Magnalia Christi Americana. But his favorite work seems to have been the Regnum Congo, which he had acquired from Captain Ebenezer Holt. The book fell open easily to a page that he often perused, with an illustration of the cannibal butchers of the Anziques. He may have killed and eaten Parson Clark, as well as the Arkham district schoolmaster who disappeared in 1884. When the Picture in the House narrator took shelter with him in November, 1896, the old man apparently had a fresh kill upstairs, from which blood had soaked through to the downstairs ceiling and begun dripping. Perhaps the narrator would have become the old man's next meal, but the house was conveniently struck by lightning at that point. The narrator says nothing about the fate of the old man. [HPL Picture (online text)] HPL Colour (online text) 53, 55, (56), 57-58, 60-61, 63-70, 72-82. A chain of mortuaries. After Ben Powers died of a heart attack, he was taken to a Pierce Brothers Mortuary, perhaps the one in Westwood Village. [RB Strange] RB Mannikin 73. Wife of Ammi. HPL Colour (online text) 57, 67-68. Sacrificed. HPL Innsmouth (online text) 335. An Italian mathematician and explorer (1533–1604) [Filippo Pigafetta, Wikipedia, 11/18/2020]. Author of Regnum Congo [HPL Picture (online text)]. W. Australia. HPL Time (online text) 403-406. Of Somerset. AWD Keeper 145-146. "The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come is a 1678 Christian allegory written by John Bunyan... The allegory's protagonist, Christian, is an everyman character, and the plot centres on his journey from his hometown, the 'City of Destruction' ('this world'), to the 'Celestial City' ('that which is to come': Heaven) atop Mount Zion... The Second Part of The Pilgrim's Progress presents the pilgrimage of Christian's wife, Christiana, and their sons, and the maiden, Mercy." [The Pilgrim's Progress, Wikipedia, retrieved 06/27/2024] The Picture in the House old man had an eighteenth-century copy of Pilgrim’s Progress [HPL Picture (online text)]. Russia. A place. AWD Lurker 136. Washington, D.C. area. A furniture factory. The offices of Project Arkham were hidden underneath the building. [RB Strange] Of Boston area? AWD Wood narrator; named 76-78, name misapplied to Jason Wecter 77, 80, 83-85. HPL Mound (online text) Dormant organ of visual perception, stimulated by Crawford Tillinghast's machine 93 & 95. California. HK Bells (online text) 80-81, 86. Of Arkham; sister of Amos Piper. AWD Space 230-231, (233), 244, 245. Of Arkham; brother of Abigail Piper. AWD Space 229-235, (236-238), 239-246. Of Wisconsin. AWD Dweller 117, 119, 121, 138. REH Dwellers 115, 124. South Pacific. In the 1970's, underwater volcanic eruptions were detected south of Pitcairn Island. A few months later, a typhoon hit Pitcairn. [RB Strange] AWD Lurker 15, 70, 147. Where Nephren-Ka bindeth up the threads of truth. RB Fane 132. Compare with: Blind Apes of Truth Some of the uncanny, unusual, bizarre places. Incl: Abaddon; Alamout, Mt.; Alaozar; Algol; Antarctica; Atlantis; Atlantis; Bal-Sagoth; Carcosa; Cykranosh; Dread, Lake of; dreamlands; Easter Island; Egypt; Eight Brazen Towers; Hali, Lake of; Hyperborea; Ib; Irem; Isle of the Altar; K'n-yan; K'naa; Kadath; Karneter; Khem; Koth; Kythamil; Lemuria; Leng, Plateau of; Lomar; Lomar; Mnar; Moon of Yiggurath; Mountains of Madness; Mu; N'kai; N'ken; Nameless City; Nis; Place of the Blind Apes; Plateau of Leng; Plateau of Sung; Pnath, Vale of; Poseidonis; R'lyeh; Sarnath; Seven Suns; Shaggai; Shamballah; Stars, Isle of the; Valusia; Wood of N'gai; Xuthltan; Y'ha-nthlei; Yaddith; Yekub; Yhe; Yian-Ho; Yoth; Yr; Yuggoth; Zothique. HPL Man (online text) 201. Rhode Island. AWD Lamp (online text) 253. HPL Mound (online text) 98. Scientist. HPL WitchHouse (online text) 264. See celestial objects. See Leng, Plateau of. San Diego residence of George Goodenough Akeley. HPL Whisperer (online text) 236. FL Terror2 297. HPL Silver (online text) 417. FL Terror2 310. Includes: Celaeno. 600,000-12,000 years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 18, 29, 64, 73, 75. DW Fire2 (online text) 80, 85. AWD Keeper 148. 10 million to 600,000 years ago. HPL Mountains 52, 69-70. An author. FBL Hounds (online text) 74. AWD Space 236. See map on Google Maps. Off coast between Newburyport and Innsmouth. [HPL Innsmouth (online text)] Planet. HPL Mountains (online text) 68; Whisperer (online text) 223, called Yuggoth 240, 264, 271. HH Guardian 298: . Aka: Yuggoth. See: New Plymouth. RB Satan 8. See: Pnakotic Manuscripts. Pnakotic Manuscripts See: Pnakotic Manuscripts HK Invaders (online text) 71. HPL Doom (online text) 48*; Haunter (online text) Vale of Pnath 94; Kadath (online text) 336*, 340, 372; Dreamer (online text) vales of 46. AWD Lurker 134. FL Terror2 288, 291. A sorcerer, chief genealogist, and noted prophet of ancient Hyperborea. His writings are variously referred to as "the writings of Pnom" and the Parchments of Pnom. The writings of Pnom include many powerful exorcisms against the white spirits of the pole. The sorcerer Evagh perused them with sedulous care [CAS Coming (online text)]. The Parchments of Pnom were written in the Elder Script and included information on the genealogy of the gods [CAS Pnom]. HPL Dunwich (online text) 159. (1809-1849) American writer of horror, mystery, and science fiction stories. Of Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. On the Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition, Danforth commented that the image of Mount Yaanek in Poe's poem Ulalume must have been inspired by the 1840 discovery of Mt. Terror on Ross Island, Antarctica. William Dyer was interested in Poe because of the Antarctic scene of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Danforth had queer notions about sources to which Poe may have had access when writing that story. This suspicion seemed confirmed when Danforth and Dyer heard a pursuing shoggoth uttering a phrase from Poe's story: "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" [HPL Mountains (online text)] Poe's coffin was stolen by Christopher Canning and hidden under Canning's mansion. Later Poe was reanimated from his essential saltes by Launcelot Canning, and kept imprisoned where he spent his time writing tales "fraught with a terror not to be endured." These included The Crypt, The Further Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym, and The Worm of Midnight. The reanimated Poe hated Launcelot Canning and later escaped and attacked him during the fire that destroyed Canning's mansion. [RB Poe (online text)] Henricus Vanning gave a party inspired by Poe's Masque of the Red Death. [RB Sebek] Arthur Phillips and Rose Dexter encountered a group of Poe lookalikes in Providence. They had apparently been created by a cone-like alien creature (probably possessed by a member of the Great Race) who took Poe for a model of an average human being. [AWD Brotherhood] John Conrad regarded Poe as the author of one of the three master horror-tales, The Fall of the House of Usher. [REH Children (online text)] Providence. Arthur Phillips liked to walk the shadowed environs of Poe Street at night. AWD Brotherhood 329. Synonym for: Harrop's Pocket. Poictesme "Poictesme (pronounced 'pwa-tem') is a fictional country or province which forms the setting of the fantasy works of James Branch Cabell, known collectively as Biography of the Life of Manuel. Poictesme is ruled by the Count Dom Manuel. It was the author's intention to situate Poictesme roughly in Southern France." [Poictesme, Wikipedia, ret. 08/28/2022] Poictesme is adjacent to Ulthar, on the northeast [CAS Pnom]. Gangster visiting Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 105-109. REH Black (online text) 59, 71. An isle of snow, to the far north of Hyperborea. CAS Coming (online text) Polarians from islands nearer the pole than broad Thulask 74, 76-78; Tale (online text) 5, 9. CAS Testament (online text): An isle of snow, where lived the White Sybil. Incl: White Sybil. See: Pole Star. A man who dreamt repeatedly of a past life when he lived in the land of Lomar, in the city Olathoë. There, he was a scholar who spent long hours each day in the study of the Pnakotic manuscripts and the wisdom of the Zobnarian Fathers. He was feeble and given to strange faintings when subjected to stress and hardships, but his eyes were the keenest in the city. He was sent to the watch-tower of Thapnen, where he was supposed to give a fire signal if the Inutos attempted to gain the citadel by the narrow pass behind the peak Noton. But gazing at the star Polaris, he was lulled to sleep. Now he believes that his modern life is a dream, and that he must wake from it to warn the people of Lomar that the terrible Inutos are approaching. In this dream of modern life, he lives south of a sinister swamp and a cemetery on a low hillock, in a house of stone and brick (possibly a mental hospital) where the people insist, without ever convincing him, that Lomar is not real. [HPL Polaris (online text)] HPL Polaris (online text) 20-21, 23-24. CAS Testament (online text): Athammaus and his fellow soldiers saw Polaris in the sky from Commoriom. See: Polygraphia. HPL Gates (online text) of Boston 453. HPL Innsmouth (online text). Salem. HK Salem (online text) 250, 258-260, 262. Soviet Union. Project Arkham suspected that the Black Brotherhood was responsible for the allegedly accidental death of two members of the Politburo. [RB Strange] Secretary of Publius Libo. FBL Hills (online text) 291. Star or constellation? AWD Lurker 106. HPL Diary (online text) 303. By Trithemius. "Polygraphia is a cryptographic work written by Johannes Trithemius published in 1518 dedicated to the art of steganography. It is the oldest known source of the popular Witches' Alphabet, used at large by modern traditions of witchcraft." It also includes other ancient alphabets and invented alphabets, and hash tables for encrypting messages. [Polygraphia, Wikipedia 12/30/2020] Dr. Henry Armitage consulted the Poligraphia (sic) during his efforts to decipher Wilbur Whateley's journal. [HPL Dunwich (online text)] South Pacific. HPL Aeons (online text) cults of Polynesians form threat to Cabot Museum officials 265, former continent (Mu) whose peaks survive as Polynesia 268, Ghatanothoa cult teachings merged into lore of Polynesian Areoi 276, swarthy Polynesian cuts glass of T'yog mummy case 279; Time (online text) 407. AWD Island 178, 184; Curwen 12/13; Gable (online text) 206; Gorge 99; Keeper 140; Lamp (online text) (254); Seal (online text) 151, 160, 163-164, 167, 171, 176, 179; Shuttered 270, Polynesian wife of Obed Marsh 276; Space 233, 241, 244, 246; Survivor (online text) 161. HPL Aeons (online text) Cabot Museum collection includes plaster figures molded from hollows in Pompeiian ashes 266. Roman province in Vascones, at foot of Pyrenees. FBL Hills (online text) 287. Carolines Islands, South Pacific. HPL Aeons (online text) megalithic masonry is vestige of lost Pacific civilization (Mu) 267; Innsmouth (online text) 329. AWD Island 178, 183, 186, 188, P. 194, 195-196, 202-206, 212; Gorge 98, 100, cult like Inns. 101, 108-110; Clay 378; Lurker 121-124; Seal (online text) 158, 167, 176-177; Sky 76, 79; Space 235, 242, 246; Shuttered 266, 272; Survivor (online text) 162; Valley (online text) 137; Who monograph on Ponape; Wood 73, 75. Incl: Fish-Men. India? AWD Survivor (online text) 153. Incl: Charriere, Dr. Jean-Francois. Bolton. Herbert West had a cottage near the end of Pond Street. [HPL Herbert (online text) 144] Of London. Private detective with strong similarities to Sherlock Holmes. Pons said that the Necronomicon, Cultes des Ghoules, De Vermis Mysteriis, and Liber Ivonis were nonexistent, having "a precarious existence only in the writings of certain minor authors of American origin, all apparently followers, in a remote sense, of the work of Edgar Allan Poe" [AWD Six]. However, James C. O’Leary has pointed out that Pons made this statement in 1930, before Cultes des Ghoules, De Vermis Mysteriis, or Liber Ivonis had been mentioned in any published stories. So it is not clear how Pons could have been familiar with these titles. Also, a year later in 1931, Pons published the monograph An Examination of the Cthulhu Cult and Others. Previously, in 1905, he had published another monograph called An Inquiry into the Nan-Matal Ruins of Ponape. [AWD Who] The latter work is suggestive because Ponape is associated with the cult of Cthulhu and the Deep Ones. O'Leary suggests that in AWD Six, Pons and/or his narrator, Lyndon Parker, may have decided to simply pretend that these elder tomes (Necronomicon, etc.) are unreal. [See James C. O’Leary, "How Deep Did the Amworthy Hoax Go?" in Belanger, Derrick (editor), The Pontine Dossier: Millennium Edition (Volume One, Issue One. Winter/Spring 2020.) Belanger Books. Kindle Edition.] London. CJ Acquarium 309. The whittler. HPL Man (online text) 203, 205. Of the Mayas. "Popol Vuh (also Popol Wuj or Popul Vuh or Pop Vuj) is a text recounting the mythology and history of the Kʼicheʼ people, one of the Maya peoples, who inhabit the Guatemalan Highlands, Mexican Chiapas, Campeche and Quintana Roo states, and areas of Belize. The Popol Vuh is a foundational sacred narrative of the Kʼicheʼ people from long before the Spanish conquest of Mexico. It includes the Mayan creation myth, the exploits of the Hero Twins Hunahpú and Xbalanqué, and a chronicle of the Kʼicheʼ people. The name 'Popol Vuh' translates as 'Book of the Community', 'Book of Counsel', or more literally as 'Book of the People'. It was originally preserved through oral tradition until approximately 1550, when it was recorded in writing." [Popol Vuh, Wikipedia] Laban Shrewsbury said that the Popul Vuh had parallels to other old accounts of natural catastrophes, which he interpreted as references to the war between the Elder Gods and the Great Old Ones. [AWD Island] Perhaps Shrewsbury had in mind an episode of the Popul Vuh where the gods destroy the wooden people, because this early prototype people were not capable of worshipping the gods. In Allen Christensen's translation, the chapter "The Fall of the Effigies of Carved Wood" recounts how they were destroyed by a flood, then their eyes gouged out, their heads cut off, and their bones ground up; were attacked by their dogs and by their everyday tools; and were unable to find any place to hide. It is then explained that spider monkeys are their sole remaining descendants. "Giambattista della Porta (1535? – 4 February 1615), also known as Giovanni Battista Della Porta, was an Italian scholar, polymath and playwright who lived in Naples at the time of the Scientific Revolution and Reformation. Giambattista della Porta spent the majority of his life on scientific endeavors. He benefited from an informal education of tutors and visits from renowned scholars. His most famous work, first published in 1558, is entitled Magiae Naturalis (Natural Magic). In this book he covered a variety of the subjects he had investigated, including occult philosophy, astrology, alchemy, mathematics, meteorology, and natural philosophy. He was also referred to as 'professor of secrets'." [Giambattista della Porta, Wikipedia, 12/30/2020] Author, De Furtivus Literarum Notis. [HPL Dunwich (online text); AWD Survivor (online text)] Haiti. RB Serpents 261, 262; Terror 231. Maine. City en route Maine to Arkham. HPL Doorstep (online text) 288, 290. AWD Whippoorwills 34; Wood 73, 77, 79. London. Home of Stephen Jones. HPL Museum (online text) 227. Project Arkham suspected the Black Brotherhood was responsible for the supposed suicide of Senator Portright. [RB Strange] HPL Case (online text) 122. New England city en route Portland to Arkham. HPL Doorstep (online text) 291. RB Satan 5, 6, 19. HPL Innsmouth (online text). HPL Mound (online text) 137. RB Terror Portuguese 224. AWD Gorge 115. HK Spawn2 (online text) 67. HPL Mist (online text) 282. RB Kiss (online text) 50. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 165. HPL Case (online text) 127. Aka: Curwen, Ann; Tillinghast, Anne. Arkham area. AWD Witches 294-299, 301-305, 307. Arkham area. AWD Witches 295, 297-300, 306-307. Arkham area. AWD Witches 300, 305, 307. A cemetery in Arkham. HPL Herbert (online text) 135-136, 138. A cemetery in Bolton. Herbert West moved into a cottage near the potter's field, where he sometimes procured specimens for his reanimation experiments. [HPL Herbert (online text) 144, 146, 151] HPL Colour (online text) 62. Charles Dexter Ward's great-great-grandfather. HPL Case (online text) 116. Editor of a newspaper in Innsmouth. [HC Coming] Providence. HPL Case (online text) hill 125, Power's Lane 148. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 115. Of Los Angeles. An employee of the same bank as Danton Heisinger. Powers died of a heart attack and was taken to a Pierce Brothers Mortuary. Shortly afterwards, Mike Miller impersonated Powers in order to interview Kay Keith. [RB Strange] RB Mummy 285. Practical Applications in Military Technology In 1945, a journal on astrophysics mentioned a recent gathering at Princeton University, at which the guest speaker, Dr. Ambrose Dexter, had delivered an address on "Practical Applications in Military Technology." It apparently was part of Dexter's plan to doom humanity by introducing us to ever more-powerful weapons, like the H-bomb. [RB Steeple (online text)] Czechoslovakia. HPL Case (online text) 164, 194-195, 197, 199, 203, 223. AWD Six 125. 4.5 billion to 600 million years ago. HPL Mountains (online text) 5, 12, 14, 25. Of New England; fiancee of Adam Duncan. AWD Attic 311, 313-315, 318, called from Boston on the way home 321, 324-327. Baltimore. RB Poe (online text): Located at Fayette and Green Streets. Christopher Canning helped arrange for Poe's coffin to be moved there and a monument erected. But no coffin actually lies in the grave, because Canning removed it to a room beneath his mansion. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 135. Transvaal, South Africa. HPL Winged (online text) 244. Incl. Slauenwite, Dr. Paul. AWD Survivor (online text) 162. Aka: Alligator Man. Synonym for Nodens. RB DarkIsle 112. HC Death (online text) 368. Phillips Keith identified Prince of Darkness as a synonym for Satan, the archetype of evil. [RB Hell (online text) 37, 44, 64] REH Dig (online text) 79, 84: The Mohammedans identify Malik Tous with the Prince of Darkness. The ritual pronounced over John Grimlan's body says "ye Prince of Darkness taketh hys due in ye endde & he is not to bee cozened." HC Death (online text) 365-366; Isle (online text) 157. Synonym for: Hastur. AWD Island 179. Boston. HPL Pickman (online text) 16. A ship. AWD Keeper 144, 147, 151. HPL Call (online text) 135; Medusa (online text) 169-170. RB Steeple (online text) 220. Subject of a story by Edgar Gordon. [RB Demon]. Arkham. RB Creeper (online text) 107. Incl: Chambers house. Of Salem. HK Salem (online text) 250, 252, 254, 257, 259-261, (262-265), 266. Prinn, Ludvig See: Ludvig Prinn. Mailman; Vermont? RB Notebook (online text) 234, 236, 238-239, 242-245, 249. Of Shreveport. An oil man and founder of the Probilski Foundation. Married to Elsie Probilski. Died ca. 1976-1978. [RB Strange] Widow of Donald Probilski. She ran the Probilski Foundation as administrator. She traveled to a private clinic outside Mexico City to undergo treatment for terminal cancer. She disappeared shortly after donating the Probilski Foundation museum and cliff property to the Starry Wisdom Temple. Mike Miller speculated that the cult had promised to cryogenically preserve Elsie for future resurrection. [RB Strange] Organization that built a private museum of Egyptian antiquities north of Malibu, at 400 Lampton Drive. Elsie Probilski donated the museum and property to the Starry Wisdom Temple. The museum included statues of many Egyptian deities. Reverend Nye took Kay Keith there to pose for photos. Tunnels beneath the museum held many horrors, including a horde of rats, a collection of cryogenically preserved corpses, and the sounds of Deep Ones flopping nearby. The entire museum was destroyed and the tunnels buried by an explosion. [RB Strange] A government project to investigate the possible truths underlying H. P. Lovecraft's stories. Based in a facility hidden under the Pinckard Salon Furniture factory in Washington, D.C. [RB Strange] Incl: Lowenquist, Dr.; Miller, Mike; Sanderson, Orin; HPL Gates (online text) 431-432. RB Faceless return of Nyarlathotep 41. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 109, 165, 181, 203, 220. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 113. An ancient author. RB Kiss (online text) 47. Rhode Island. HPL Beyond (online text) Crawford Tillinghast lived in Benevolent Street 91, narrator was once held up in East Providence 93; Call (online text) 2 refs 126, 2 refs 128, 142; Case (online text) 107, 112-117, 122-123, 125, 131, 133, 139, 141, 147, 152-153, 159, 165, 181, 192, 195, 229; Gates (online text) 424-425; Haunter (online text) 93-throughout. RB Shambler (online text) 182; Steeple (online text) 211-214, 216-220, 222, 225-227, 229. H. P. Lovecraft wrote to Richard Upton from Providence. Richard Upton visited Providence, probably to see Lovecraft. [RB Strange] AWD Brotherhood 329-331, 333, 335-337, 342, 345, 348, 351; Dweller 148; Middle 359; Survivor (online text) 148-151, 153, 156, 159-160, 165, 167. FL Terror2 269, 293. DWR Music (online text) 293-294, 297. Incl: Allan, Mr.; Asa, Old; Atwood, Alijah; Blake, Robert; Bowen, Asenath; Bowen, Prof. Enoch.; Bowen, Dr. Jabez.; Bowen, Prof. Enoch; Brown, John; Brown, Joseph; Brown, Moses; Brown, Nicholas; Carter, John; Carter, Randolph; Charriere, Dr. Jean-Francois; Checkley, Dr.; Clark and Nightingale; Cobbett, Hepzibah; College Street; Cotton, Dr.; Crawfords; Crooker decorating firm; Cunningham, Inspector; Curwen, Eliza; Curwen, Joseph; Dexter, Dr. Ambrose; Dexter, Elisha, Mr. & Mrs.; Dexter, Gregory; Dexter, Knight; Dexter, Rose; Doyle, Mayor; Drowne, Dr.; Dwight, Walter C.; Eddy, Orin B.; Federal Hill Boys; Feeny, Francis X.; Field, Naphthali; Gamwell; Gamwell, Mrs.; Gomes, Tony; Graves, Rev. John; Green, Daniel; Green, James; Gregory; Hannah; Hart, Robert; Hopkins, Capt. Esek; Hopkins, Stephen; Hoppin, Aaron; Hurley, William; Jackson, Steven; Jenckes, Daniel; Jonas, Tom; Lanigan; Lillibridge, Edwin M.; Lillibridge, Edwin M.; Lovecraft, Howard Phillips; Lyman, Dr.; Manning, Rev. James; Matthewson, Capt. James; Merluzzo, Father; Merritt, John; Monahan, William J.; Nig; Nightingale, Mr.; Nightingale-Talbot letters; O'Malley, Father; Olney, Epenetus; Orne, Simon; Peck, Dr.; Perrigo, Mr.; Peters, Melville F.; Phillips, Arthur; Phillips, Ward; Phillips, Whipple; Poe, Edgar Allan; Potter, Ann Tillinghast; Potter, Welcome?; Purvis, Ogden; Regan, Patrick; Riley, Sergt.; Russell family; Sabin, Thomas; Sayles, Mr.; Sheeley, Bert; Smith, Eleazar; Snow, Deacon; Tillinghast, Crawford; Tillinghast, Capt. Dutee; Tillinghast, Capt. James; Updike, Mrs.; Waite, Dr.; Ward, Charles Dexter; Ward, Mrs.; Ward, Theodore Howland; Weeden, Ezra; Weeden, Hazard; West, Benjamin; Whipple, Capt. Abraham; Whitefield adherents; Whitman, Sarah Helen; Willet, Dr. Marinus Bicknell; Winsor, Samuel Abbot's distil-house; Amasa Field; Angell Street; Athenaeum; Baker & Greenbaugh; Baptist Church; Barnes Street; Barnes Street; Bay and Book; Benefit Street; Benevolent Street; Biltmore hotel; Broad Street; Brown University; Cathedral of St. John; Central Station; Charriere house; Cheapside; Christian Science Church and Dome; City Hall; College Hill; College Street; Colony House; Conanicut Island; Congdon Street; Congregational Church; Court-House Parade; Cranston line; Crown Coffee House; Deacon Snow's Church; Doubloon Street; Douglass' Histrionick Academy; Dr. Cotton's hill church; Durfee-Arnold Letters; Elephant; Elmwood Avenue; Empire Street; Federal Hill; First Baptist Church; Free Will Church; Free-Will Church; Frying-Pan and Fish; George Street; Golden Ball Inn; Great Bridge; Hacher's Hall; Herrenden's Lane; Historical Society; Industrial Trust beacon; Jenckes Street; John Carter Brown Library; John Hay library; Journal; Judge Durfee House; King's Chapell; Langer Brothers Circus; Long Dock; Market House; Market Parade; Meeting Street; Memorial Hall; Mile-End Cove; Moses Brown School; Muddy Dock Bridge; Narragansett; Nentaconhaunt; New Coffee-House; North Burial Ground; North End; North Providence; Olney Court; Physician's Service Bureau; Plainfield Pike?; Poe Street; Post Office Square; Power Street; Power's Lane; Presbyterian-Lane; Prospect Street; Prospect Terrace; Providence Art Club; Providence Bulletin; Providence Evening Bulletin; Providence Gazette and Country-Journal; Providence Journal; Providence River; Providence Telegram; Psi Delta House; Public Library; Red Bridge; Resevoir Avenue; Rochambeau Avenue; Sabin's Tavern; Second Station; Seekonk river?; Shepley Library; Sign of Shakespear's Head; Sign of the Elephant; Sign of the Goat; Sign of the Golden Eagle; Sign of the Golden Lion; Sign of the Unicorn and Mortar; South Main; South Water Street; Spirito Santo Church; St. John's Church; Stamper's Hill; Starry Wisdom Sect; State House; Swan Point Cemetery; Tau Omega fraternity house; Thurston's tavern; Town Street; Turk's Head; Waite's hospital; Washington Bridge; Waterman Street; Weybosset Point; Weybosset Street; Williams Street HPL Call (online text) 128. Wrote a privately-published manuscript on Innsmouth horror. AWD Hastur 6. Note: This might be an reference to HPL, rather than just an HPL-like character, if Innsmouth (online text) was ever privately published; I think it might have been. Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos cites a Vanguard Press edition in 1936. Synonym for Providence Evening Bulletin? HPL Haunter (online text) 107. RB Steeple (online text) 217-218. Probable full title of Evening Bulletin. Or else full title may be Providence Bulletin. Providence Gazette and Country-Journal HPL Case (online text) 114, 126, 128, 135, 147. See also: Journal (1). Providence. HPL Case (online text) 112. Providence. AWD Brotherhood 333, 351; Survivor (online text) 150. HPL Haunter (online text) 103. RB Steeple (online text) 213. Incl: Lillibridge, Edwin M.. Rhode Island. AWD Brotherhood 344. HPL Electric (online text) 70. College Hill, Providence. HPL Haunter (online text) 113. Membrane. HPL Aeons (online text) the inner skin of the extinct yakith lizard; T'yog scroll written on pthagon membrane 274. Ptmâk A child of Nug and immediate parent of Cthulhu. [CAS Pnom] Of the frog-fish (Deep Ones). HPL Innsmouth (online text) 367. Hollywood, California. Publishers of The Tunneler Below by Georg Reuter Fischer. [FL Terror2] Period of Egyptian history. RB Sorcerer (online text) 161. Providence. HPL Case (online text) 112. HPL Mound (online text) Pueblo village 96, indians 107, village of Zuni 116, village 120; Yig (online text) 83. RB Satan 5, 6, 12. From vales neighboring Leng. HPL Kadath (online text) 371. Private investigator, Providence. RB Steeple (online text) 220-222. Egypt. HPL Pyramids (online text) 217, 219, 221-225, third pyramid that of Queen Nitokris 226, Great Pyramid 227, Second Pyramid 231 & 235. Where Chaugnar Faugn once dwelt. FBL Hills (online text) 254, 280-281. Damon and Pythias friendship. HPL Man (online text) 201. |
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