REH - Robert E. Howard

They say foul things of Old Times still lurk
In dark forgotten corners of the world,
And Gates still gape to loose, on certain nights,
Shapes pent in Hell.
—From "The Black Stone"

Note: The Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos lists all Howard's Hyborian Age stories; we have not indexed these, except for those that overlap the Mythos more directly.

REH Arkham - Robert E. Howard, Arkham, in Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors, New York: Baen Books, 1987.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.

References: Arkham.

REH Bear - Robert E. Howard, The Black Bear Bites, in From Beyond the Dark Gateway, Vol. 1, Num. 3, April 1974 (Pub: Silver Scarab Press). 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Narrator: Black John O'Donnel. References: Attila the Hun; Black Lama; Black Monk; Brand, Eric; Buddha; China; Confucius; Cthulhu; Dragon House; European Club-Room; Genghis Khan; Hankow; Hooded Lama; Hooded Monk; Yao, Kang; Lannon, Bill; Masked Monk; Masked One; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; O'Donnel, Black John; Old Ones; Peking Tower; Tamerlane; Yog-Sothoth; Yun, Yotai;

REH Black - Robert E. Howard, The Black Stone, in Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, H. P. Lovecraft & Divers Hands, Sauk City: Arkham House, 1990.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

References: Arabia, Arabs; Attila the Hun; Bahadur, Selim; Berlin; Black Book; Black Stone; Bridewell; Celts; Danube; Der Drachenhaus Press; Dornly; Dostmann, Otto; Dream Myths; Dusseldorf; France; Galloway hills; Geoffrey, Justin; Germany; Golden Goblin Press; Goths; Hungary; Huns; Keys; Ladeau, Alexis; Languages; Larson; Little People; London; Magyar Folklore; Magyars; Master of the Monolith; Mediterranean; Midsummer Night; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; Muhammad; Nameless Cults; New York; People of the Monolith, The; Picts; Poland; Remnants of Lost Empires; Schomvaal, battlefield of; Scotland; Scythic race; Slavs; Stregoicavar; Suleiman the Magnificent; Temesvar; Turkey and Turks; Turkish Wars; Vladinoff, (Count) Boris; Von Junzt; Xuthltan; Yucatan;

REH Children - Robert E. Howard, The Children of the Night, in The Dark Man and Others, New York: Lancer Books, no date.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius. 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Narrator: John O'Donnel. References: Aryara; Book of Peers; Brooler, Prof. Hendrik; Call of Cthulhu, The; Cetrics of Sussex; Children of the Night; Clemants; Cloven Hoof, The; Conrad, John; Cthulhu; Dark Empire; Dark Man; Fall of the House of Usher; Flecker; Gol-goroth; Grosse, Marquis of; Horrid Mysteries; Il-marenin; Ketrick; Kirowan, (Prof.) John; Little People; Lovecraft, H.P.; Machen, Arthur; Mak Morn, Bran; Missale Romanum; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; Nameless Cults; Necronomicon; Novel of the Black Seal; O'Donnel, John; Picts; Poe, Edgar Allan; River People; Sword People; Taverel; Tsathoggua; Von Junzt; Wolf People; Yog-Sothoth;

REH Dark - Robert E. Howard, The Dark Man, in The Dark Man and Others.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.  

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Bran Mak Morn: The Last King, Del Rey Books, 2005.)

References: Athelstane, the Saxon; Atlantis; Brogar; Brule the Spear-Slayer; Dark Man; Flint People; Gonar; Grok; Helni; Isle of Slyne; Isle of Swords; Isle of the Altar; Jerome; Kull, King; Mak Morn, Bran; Morni, the; O'Brien, Moira; O'Brien, Turlogh Dubh; Picts; Thorfel the Fair; Valusia;

REH Dermod - Robert E. Howard, Dermod's Bane, in Black Canaan, New York: Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1978.

References: Kirowan, Michael and Moira;

REH Dig - Robert E. Howard, Dig Me No Grave, in Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors, New York: Baen Books, 1987.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius. 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Narrator: John Kirowan. References: Ahriman; Alamout, Mt.; Apolleon; Asia; Beelzebub; Berlin; Black Master; Conrad, John; Darke Lord; Eight Brazen Towers; Elder Ones; feathered serpent.; Grimlan, John; Grymlann; Grymlann, John; Kathulos; Kirowan, (Prof.) John; Koth; Malik Tous; Mongolia; Phoenician language; Prince of Darkness; Satan, Satanism; Sathanus; Serpent, old; Shintoism; Suffolk; Toad's-heath manor; Vienna; Von Boehnk; Voodoo; Yezidees; Yog-Sothoth; Yuggoth;

REH Door - Rober E. Howard, The Door of the World (fragment), in Pictures in the Fire. Robert. E. Howard Foundation Press, 2018.

Narrator: John O'Dare. References: Aristius; Balrahar; Begog; Cloven Hoof; de Casseres; Door of the World; Geoffrey, Justin; Jaws of the Vise, The; Kassonites; Kerry, County; Kuddh; O'Dare, John; O'Dare, Lord Donal; Phoenician; Roads of Justin Geoffrey, The; Toad; Towers in the Sky; Xathra of Balrahar; Zaga; Zlaxdhtath;

REH Dwellers - Robert E. Howard, The Dwellers Under the Tombs, in Black Canaan

Narrator: John O'Donnel. References: Conrad, John; Dagoth Hills; Dwellers Under the Tombs; India, Indians; Kiles, Captain Jacob; Kiles, Job; Kiles, Jonas; O'Donnel, John; Pirate Hill; Smuggler's Point;

REH Fire - Robert E. Howard, The Fire of Asshurbanipal, in Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors, New York: Baen Books, 1987.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Third person. References: Afghanistan, Afghans (Afridi); Alhazred, Abdul; Ali, Yar; Arabia, Arabs; Aryans; Asshurbanipal; Assyria; Baal; Babylonia; Bedouins; Beled-el-Djinn; Black City, the; bulls of Ninevah; City of Devils; City of Evil; Clarney, Steve; Cthulhu; El Mekru, Nurreddin; Fire of Asshurbanipal; Fire of Asshurbanipal, Guardian of the; Greece, Greeks or Grecians; India, Indians; Kara-Shehr; Khyber Pass; Koth; Medes; Necronomicon; Ninevah; Persia; Persian Gulf; Sardanapalus; Semitic peoples; Shiraz; Siva; Somaliland; Syria; Thuggee, temple of; Turkistan; Xuthltan; Yemen; Yog-Sothoth;

REH Gods - Robert E. Howard, The Gods of Bal-Sagoth, in Bran Mak Morn. New York: Baen Books, 1996.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius. 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Protagonist: Turlogh Dubh O'Brien. References: A-ala; Angar, dynasty of; Athelstane, the Saxon; Bal-Sagoth; Black God; Brogar; Brunhild; Celts; Dalcassians; del Cortez, Don Rodrigo; Denmark, Danes; England; Gelka; Gol-goroth; Gothan; Gray Friar; Groth-golka; Ireland, Irish; Isle of the Gods; Kotar; Lodbrug; Norsemen; O'Brien, Turlogh Dubh; Orkneys; Picts; Red men of the isles; Ska; Spain, Spaniards, Spanish; Temple of Darkness, Temple of Shadows; Temple of the Sea; Thorfel the Fair; Thorfin, Rane; Tostig the Mad; Vikings; Wessex country; Zomar;

REH Hoofed - Robert E. Howard, The Hoofed Thing, in Trails in Darkness, New York: Baen Books, 1996. Story also printed as "Usurp the Night." 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Narrator: Michael Strang. References: Ash, (Mrs.); Ash, Marjory; Black Book; Bozo (1); Bozo (2); Dusseldorf; hoofed thing; Nameless Cults; Stark, John; Strang, Michael; Von Junzt;

REH House - Robert E. Howard, The House in the Oaks (completed by August Derleth), in Dark Things, Sauk City: Arkham House, 1971.
Howard's original fragment (without Derleth's completion) is available as free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius. 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

References: Abner, Squire; Alders, Jediah; Black Book; Black Stone; Book of Eibon; Catskills; Conrad, James; De Lapide Philosophico; De Vermis Mysteriis; Geoffrey, Eustace; Geoffrey, John; Geoffrey, Justin; Geoffrey, Mrs; Geoffrey, William; Greenwich Village; Harlequin Club; Hungary; Kirowan, (Prof.) John; Liber Ivonie; Monas Hieroglyphica; Necronomicon; New York; Old Dutchtown; Shadow Kingdom, The; Skuyler, Humphrey; Unaussprechlichen Kulten; van Hoogstraten; What Lies Beyond?; Worlds Within Worlds;

REH Hyborian - Robert E. Howard, The Hyborian Age.
See the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.

Atlantis; Cimmeria; Hyborian Age; Hyborians; Hyperborea; Koth; Lemuria; Nile; Nilus; Picts; Stygia; Stygians; Styx; Valusia;

REH Hun - Robert E. Howard, The Shadow of the Hun, in The Sword Woman. New York: Zebra Books, 1977. 

Protagonist: Turlogh Dubh O'Brien. References: Athelstane, the Saxon; del Cortez, Don Rodrigo; O'Brien, Turlogh Dubh;

REH Jade - Robert E. Howard, The Jade God (fragment), in Pictures in the Fire. Robert. E. Howard Foundation Press, 2018.

A longer version of this story, completed by an unknown hand, occurs in a Spanish collection: La piedra negra y otras aventuras sobrenaturales de Kirowan, Conrad y O’Donnel. Traducción: Javier Jiménez Barco. Editor digital: Cervera. ePub base r1.2.

Narrator: John Kirowan. References: Conrad, John; Dormouth, William; Jade God; Joe; Kirowan, John;

REH Little - Robert E. Howard, The Little People, in The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard, New York: Ballantine Books, 2008.

Narrator: Costigan. References: Celts; Costigan; Costigan, Joan; Druids; Little People; Machen, Arthur; Picts; The Shining Pyramid;

REH Lost - Robert E. Howard, The Valley of the Lost, in Trails in Darkness. New York: Baen Books, 1996. (This story is indexed here because the Old People mentioned have some resemblance to the Little People.)

Protagonist: John Reynolds. References: Allison family; Allison, Job; Antelope Wells; Blind Horse Canyon; Brill family; Brill, Jonathon; Donnelly family; Donnelly, Bill; feathered serpent; Fletcher family; Fletcher, Saul; Ghost Cave; Indians (Native Americans); Kerney, Steve; Killiher family; Kiowas; Lost Valley; McCrill family; McCrill, Braxton; McCrill, Jonas; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; Mound Builders; Old People; Ord family; Ord, Bill and Peter; Reynolds family; Reynolds, Esau; Reynolds, John; Solomon, Jack; Stark brothers; Terrible Nameless One; Texas; Toltecs; Wallace, Bigfoot;

REH Manor - Robert E. Howard, Dagon Manor (fragment), in Pictures in the Fire. Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2019.

Protagonist: nameless, possibly John Kirowan or John O'Donnel. References: Conrad, John; Dagon Manor; Ketric; Tavarel;

REH People - Robert E. Howard, People of the Dark, in Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors, New York: Baen Books, 1987.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius. 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Narrator: John O'Brien. References: Black Stone; Bland, Eleanor; Brent, Richard; Britain; Britons; Cavern of the Children of the Night; Celts; Children of the Night; Conan of the reavers; Crom; Dagon's Cave; Eire-ann; England; Gaels; Il-marenin; Ireland, Irish; Little People; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; O'Brien, John; Picts; Stonehenge; Tamera; Vertorix;

REH Ring - Robert E. Howard, The Haunter of the Ring, in Black Canaan.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.  

Narrator: John O'Donnel. References: Ash, Evelyn.; Bain, Bill; Budapest; Donnelly, Doctor; Douglas, Elizabeth; Gordon, Evelyn; Gordon, James; Gordon, Lady Elizabeth; Gordon, Sir Richard; haunter of the ring; Hungary; Kirowan, (Prof.) John; Mektub, Ahmed; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; O'Donnel, John; reincarnation; Roelocke, Joseph; Stygia; Thoth-amon, ring of; Vrolok, Yosef; Wanderer's Club; Zimbabwe;

REH Roof - Robert E. Howard, The Thing on the Roof, in Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos, ed. Robert M. Price, Minneapolis: Fedogan and Bremer, 1992.
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius. 

(Also in Robert E. Howard, Nameless Cults, Oakland: Chaosium, 2001.)

Narrator: Nameless. References: Black Book; Black Stone; Bridewall; Central America; Clement, (Prof.) James; Dusseldorf; Egypt; England; Evidences of Nahua Culture in Yucatan; Geoffrey, Justin; Golden Goblin Press; Gonzalles, Juan; Greek language; Guatemala; Honduras; Hungary; Indians (Native Americans); Keys; London; Mongolia, Mongolians, Mongols, Mongoloids; Nameless Cults; Necronomicon; New York; Out of the Old Land; Richmond; Scientific News, The; Spain, Spaniards, Spanish; Sussex; Temple of the Toad; Toad; Tussmann; Vasquez, Diego; Virginia; Von Junzt; Yucatan;

REH Shadow - Robert E. Howard, The Shadow Kingdom.
See the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.

References: Atlantis; Brule the Spear-Slayer; King Kull; Lemuria; Mu; Picts; serpent god; Serpent-men; Temple of the Serpent; Valusia;

REH Skull - Robert E. Howard, Skull-Face. (Kathulos, Atlantis)
See also the free online text at Librarium Cthulhuvius.

References: Atlantis; Costigan, Stephen; Kathulos; London; the Master; ocean-man; the Scorpion; Skull-face; Son of the Ocean;

REH Twilight - Robert E. Howard, Twilight of the Grey Gods, in Eons of the Night. New York: Baen Books, 1996. Story also printed as "The Grey God Passes."

References: Athelstane, the Saxon; Dark People; De Danaans;

REH Untitled - Robert E. Howard, Untitled Fragment (beginning "Beneath the glare of the sun, etched in the hot blue sky...", in The Howard Collector, ed. Glenn Lord. New York: Ace Books, 1979.

References: Africa; Allison; Atlantis; Brill; Egypt; Hyborian Age; Hyborians; Lemuria; Nameless Cults; Nile river and valley; Semites; Stygia; Stygians; Styx; Von Junzt;

"Usurp the Night" - See Hoofed.

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