JVS - J. Vernon Shea

But reading in Old Dethshill Cemetery at night, with a strong flashing light spilling over the pages of Blackwood or Machen, was the greatest thrill of all. He chose usually the finest horror tales for these nocturnal excursions, sometimes almost afraid to turn a page because the sentence he had been reading had been punctuated by a quite indefinable sound...
-From "The Haunter of the Graveyard"

JVS Dead - J. Vernon Shea, Dead Giveaway, in In Search of Lovecraft, West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press, 1991.

References: Assyrians, Assyria; Azathoth; Bethmoora; Black Goat of the Woods, Black Goat with a Thousand Young, Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young; Bran; Carmody, Charlotte; Carmody, Russell; Carter, Obediah; Cthulhu; Deep Ones; Easter Island; Father of (all) Serpents, Father of Snakes; Hali, Lake of; Hallowe'en; Harrod, Elmer; Harrod Place; Hastur; He Who is Not to Be Named; Innsmouth; Kutullu; Leng, Plateau of; L'mur-Kathulos; nagarra; N'gah-Kthun; Nyarlathotep; Old Dethshill Cemetery; Peabody, Benjamin; Peabody, Mary; St. Louis; Sears, Ronnie; shub; Shub-Niggurath; Stalker among the Stars; Tsathoggua; Weiskopf, Emil; Witches' Hollow; Yian; Yig; Yog-Sothoth;

JVS Graveyard - J. Vernon Shea, The Haunter of the Graveyard, in Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Vol.  1, by H. P. Lovecraft and Others, New York: Beagle Books, 1971. 

References: Carter; Carter, Obediah; Carter, Randolph; Cthulhu; Harrod, Elmer; Kent, Jeremy; Lovecraft, H.P.; Miskatonic University; Old Dethshill Cemetery; Witches' Hollow;

JVS Snouted - J. Vernon Shea, The Snouted Thing (with H.P. Lovecraft), in In Search of Lovecraft, West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press, 1991. 

Narrator: H. P. Lovecraft. References: Ankh; Brown University; College Street; crux ansata; Dagon; Deep Ones; Gamwell, Mrs; gargoyles; Innsmouth; Lovecraft, H.P.; New England; Notre Dame; Pickman, Captain; snouted thing; Wright, Farnsworth;

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