
[RAL Nyaghoggua (online text)]: A being described as lying deep in the heart of time, hideous in dread malignancy, and replete with galaxies devoured.

Nyaghoggua's servitors appear through rifts in space to sieze those who have dreamed unwisely, "not by the paths of sleep." The reference is possibly to those who have used drugs, hypnotism, or rituals to attain a visionary state. Nyoghoggua's servitors perform weird rites on such hapless mystics, and presumably feed them to Nyaghoggua himself.

Nyaghoggua is also referred to as "the krakan within." In Scandinavian mythology, the kraken is a sea-creature many miles in length, possibly something like a giant octopus or squid, that can form a menace to mariners [Kraken, Wikipedia]. In this case, the kraken may simply be a metaphor used for Nyaghoggua because it drags its victims away to a mysterious place.

Nyaghoggua is written of in the Song of Yste. That work quotes the sage, Jhalkanaan, as telling of seven priests of Nyaghoggua who were challenged by a seeker from the adumbrali to a duel of the hypnotic arts. Two of these priests were trapped and delivered to the adumbrali, their bodies being returned when the shadow-things had done with them. [RAL Abyss (online text)] It seems an ironic end for priests of Nyaghoggua, since they themselves serve a being that traps and eats the unwary.

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