H. P. Lovecraft
There are a multitude of editions of H. P. Lovecraft's stories available now. When shopping, it's helpful to look for key differentiators such as:
- Is the edition based on corrected texts, such as those edited by S. T. Joshi?
- Does the edition include Lovecrafts revisions and collaborations?
- Does the edition have useful annotations?
- Are you looking for hardcover, softcover, or ebooks?
Annotated Editions
For those who want to learn more about the background and relationships of the stories. These are two unrelated series by different editors, and each contains a different selection of Lovecraft's best work. The first two volumes are deluxe, oversized, profusely illustrated works, edited by the formidable Leslie S. Klinger. The next two are more modestly produced, but with a wealth of interesting notes by scholars S. T. Joshi and Peter Cannon.
Arkham House (Hardcovers)
Arkham House was the original publisher of H. P. Lovecraft in hardcover, and the first to feature texts corrected by eminent scholar S. T. Joshi. Also, their edition includes Lovecraft's "revision" stories.
Softcover and Kindle ebooks
The first three of these volumes were edited by S. T. Joshi for the prestigious Penguin Classics series, and are available in softcover and as Kindle ebooks. The last is a Kindle collection of Lovecraft's revisions and collaborations, also edited by S. T. Joshi.
Delphi Classics (Kindle eBook)
One of the better one-volume ebook editions, including the complete solo fiction, almost all the revisions, and a sampling of the poetry. Certainly a bargain at the price.

Poetry and Biography
H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) is almost as famous for his letters as for his supernatural fiction. Of the estimated one hundred thousand letters that he wrote, a large number were addressed to his fellow writers in the Mythos, including the volumes shown here.