Fritz Leiber

Although he corresponded with Lovecraft in his youth, and later went on to a distinguished career in science fiction and sword-and-sorcery fantasy, Fritz Leiber wrote little in an overtly Lovecraftian vein. The following anthologies include his rare efforts in this area.

Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

The second edition of this ground-breaking anthology includes Fritz Leiber's elegiac The Terror from the Depths brings Albert Wilmarth to Los Angeles, where he and a suitably neurotic young poet encounter creatures who are burrowing just beneath the crust of our urban civilization. It feels like a nostalgic appreciation of Lovecraft himself. Also includes many other seminal Mythos tales by other authors.


Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos

Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos

Leiber's short, whimsical To Arkham and the Stars imagines that the folks at Miskatonic University have continued the study of Mythos matters in a more organized way. Also includes many other early Mythos rarities by other authors.

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